Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1587 Details

Chapter 1587 Details
Qin Zixuan took Li Han to the Dilong Mountain Range, but did not find Ling'er and Qu Chang. The kid also knew who he borrowed his courage from, and his courage became more and more bold, which made Qin Zixuan very angry.

Li Han followed cautiously by the side, and wanted to tell Mr. Dahai and the Yangtze River the courage that his daughter was growing up day by day.

Mentioning Ling'er's marriage gave Li Han a headache. The young men around him looked around, even the photographers in the southern continent, but they couldn't find one better than Quchang.

There was another Gong Xu in the past, but Gong Xu's identity meant that he could not marry Ling'er. According to the news brought back by the spies, there were too many problems on Bingyan Island.

The people there are either cultivating lunatics or fools. Gong Xu hasn't shown his face since he went back. No need to ask, he must be immersed in cultivation. Gong Xu has never been able to beat the Yangtze River. up.

Anyway, Li Han doesn't expect anything from Gong Xu, even if he is a genius, he will be crossed off from the list. Poor Gong Xu still doesn't know his fate, just as the spies guessed, Gong Xu is cultivating crazily.

Gong Xu's goal is to surpass the sea, and only his fists can prove his status. As for Qu Chang, Gong Xu really doesn't take this person seriously, Gong Xu is sure to abuse Qu Chang thousands of times.

Except for Qin Zixuan, everyone is optimistic about Quchang and Linger, so they will naturally provide convenience.

Qin Zixuan searched Sanxian City and found no one. Returning to Xinxiangyuan, he was very angry and asked Changjiang to send people to bring Quchang and Linger back. No, it was to drive Quchang away and not let him appear in the Western Continent. .

Under this order, the corners of Changjiang's mouth twitched wildly. If he really sat like this, Linger's happiness would be lost. Linger's silly girl has low EQ, which doesn't mean she has no EQ.

Qu Chang and her have known each other since they were young, and Qu Chang also recognized Ling'er, and has always regarded himself as a protector, so he practiced very hard, and Changjiang asked himself that Qu Chang was harder than him.

Such a good boy just miss it, okay?Changjiang asked himself many times, and the answer was not good. Fortunately, Si Shan arrived at this time, and Changjiang found an excuse to forget this order.

Changjiang ordered someone to inform Qin Zixuan to go to the Lunzheng Hall, where he was going to meet Si Shan. This was his old subordinate. When Changjiang was fighting in the Western Continent, there were a group of aborigines from the Western Continent who followed him first. Si Shan was one of them. one.

Qin Zixuan came together with Li Han and Huayan. The great god Gong Liangyan didn't come, and she was raising her baby in the house. I heard that the first three months are the most dangerous. Gong Liangyan decided to minimize the danger. not out.

Fortunately, with Feng Qingluan and Gu Yueru by his side, he wouldn't be lonely. Qin Zixuan was also freed from Gong Liangyan's grievances, which was considered one of the best news during this time.

Several people sat down, Si Shan came in with Li Mo, saw Changjiang Si Shan's eyes were full of tears, he was the only one of the thirty brothers who accompanied him on the mission to come back, recalling that time, Si Shan was like living in hell.

"Si Shan, thank you for your hard work." Changjiang held Si Shan's hand with both hands, staring at Si Shan's eyes, with a sincere tone, a word of hard work made Si Shan burst into tears, all the hard work was worth it.

"My lord, Si Shan is not hard." Si Shan couldn't continue, and Changjiang patted the shoulders of the two good men with encouragement in his eyes.

After a while, Si Shan's mood stabilized. The two parties met and sat at the table drinking tea.

The mission of Si Shan and the others to enter the snowfield this time is not to explore those monsters. They want to enter the snowfield to find Fengyang grass, which is a kind of elixir that grows in the snowfield.

This kind of medicinal material is rare, and they can meet but not seek. They know that the Yangtze River is collecting medicinal materials from all over the world, and the return rate is very high.

So Si Shan discussed with his brothers, they should go to the snow field to find Fengyang grass, and they can also bring back the situation on the snow field, which is a double win for Si Shan and others.

It's just that Si Shan didn't expect that they didn't die in the hands of Baoyu, but in the hands of monsters.

Following Si Shan's narration, Changjiang slowly closed his eyes. After a long time, Changjiang opened his eyes and said: "All the brothers who sacrificed will be awarded first-class merit, and their children will be raised by the state."

"Thank you, master." Si Shan knelt on one knee to thank him, Changjiang waved his hand, and asked the imperial doctor to show Si Shan, recuperate his body, and prescribe some sedatives by the way, Changjiang could see that Si Shan's mental condition was not good.

After going down Si Mountain, Changjiang looked at Qin Zixuan and asked, "Father, what do you think of the strength of those people?"

"The strength of those monsters is at the martial artist level at most, even if they are high, they are not much higher, and they mostly use brute force. I guess their brains are not working well."

Qin Zixuan pointed to his head, and the Yangtze River is clear. Those monsters have the body of a lion, a tiger, and a leopard. These animals are also overlords in nature.

There were at least [-] of Si Shan and the others chasing and killing them. From this point, Si Shan and the others were worth one to ten. If it was a real tiger, it would be impossible for them to defeat them. Si Shan and the others were not even warriors.

"Father thinks their strength is the strength of the animal itself, or the strength of the owner of the head." Changjiang asked again.

"Hey, the head is a good thing," Qin Zixuan looked at the Yangtze River and sighed. Li Han lowered his head and suppressed a smile. Qin Zixuan continued: "I have already said that their heads are not easy to use. How could it be the strength of the head owner."

Changjiang was speechless, didn't he just ask one more question?As for hitting him like this?But this kind of blow can't hurt Changjiang, so Changjiang asked again: "Do you want to wait for big brother to go out of customs before going to the snowfield?"

"When will Dahai leave the customs?" Qin Zixuan asked, Changjiang shook his head to express that he didn't know, the retreat time is a bit long this time.

"Let's wait for Hai Hai to leave the customs." Li Han looked at Qin Zixuan and explained, "The old Taoist tried to steal Meng'er last time, and I'm worried that he will not change his mind and attack again."

Speaking of his daughter, Qin Zixuan was still very serious, and immediately nodded in agreement. At the same time, he asked Changjiang to send people to investigate the situation around the snowfield and find out the missing persons.

From these populations, you can roughly calculate how many monsters the opponent has, and then prepare troops to station in case those people jump the wall in a hurry, or if they move to another place, this kind of scourge must be wiped out at once, and they must not be given a chance to escape. For they are a great evil.

Changjiang felt that this arrangement made sense, so he went to arrange work, while Qin Zixuan rested his chin in thought, not knowing what was going on in Dahai.

In the courtyard of the compound, the dinosaur and the sea are staring at the space stone nervously. Whether it can succeed depends on the final integration. If the integration fails, it can only declare failure!
(End of this chapter)

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