Chapter 1588
As the space stone melted into the furnace bit by bit, Hai Hai’s heart finally returned to its place. He let out a long breath, and the dinosaur wiped his sweat beside him. It turns out that the plots in the novel are all true, and this world is so mysterious. .

Dinosaurs didn't know that the world of Dahai was different from his world. The place where Dahai came from was more advanced, but limited by this world, Dahai didn't recover even [-]% of his strength.

If the dinosaurs knew the truth, they would probably be hit hard.

Dahai put away the space furnace and showed it in front of the dinosaurs. His face was full of complacency. With the space furnace, he could put his parents and relatives into the furnace at critical times. As long as he was still alive, no one else would hurt him.

It is Dahai's firm goal to protect his family, and he has been moving towards this goal. Dahai cherishes having such an amiable and lovely family in two lifetimes.

"The space stone is a good thing, let's send someone to look for it." Dahai said while playing with the space furnace.

Dinosaur nodded frequently, rubbed his hands and said wretchedly: "Look, sea, can you also get me a magic weapon of space, I don't want a stove, this thing is too big for cooking, just give me the whole thing."

Hearing that the dinosaur was going to use a space furnace to cook, Dahai almost knelt down. This man has lofty ideals, and Dahai said that I am convinced.

"Uncle, don't worry, I will build you a pot, a pot that can cook rice, you will run around with a pot in the future, take out the pot to cook when you are hungry, the space in the pot can store a lot of ingredients, think Eat god horses and cook god horses."

Dahai raised his forehead, he thought of something for the dinosaur in a moment, and the dinosaur nodded again and again. He can't marry a wife and have children, so he can make a pot for the rest of his life, and it's good to eat wherever he goes.

The two walked out of the courtyard while talking, and the guard at the door immediately reported to the two that the Lord had an invitation, not only the Lord, but also the Supreme Emperor.

Walking by the seaside and inquiring about what happened, the guard immediately explained, and then the dinosaur stared with big eyes showing surprise, lamenting that the people here are all gods and men, it's amazing that this kind of research has come out.

The dinosaur's reaction was the same as Qin Zixuan's, that is, how did they complete the head transplant without sufficient technological support?We must know that such a high technology in the previous life will still fail the operation.

It was the first time Dahai heard this kind of thing, and his first reaction was disbelief, but looking at the expression of the dinosaur, I am afraid that this person has seen or heard of it before, which means it is true.

Dahai had long guessed that the dinosaur and his father came from the same place. Qin Zixuan didn't ask Dahai about the specific place, but he knew that these two had extraordinary insights, and they could find reasonable explanations for many incomprehensible things.

They came to Changjiang's office, and Changjiang was reading a book. During this time, apart from arranging things on the snow field, he was looking for clues to the Space Stone. When he saw the sea approaching, he quickly got up to meet him.

"Brother, did you succeed?" Chang Jiang looked expectant.

"Take you in and have a look." Dahai said with a smile, his spiritual consciousness enveloped the Yangtze River, and soon the Yangtze River disappeared in place. The dinosaur looked amazed, and his desire to find the space stone became stronger.

He has a lifespan of a thousand years. It may be said that at that time, the development of science and technology can already fly into the sky. At that time, he will bring enough food, take a rocket to outer space, and have an interstellar trip. ah.

After a while, Changjiang reappeared in his original position. His face was full of surprises. Seeing Changjiang jumping excitedly, he exclaimed excitedly, "Brother, I want the magic weapon of space."

"Okay, as long as you find the space stone, I'll teach you how to refine it." Dahai smiled and sat down on the chair, and Changjiang nodded excitedly. It's better to refine the feeling by yourself.

Soon Qin Zixuan also came over. Seeing the Space Furnace hugging and not letting go, Dahai smiled and said, "Father, don't hug so tightly. This is for you. It is used to save your life at critical moments."

"Really?" Qin Zixuan asked excitedly.

"Fake, this is for you to use temporarily, when I find the space stone, I will refine a more advanced one for you." Dahai felt that his bottleneck was a little loose, and he would be able to refine better ones when he broke through again.

"Look for it, I will definitely find it." Qin Zixuan happily kissed the space furnace, and then he heard Da Hai whisper.

"Father, that, just now I hugged the space furnace and admired it for a long time when I was defecating, and I haven't scrubbed it yet."

vomit!Qin Zixuan opened his mouth, looking at the sea with resentment in his eyes, what is this kid thinking?Admiring the space furnace while defecating, without washing it!He is so sloppy.

The dinosaur turned his head and snickered, and Changjiang clicked his tongue twice. The elder brother felt uncomfortable if he didn't sleep with his father for a day, but the way they got along was pretty good.

After a few jokes between the father and son, they got back to business and started discussing the matter on the snowy field. Since Hai Hai had been in seclusion for a long time, the information returned from there was more detailed.

According to statistics, in the past ten years, more than 8000 people have disappeared in Baichuan within a radius of [-] miles, which is equivalent to the population of three or four towns. Every time I think of the Yangtze River, I feel distressed.

Dahai looked at Qin Zixuan, thought for a while and asked, "Father, does this thing have a high success rate?"

"The current level should not be high, but we only investigated the population of the past ten years. There was no investigation of how many people disappeared before, and it is probably indispensable."

After listening to Qin Zixuan's opinion, Dahai looked at the dinosaur, and the dinosaur nodded. He agreed with Qin Zixuan's point of view. Even if the success rate is very low, it won't last long.

And as time goes by, as long as you are not an idiot, your skills will definitely become more and more proficient, and the success rate will be higher.

"The team that Si Shan and the others encountered last time was about 300 people. This should not be all of them." Changjiang added, several people discussed how many monsters the opponent had, and then began to form troops.

Qin Zixuan's opinion is that he will go there in person, or take the opportunity to travel, and Changjiang also wants to go. Dahai suggested that Changjiang should deal with the impact of this incident properly, and not cause panic among the people.

Dahai decided to take a trip. He was interested in the medicinal materials on the snowfield, and he could also take the opportunity to study the ores and other things under the snowfield. With the improvement of strength, Dahai needs more mineral energy.

In the past, the gold mines were used to absorb energy, but now the gold mines can no longer satisfy him, so he changed to other mines.In short, many resources buried deep in the ground can be used by the sea, and he needs to go to many places to attract energy.

Dinosaurs also want to go, but who will protect them at home after they are all gone?At this time, the space furnace showed its power, and Dahai handed over the control method to Huayan.

No matter who comes, as long as there is maliciousness, temporarily put them away, and release them after they come back. If the maliciousness is particularly obvious, you can burn them to death in the furnace without waiting for them to come back.

(End of this chapter)

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