Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1597 Interrogation

Chapter 1597 Interrogation
Mo Xiao stared at Qin Zixuan with wide eyes and fear, and shouted: "I am a saint, I am a strong man, I can be killed but not humiliated!"

As soon as this remark came out, Qin Zixuan was delighted at the time. A strong fart can be killed but not humiliated. Your mother, you are a strong person who can move other people's heads to beasts. Mo Xiao will have to experience this crime. .

Seeing Qin Zixuan's serious face, Mo Xiao was really startled, and shouted loudly: "Don't, don't, I cooperate, I cooperate."

Pa, your mother, you really don't want to smoke. Qin Zixuan slapped Mo Xiao on the head, and he was really convinced by this thick-skinned guy.

At this moment, Mo Xiao's younger brother knelt there motionless like a quail, Qin Zixuan made a look, Dahai understood instantly, and carried Mo Xiao's younger brother to the side.

The best way to interrogate the prisoners is to interrogate the prisoners separately, so as to save them from colluding. Seeing that Mo Xiao was frightened, Dahai turned his attention to his younger brother.

When he came to the corner of the hall, Dahai didn’t ask any questions. He twitched Mo Xiao’s face for a while, and then said viciously: “Tell me everything you know, or else, hey, I’ll put your head in a dog’s mouth.” body."

The younger brother was trembling with fright, but he knew what it would be like to put his head on a dog, except for barking, he had no other skills.

This scare, the little brother dare not hide it, in fact, he is in this environment, his resolve has long been lost, and he is also in the ranks of lunatics and perverts, becoming a bully and a coward.

Back then, Mo Xiao was also a genius. He reached the Saint Master level in his early forties. Since then, his strength has not improved any more. This makes Mo Xiao very annoyed and helpless. Mo Xiao is afraid of death, he is afraid that he will die of old age every day.

After being unable to improve, he went astray. He tried many methods, of course they were all tested on others, and he himself hid in a safe place to observe the results.

Those experiments all ended in failure, until one day Mo Xiao was reminded by a sentence, that is, a dog lived at a young age, so he thought of the combination of man and beast on a whim.

This idea was approved by Zhang Gui, who was also afraid of death. Zhang Gui and Mo Xiao were contemporaries, and Mo Xiao's most loyal younger brother. Now it seems that this younger brother is not so loyal.

Although the lifespan of a beast is not as long as that of humans, if he can master this technology, he can perform transplants again and again at the end of his life, but he has not yet mastered this technology.

"Aren't you stupid? Since you thought of moving your head, why don't you experiment on human body?" Dahai asked with a curled lip. The lifespan of wild beasts is much lower than that of humans, so they are so afraid of finding their own kind for experiments.

"I've thought about it, and tried it, but it's not certain who will be resurrected." The younger brother said with a bitter face.

It turns out that they have thought about this kind of thinking, but it is really not certain who will be resurrected through the experiment. It is not possible to move the head to live, or it may be the owner of the body who lives.

The risk was too great, and Mo Xiao didn't want to end up taking advantage of others, so he abolished the human experiment. I have to say that this is really a selfish and smart person.

Dahai shook his head straight when he heard this, he has seen many perverts, but this is the first time he has seen such a pervert, and I have to say that there is a fine line between a genius and a lunatic.

Dahai is interrogating his younger brother, and Qin Zixuan is also interrogating Mo Xiao, but Mo Xiao is obviously much smarter than his younger brother, and his answers are all words to shirk responsibility.

For example, who is in charge of this base, Mo Xiaohui is led by Zhang Gui, the idea is also thought up by Zhang Gui, and the people are also caught by Zhang Gui. I took it overnight.

Qin Zixuan didn't believe what he said, but it didn't prevent him from continuing to interrogate. Not only Qin Zixuan was shocked by this question, but even the chief surgeon, Long Ge, was shocked. Is this old man so old?

Who would have thought that Mo Xiao had already lived to be 180 years old at this time, and this human-animal experiment had been carried out for more than 80 years. It can only be said that Mo Xiao has lived so well on the road of pursuing longevity.

"You said, you have lived for 180 years, why do you want to continue to live?" Qin Zixuan asked loudly, he was really not calm, is this person too greedy.

Standing beside Qin Zixuan, Li Han bit Qin Zixuan's ear and whispered, "Sir, if I have you by my side, even 800 years is not too long for me."

"Well, me too, cherish the present." Qin Zixuan looked at Li Han seriously and said, "I don't want to live as a perverted lunatic. Those means of borrowing life and transferring life are not allowed to be touched. As long as I can live, I will die. We have to face it calmly.”

"No, I don't like to live like a lunatic." Li Han replied seriously, and the dinosaur was listening to the music, and the shameless couple seized the opportunity to confess.

Mo Xiao also glared at Qin Zixuan and the two of them, and when Li Han spoke, he beamed with joy. He thought he could convince the two of them, but Qin Zixuan's words were like pouring cold water on him, and he didn't give him a chance at all.

Qin Zixuan pointed to Mo Xiao and said: "This kind of person is too yin, he wastes air when he lives, wastes land when he dies, and pollutes the pure prison after going to hell. This kind of person should be reborn on chickens for generations in his next life.

It's still the kind of old rooster who lives in a Taoist temple, not to mention being a bachelor all his life, and finally being plucked by some unscrupulous little Taoist priest and boiled in water, leaving no bones left. "

That being said, even the dinosaurs began to sympathize with Mo Xiao. This self-proclaimed Demon God didn't know that he couldn't become a god, and the possibility of becoming a beast was even greater.

Thinking about the evil he did in his previous life, Dinosaur felt that his evil was incomparable to Mo Xiao's sincerity, and he wanted to live a thousand-year-old bachelor, so Mo Xiao must be an eternal old rooster no matter what.

Thinking about being reborn as a chicken, then living a boring crowing life alone, and finally being swallowed by a little Taoist priest, the dinosaur felt that this little day was so sad that he didn't want it.

I don't know if I have a chance to eat him once I am reborn as an adult. Thinking of this, the dinosaur feels that it is necessary to communicate with Dahai again, and it is best for him to be reincarnated as an adult early.

When it comes to reincarnation, dinosaurs only believe in the sea. When it comes to friendship, they are naturally closer to Qin Zixuan, after all, they are from the same world.

Mo Xiao stared at Qin Zixuan angrily, what kind of hatred is this, to curse him like this, even if he killed some ants like existence, is he worthy of being called someone?For the sake of his great cause of longevity, what is it even if some people die?
Mo Xiao hasn't realized his mistake yet, but his eyes are staring, and someone is upset, Li Han sees someone who dares to stare at the young man, and he wants to beat him up!Since he owes the pump, he will be beaten as a parent.

(End of this chapter)

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