Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1581 Filial Piety

Chapter 1581 Filial Piety
It's not that dinosaurs look down on Qin Zixuan, it's that dinosaurs know Qin Zixuan too well. Although that guy was not a rich second generation in his previous life, his living standard in his previous life was better than that of landlords in this era.

The common people in the previous life lived by singing, but how many families in this era can live by singing?The standard of living of high officials and sub-officials is not even as good as that of ordinary people in previous lives.

From this comparison, it can be concluded that Qin Zixuan grew up in a honeypot in his previous life. After coming to this world, Concubine Cheng was famous for her pains, and Qin Zixuan never suffered.

The only hard time was conquering the Eastern Continent. That family was also playing war. Compared with Qin Zixuan, the other generals were so depressed that they wanted to commit suicide.

After Dahai took the magic dragon flower himself, he didn't dare to send it to Qin Zixuan's mouth if he was killed.

"Well, I have to find a way to make people faint immediately after taking the medicine, and then the body transformation is carried out in a dream." Dahai said seriously.

Dinosaur patted Dahai on the shoulder and said, "You are a good and filial son."

"That's right, I'm old." Dahai puffed out his chest with a smug face, the dinosaur looked speechless, this old dude is also the most deceitful thing.

"I think we still haven't found any medicinal materials. Everything in this world has its opposite. If we can find the opposite medicine, maybe we can proceed smoothly when transforming our bodies, and we don't have to worry about becoming a second grandson."

After the dinosaur finished speaking, he stared at the sea begging for approval, and the sea thought it made sense for a moment, but they didn't know what the medicine was, so it was difficult.

"The magic dragon flower is said to be drilled from hell, you said the corresponding medicinal material will not appear in heaven?" Dahai made a little joke to ease the atmosphere.

The dinosaur nodded and said, "That's difficult. We can neither go to hell nor heaven, so we can only think of other ways."

The two looked at each other and laughed, then shook their heads and came out of the secret room. Qin Zixuan and Li Han were wandering in the courtyard, seeing the two walking out, joy crept up their cheeks.

"You guys figured it out, I was worried that something would happen to you inside." Qin Zixuan couldn't help but shouted, not knowing what they were discussing, they didn't let him, the father, go in.

"Father, you can rest assured that nothing will happen to me." Dahai blinked his eyes and gave Qin Zixuan a hug. Qin Zixuan's face immediately turned bitter. Dahai's smell was really unflattering.

Dahai ran away happily, and he also knew that he smelled bad, so he stopped hugging his mother, and the dinosaur leaned on the side with his hands behind his back, watching Dahai cheat his father.

Qin Zixuan, who loves cleanliness, also ran away, he should go to wash, Li Han shouted and waited, I want to wash my hair, a family of three disappeared in the courtyard, the dinosaur shook his head, this family.

The auction finally started on time. Firstly, the auctions were all sent items. Qin Zixuan led his family to appear at the VIP seats, and Gu Yueru and Feng Qingluan also came.

Dahai Changjiang and the dinosaur sat together, and the three guys stared at the lot and studied it. They had to choose carefully which things were useful for taking pictures.

The first lot was an ancient qin with a dragon head and a phoenix tail, with three strings on it. Nowadays, the qin has seven or five strings, and three strings are really rare.

Qin Zixuan became interested just by looking at it. Antiques in troubled times, gold and prosperity, such things will definitely appreciate in value in the next few years. This is Qin Zixuan's judgment.

Feng Qingluan's piano skills are good, Qin Zixuan asked her if she likes it?If you like it, just take a picture, Feng Qingluan nodded happily, and Gu Yueru said quietly beside her: "Sir, she likes whatever you give her."

"Really?" Qin Zixuan smelled a strong smell of vinegar, and hurriedly said: "Then what do you like? As long as you like, I will give it to you."

Well, with a word, the women were all happy. Qinglian hugged Guo'er and glanced at Qin Zixuan, and found that her father-in-law's mouth was too powerful. Fortunately, Changjiang didn't inherit this advantage. She didn't want to mess with too many sisters.

The host of the auction was Qin Ziming. As soon as this product came on stage, he introduced it with great emotion.

"The dragon and phoenix three-stringed piano, as assessed by the fundamental appraiser, is at least 3000 years old. This is not an ordinary piano, this is a piece of history! The base price is [-] gold, and each increase must not be less than [-]. Bidding begins .”

Qin Ziming said that the hype was falling, he adjusted the atmosphere, and then offered the reserve price, but the atmosphere was raised, but no one bid.

The goal of these people is very simple, that is, pills and decoctions. They want to improve their own strength and the strength of their family. As for other things, no matter how good they are, they will not buy them.

"Oh, this is embarrassing. No one bids for the first lot." Qin Zixuan looked at Qin Ziming who was a little embarrassed, and smiled unscrupulously. Qin Zixuan didn't bid until Qin Ziming yelled twice.

Then the people in the venue breathed a sigh of relief, for fear of being charged with not actively bidding.

On the contrary, the owner of Qin was very disappointed. He wanted to earn a lot of money to buy medicinal soup, but now it seems that he overestimated the value of Qin.

When the second lot was put up, Longfengqin had already been delivered to Qin Zixuan, and Gong Liangyan and his daughters gathered around Longfengqin to look at it.

"The strings are not bad, they are actually made of leopard tendons." Hua Yan hooked the strings to study for a while and came to a conclusion.

"This wood is Lei Lingmu, could it have been passed down from the Central Plains?" Gong Liangyan asked.

Thunder Spirit Wood is a specialty of Thunder God Cliff, but it was destroyed by bombardment later. It is a pity that no new Thunder Spirit Wood has grown up to now.

"Don't there be thunder spirit trees in the Western Continent?" Qin Zixuan looked at Qing Lian, who was sitting here, a native of the Western Continent.

Qing Lian shook her head and said, "I've never heard of where Lei Lingmu is produced."

Ouch, Qin Zixuan's eyes lit up. Could it be that someone came to the Western Continent from the Central Plains 3000 years ago?Or someone from the Western Continent went to the Central Plains, but how did they cross the vast ocean?
"Sanggong, what did you think of?" Li Han asked.

When Qin Zixuan spoke out his idea, he was greeted with rebuttals. It is really too difficult to cross the vast ocean, even if they are not fully sure about traveling in a big boat now, let alone the people at that time.

First of all, the issue of transportation cannot be solved. Faced with everyone's questions, Qin Zixuan suddenly thought of a question and asked, "How did Gong Xu's family move to Bingyan Island?"

When this question was asked, everyone was stunned. They all knew that Gong Xu's family was in Bingyan Island, so how did they cross the vast ocean and move to it?The VIP room was quiet.

(End of this chapter)

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