Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1598 Interrogation

Chapter 1598 Interrogation
Before reincarnation, Mo Xiao felt that he was quite sad. He just gave Qin Zixuan a look, and then he was beaten to death by Li Han, wishing he could die early and get out of life.

Mo Xiao couldn't figure out when such a group of fierce people appeared in this world?It doesn't matter if you can't figure it out, Li Han doesn't care so much about his fists, as long as she has fun.

Dahai came over carrying Zhang Sheng, and threw him beside Brother Long. Zhang Sheng shrank his neck in fright and knelt there obediently, not daring to be presumptuous at all. He could tell that these guys were ruthless.

"Father, how was the interrogation going?" Dahai looked at the unlucky Mo Xiao, with a warm smile on his face, like a handsome young man walking over with endless warmth.

It's just that Mo Xiao can't feel the warmth, Mo Xiao only feels terrible, but he knows that he can't even survive the opponent's three moves, it's terrible, this is a terrible opponent.

"Not a word of truth." Qin Zixuan looked at Zhang Sheng, Zhang Sheng shrank his neck in fright, Qin Zixuan pointed to Zhang Sheng and said, "Mo Xiao said that everything here is led by Zhang Sheng, he is just a local tyrant with a lot of money. "

After saying a word, Zhang Sheng was terrified. If he didn't treat such a scammer, he would still be Mo Xiao's boss in vain. After following him all his life, he would finally help him take the blame. This Zhang Sheng would not do it.

Zhang Sheng is not afraid of death, but he is afraid of putting his head on the body of a beast. Those days are really not for humans. If he can keep clear and live a long life, then at the end of his life, Zhang Sheng expressed his willingness to accept it.

But not now, definitely not now, Zhang Sheng kowtowed to Qin Zixuan, cursed and swore to prove his innocence, he was the follower, and it was not Mo Xiao who was stupid and rich, but Zhang Sheng.

"My lord, the younger one is the old ancestor of the Zhang family. The Zhang family is now one of the eight great families of Shenlong, with a rich heritage. The expenses here are all supported by the Zhang family." Zhang Sheng cried.

"The Zhang family, do they know about this base? Did they participate in the base's research?" Qin Zixuan grasped the point, and the good guy said that he didn't appear for nothing, and must have the financial group's support.

"This," Zhang Sheng hesitated. He suddenly realized that he might have dragged the Zhang family into a dead end. Although the Zhang family prospered because of him, it might also be destroyed because of him.

"You don't need to ask, you must know it, and you are even looking forward to the results here, am I right?" Qin Zixuan smiled darkly, looking at Zhang Sheng's eyes sparkling.

Li Han picked his nose, thinking that Xianggong was cheating Zhang Sheng, wondering if Zhang Sheng was really a fool with a lot of money, so he admitted it right away.

As a result, Li Han was dumbfounded, and Zhang Sheng didn't admit it all at once, but directly begged for mercy!

"My lord, please forgive me. This, this is Mo Xiao's idea. It was Mo Xiao who asked the Zhang family to support him behind his back." Zhang Sheng kowtowed, Qin Zixuan grinned, feeling the pain in Zhang Sheng's head.

"Nonsense, it's obvious that your Zhang family came here on their own initiative, and it's obvious that you want to dominate the world with this, so why are you supporting me?" Mo Xiao was furious.

Turning his head, Mo Xiao stared at Qin Zixuan and shouted: "My lord, I am a lonely family. I only want to live forever. The wealth in this world is nothing like mine. It is his Zhang family who is greedy for kingship and hegemony in the world. That's why I have been supporting my research. .”

Qin Zixuan looked at the sea, and the sea shrugged his shoulders. It was the first time he saw people who were greedy for kingship and hegemony act like this. Did he really think that driving a group of monsters could win thousands of miles of mountains and rivers?
In the face of aliens, in the face of anti-human behavior, even if the last person dies, humans will not give up fighting, because they do not want to live on dogs.

It's a pity that some people don't understand such a simple truth, and they still want to control this kind of power, which is really ridiculous.

Gu Yuerong came out from the passage on the second floor, stood on the railing and asked downwards: "Brother-in-law, there are many humans and beasts here, what should I do?"

"Is there a transplant?" Qin Zixuan asked back.

Gu Yuerong rolled his eyes, isn't this nonsense, do you still need to ask after the transplant? It must have been chopped off with a knife, and he replied helplessly: "I haven't transplanted it yet. I'm locked up with wild beasts to cultivate feelings."

Pfft, Qin Zixuan blew up, and looked at Mo Xiao and expressed his admiration. It's crazy to think of cultivating feelings in this way. Isn't it true that wild beasts want to eat humans?

"Close people first, and release them after the place is cleaned up. Remember not to mix in people who shouldn't be alive." Qin Zixuan warned, worried that someone would escape.

Gu Yuerong made a gesture to show that he understood, turned around and went in to continue cleaning.

Gong Liangxiang, who was in charge of the battle on the third floor, also came out and reported to Xia: "Brother-in-law, this floor is the operating room, and there are many monsters locked in it. Some of them are still under surgical observation, and they have been killed. But There is an old man who cleans and asks to do one thing before he dies."

"What is it?" Qin Zixuan was curious.

"He said he was going to transplant Mo Xiao's head into a dog, and as soon as he finished this, he would commit suicide immediately, otherwise he would die with regret." Gong Liangxiang stared at Mo Xiao viciously.

Mo Xiao suddenly felt chills all over his body. He didn't know why the old cleaning man made such unreasonable demands. Those who could enter the laboratory were all people he trusted.

Of course, Qin Zixuan was also very curious, and signaled to Dahai to carry him up to the third floor, so he wanted to meet the old man and ask him why he made such a proposal.

Mo Xiao wanted to resist, but unfortunately his dantian was sealed and he couldn't display his strength. He was as weak as an ordinary old man at this moment, how could he break free.

Li Han kicked Zhang Sheng in the ass. The Zhang family's business has not been finished yet, but there is no rush. Just destroy the Zhang family after returning. It is better to destroy such ambitious people.

Zhang Sheng and Brother Long silently followed behind, not daring to lift their heads, for fear of making a mistake and being decapitated and put on the dog.

In the passageway on the third floor, Gong Liangxiang had asked the old man to clean up a clean area for Qin Zixuan and others to watch. The old man was covered with white hair and his hands were covered with calluses. When he saw Qin Zixuan and his party coming in, he immediately knelt down.

"Old man Chen Shun, the village head of Chenjia Village in the Black Forest, greetings to all the adults." The old man pressed his head against the floor, tears streaming down his face.

"Tell me about the specific process." Qin Zixuan said, with his hands behind his back, with an inscrutable appearance, the old man followed his words and told his own story.

Back then, Chen Shun was also a strong one. Although he was not a holy teacher, he was a proper master. He led the whole village to live in the Black Forest, living a life of indifference to the world.

Unexpectedly, one day Mo Xiao and Zhang Sheng led a group of strong men into the black forest to catch wild beasts. I have to say that Mo Xiao and Zhang Sheng were really good leaders back then. They took the lead in everything and even caught wild beasts by themselves.

Then they strayed into Chenjia Village. At that time, Mo Xiao and others became malicious. After eating and drinking, they tied up the women and children of Chenjia Village, forced Chen Shun and others to surrender, and helped them catch wild animals.

(End of this chapter)

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