Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1596 Suppression

Chapter 1596 Suppression
Mo Xiao didn't fight alone, behind him was a group of well-cultivated masters, and there was also a saint master, but the saint master was suppressed by the dinosaurs as soon as he appeared.

The holy master who was scared by this move doubted his life. After all, he was also a super master who was once famous. Can you show some face and stop hitting him so hard?
At any rate, let him stand for three to five hundred rounds before losing. What is the meaning of suppressing this move?
Mo Xiao's opponent was Da Hai. After three rounds, Mo Xiao was defeated, and together with his younger brother, he was suppressed in front of Qin Zixuan, kneeling in a row with Brother Long.

Mo Xiao and the younger brother refused to accept it, they were still struggling, and then they were unable to struggle, and they had to kneel if they didn't kneel.

Gu Yuerong and the others let go of their hands and feet and killed them all the way. No matter whether they are humans or beasts, they are not worthy to continue living in this world. Who knows if they will build another similar base if they survive.

The battle here has attracted some people's attention. Qiangzi is one of those people. Their status is low and they are not qualified to live in this base.

However, Qiangzi thought about Qin Zixuan's group, so he quietly ran over to check the situation, and saw the gate of the base was wide open, standing in front of the gate was the group of people he met yesterday, and there were still shouts of killing coming from inside.

Qiangzi knew the opportunity was coming, he turned around and ran away, and then was discovered, Qiangzi felt that he was very unlucky, he should take his family and run away, so he had no choice but to kneel there and beg for mercy.

Donghuang Taiye is in charge of guarding the gate. At this time, he has recognized Qiangzi and called Qiangzi to interrogate Qiangzi. Qiangzi in turn asks Donghuang Taiye what their purpose is here.

I have to say that Qiangzi is also a bold one. Fortunately, Donghuang Taiye has a good temper, so he didn't get angry and kill Qiangzi. Instead, he told Qiangzi that they are the representatives of justice, the embodiment of light, and they are here to eliminate darkness. drop.

This man put himself in an upright and sacred position as soon as he opened his mouth. Qiangzi knelt down and wept bitterly after speaking, revealing his identity like beans falling from a bamboo tube.

Li Mo, the intelligence team, was writing down and thinking about the truth of this person's words. When Qiangzi mentioned the Black Forest, Li Mo shouted: "Is the Black Forest inhabited?"

"Yes, our village lives in the Black Forest." Qiangzi's tone was firm. His father told him that their ancestors had lived there for generations. Although Qiangzi's memory was not very clear, he knew it was true.

Li Mo scratched his head, feeling that his reputation as a knowledge base was in vain. How could he not know that there were people living in the Black Forest?

At this time, Jiang Sheng came over. He was a strong man of the Jiang family in the Western Continent, and also belonged to the daughter-in-law of the Yangtze River. Li Mo, an outsider, didn't know about the Black Forest, but Jiang Sheng did.

Jiang Sheng came over and said, "There is indeed a village in the Black Forest. That village lives on hunting, and everyone has good skills."

Qiangzi was very excited when he heard that, and looked at Jiang Sheng, Donghuang Taiye also looked at Jiang Sheng, feeling that what Jiang Sheng said was a little reliable, after all, their strong men like to take risks in dangerous places, but Li Mo has little chance to take risks.

"Senior, it is true that there is a village in the Black Forest, but I'm not sure if this person is from the Black Forest. I'm afraid I can only confirm it after investigation."

Jiang Sheng respected Donghuang Taiye very much, and it would be wrong to disrespect. This is the master's grandfather, so where is his status? Besides, Donghuang Taiye is also the one who protects the Yangtze River and conquers this country.

"Well, I believe you, those who can live in the Black Forest are definitely not weak." Donghuang Taiye turned his gaze to Qiangzi and asked, "How did you move here?"

"We didn't move here, we were forcibly captured and used as slaves." Qiangzi was really sad when he said this, and slowly told his story.

It turned out that 20 years ago, a group of masters suddenly came to the Black Forest. They entered the Black Forest to hunt wild animals. I don't know whether they found their village on purpose or by going the wrong way.

Then those people took all the old and weak women and children in the village into the snow field, leaving only some strong men to help them catch the beasts. At that time Qiangzi was only eight years old.

At that time, the men in the village fought several battles with those masters, most of them were killed or injured, and finally they had to succumb. These weak people were taken as hostages to the snow field, and they have lived here until now.

In the past, the strong men in the village either died in the mouth of wild beasts, or died in the hands of those strong men, and he gradually grew up and took over the task of catching wild beasts. If he could not catch the wild beasts, the women and children in the village would die. persecuted.

In order to survive, Qiangzi had no choice but to bear it. Seeing Qin Zixuan and his group this time, he thought it was an opportunity, and for safety's sake, he came to check quietly.

Unexpectedly, he was discovered on the spot, and he had no chance to escape.After Qiangzi finished telling his story, he knelt there and wept loudly. He didn't ask for anything other than to spare the women and children in the village.

Donghuang Taiye sighed for a long time, and looked at Li Mo, these people should be arranged by Li Mo.

Li Mo sighed, pulled Qiangzi aside, and began to record the situation of everyone in the village. If he did not do evil, he could naturally let it go, but if he intervened in the head transplant, he must not let it go.

Qiangzi can also understand this point, he doesn't plead for the villagers who entered the base, he just wants to spare those who live outside, those are weak, they don't even have the qualifications to enter the gate of the base.

If one day they are really forced into the base, no need to ask, it must be the food in the mouth of the beast, it will not be a good thing for them, it will be a disaster.

Qiangzi made it clear that he was very cooperative in his words and actions. This person is also familiar with the law of the jungle. He is not as strong as others, so he just bowed his head and surrendered, but he had no other intentions.

Things went smoothly outside, but Qin Zixuan encountered a little trouble inside. The battle in the lobby was fine, it was a one-sided battle, but it was different when it came to those passages, which were full of traps. not easy.

Fortunately, Gu Yuerong and the others are all masters, even though they were attacked by agencies, they didn't lose their lives.

Looking at the injured disciple, Qin Zixuan was furious, and beat Mo Xiao with his fists, and what greeted Qin Zixuan was Mo Xiao's wild laughter, this man was really only a thin line away from a lunatic.

"Mo Xiao, you lunatic, you really think you are a god, alright, since you refuse to cooperate, then I will make you really a god." Qin Zixuan was furious, and he could do anything.

He grabbed Brother Long and shouted: "Do you want to put your head on the beast?"

Brother Long shook his head in fright, pretending to be someone else's head was cool, but taking his own head off and putting it on a wild beast was too terrifying, and Brother Long expressed his unwillingness.

Qin Zixuan shouted: "You don't want to, do you? Then transplant Mo Xiao's head to the beast!"

(End of this chapter)

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