Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1599 Revenge

Chapter 1599 Revenge
If it was just for catching wild animals, Chen Shun's hatred for Mo Xiao would definitely not be so strong. The most hateful thing was that Mo Xiao didn't keep his promise and actually brought people from Chenjia Village in as experimental materials.

At the beginning, Chenjia Village was also a large village with more than 2000 people. Now, 20 years later, let alone 2000 people, there are not even 200 people. Those who worked for Moxiao back then either died on the way to catch wild animals, or died in Moxiao. hand.

Chen Shun has survived until now because he is not afraid of being dirty or tired. He has lived to this day holding his breath, just to survive Mo Xiao to death, and then avenge the dead villagers when Mo Xiao is old and frail.

Chen Shun said with blood and tears in his eyes, he has been living in self-blame, he hated himself for being so weak back then, and even more hated himself for not being hard-hearted and running away with the villagers who had escaped,

He actually believed a devil's words, and really thought that obedient obedience would save his life, but he didn't know that it was a deal with the devil, and there were no bones left for them to die.

After Qin Zixuan heard Chen Shun's cry, his eyes fell on Mo Xiao's face. Mo Xiao lowered his head and looked down, not knowing what he was thinking. In fact, Mo Xiao was thinking about some nonsense Chen Shun said.

After so many years, he has long forgotten how many villages he has wiped out, and he will catch them after he dies. He never thought that ants still hold revenge and want revenge. If he knew, he would definitely not keep a single one.

"Uh, Chen Shun, you are considered an old man here. Let me ask you, are there all the people here? Are there any people hiding outside? Or are there people who haven't come back yet after going out to do errands?"

Qin Zixuan wanted to wipe out this base in one fell swoop, so naturally he didn't want any fish that slipped through the net. Hearing this, Chen Shun frowned and thought hard, and after thinking for a while, he said weakly: "I'm not sure if it's the same as here, but I know where it lives. The family of Possessed Moxiao."

Um?Qin Zixuan stared, didn't Mo Xiao say that he was alone?Zhang Sheng also stared wide-eyed, also expressing doubts.

Chen Shun stroked the head of the old yellow dog beside him, with pensive expression on his face, and slowly said: "I have secretly investigated Mo Xiao, and there are several people living in a cave on the snowy mountain thirty miles away from here. Mo Xiao’s wife and children, I don’t know if they know about this place.”

Speaking of this, Chen Shun sighed, and said in a low voice: "I wanted to kill them several times, but I was worried about attracting Mo Xiao's revenge. For the sake of the remaining villagers, I can only endure and wait!"

Everyone knows what they are waiting for, just waiting for the chance to kill Mo Xiao, Qin Zixuan's eyes fell on the old yellow dog, the old yellow dog is very old, and its old teeth have fallen out.

"This is the body you prepared for Mo Xiao?" Qin Zixuan asked curiously, everyone said that he lived on a dog, but this was the first time he saw that he really lived on a dog.

As soon as the words came out, Mo Xiao shook his body, looked at Chen Shun's eyes with murderous intent, Chen Shun nodded, blood and tears flowed out again, and said in a hoarse voice: "My wife and children were bitten to pieces by this old dog." Corpse."

Ouch, Qin Zixuan wanted to vomit, and felt that his worldview needed to be repaired. An old yellow dog who ate his wife and children, he didn't take the opportunity to kill him, but he was so well raised and cared for so delicately. This is also a pervert.

"Father, let's go to the fourth and fifth floors, maybe there will be surprises." Dahai felt that it was necessary to take his father away, and worried that his father would vomit if he continued to ask.

"That's right, let's go up and have a look, maybe there will be treasures waiting for us." Li Han stretched out his hand to hold Qin Zixuan's arm and walked out.

These perverts, it's better not to deal with them. If you talk too much, you will suspect that you are also one of the perverts. Li Han thinks that the pure young man should not see this dark side.

Qin Zixuan pointed at Mo Xiao, and Gong Liangxiang called out: "Brother-in-law, go up and have a look, leave this to me, I know how to deal with it."

Dinosaur took a deep look at Chen Shun. He felt that he was miserable enough, and his feelings were worse than his own. Finally, his eyes fell on Zhang Sheng. Forget it, don't take this person away, and change his head together.

"My lord, please let my wife and children go, they are innocent, they don't know anything." Mo Xiao finally came to his senses, he knew that his background had been exposed.

Zhang Sheng threw himself on Mo Xiao with resentment. Damn, he used his Zhang family as a gunman. He obviously has a wife and children, but he lied to him that he had no worries and only wanted to live forever, and that such a great invention was enough to make him The Zhang family is proud of the whole continent.

Damn it, Zhang Sheng feels like a second idiot. He obviously spent all of the Zhang family's wealth, and even tricked the Zhang family into being a fool. This feud has exploded.

As Qin Zixuan and his group left, Gong Liangxiang's eyes fell on Mo Xiao and Zhang Sheng, and then on Brother Long.

Hehe smirked a few times, Gong Liangxiang stared at Brother Long and said, "Did you do so many bad things, did you know that one day your head would appear on a dog?"

Brother Long was frightened, didn't he mean Jie Moxiao's head?How could it fall on him, Brother Long said that he was wronged, he was just a knife in someone else's hand.

"Chen Shun, you can do it now." Gong Liangxiang retreated to the side and decided to fulfill Chen Shun, this guy is too wronged.

Chen Shun kowtowed three times to Gong Liangxiang, and while shed blood and tears, he grabbed Mo Xiao by the collar and carried him into the operating room. He has been here for ten years, and he would have learned that a long time ago.

There were no more medicines in the operating room, no pain relief, no more medicine to keep the head alive, Chen Shun never thought about keeping Mo Xiao alive.

The old yellow dog followed Chen Shun erratically, and when he saw someone brought him into the operating room, he barked excitedly. Obviously, he had seen this scene many times.

Zhang Sheng watched Mo Xiao enter the operating room, and fell there powerlessly. At the same time, he was glad that he had escaped, but Zhang Sheng was thinking too much.

Chen Shun locked Mo Xiao on the operating table, then turned around and brought Zhang Sheng and Brother Long in. None of these three guys had a good thing, so Chen Shun decided not to let anyone go.

After fixing the three of them, Chen Shun picked up the old yellow dog, stroked the old yellow dog's head, a crazy look appeared on his face, and soon the old yellow dog was also fixed. He probably didn't think that his position was here, Lao Huang The dog began to struggle frantically.

"Damn dog, you have eaten so much human flesh, do you think you can survive?" Chen Shun cursed bitterly, picked up the scalpel in his hand, the scalpel magnified in the dog's eyes, and the old yellow dog's eyes showed frightened.

As a dog's head fell on the case, Chen Shun's eyes moved to Mo Xiao, the old bastard who was the first to undergo surgery, Mo Xiao made a desperate cry for help, and his eyes looked at Gong Liangxiang.

"Help me, I don't want to die." Mo Xiao's voice was still shaking in the space, his head had already fallen under Chen Shun's hands, he held it carefully as if looking at a rare treasure, and moved towards the dog.

(End of this chapter)

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