Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1603 Discovery

Chapter 1603 Discovery
After entering the room, Hua Yan and the others divided the guests into seats. Looking at the room full of terrifying strength, Qu Zongzhu really wanted to find an opportunity to ask his son, why is there no weak person in this family?
Ling'er didn't know what Qu Zongzhu's arrival meant, and she was still warmly greeting guests from afar. Her father and elder brother were away, so Linger decided to stand up and help her second brother share some pressure.

Fortunately, the people who came were all acquaintances, Linger was more relaxed, Changjiang looked at Linger and felt like my sister had grown up.

Qin Zixuan didn't know the news of Sect Master Qu's arrival. They ate and drank and set off on the journey again. Our Lady's Lake is not well-known in the Western Continent, but it is well-known among high-level warriors.

Because he is not only beautiful but also dangerous, it is one of the most dangerous places in the Western Continent. In addition to looking for medicinal materials, Dahai came to the Western Continent for adventure, but this expedition brought Qin Zixuan with him.

There is also a team on the snow field marching towards the Holy Mother Lake. This is a special team. They are similar to Qin Zixuan's team, and they are all saint masters.

The leader is an old Taoist, and the old Taoist leader is very distinctive, if Qin Zixuan can see it, he will recognize it, and maybe he will rush to fight.

That's right, it was the old Taoist who was about to return to the Southern Continent, but before he returned to the Southern Continent, he met a few friends, and their goal was Our Lady's Lake.

Layman Shengguang stepped lightly on the snow and said as he walked, "It is said that there is a special energy at the bottom of the Holy Mother Lake. I have not found out what it is, but I hope it will be useful to us."

"Well, whether it's useful or not, you'll only find out after looking into it. It's always a chance." Layman Hengguang continued, stroking a few sparse goatees and looking into the distance.

The old Taoist didn't speak, and he said after a long time: "Qin Zixuan is also coming here, I really don't want to confront him at this time."

"Is Qin Zixuan that scary? Old Daoist, are you overestimating him?" Layman Shengguang asked, with a strong suspicion on his face, obviously not optimistic about Qin Zixuan.

The old Taoist sighed, and really wanted to say that he had underestimated, but he knew that these people would not believe that Qin Zixuan himself was not scary, it was the people around Qin Zixuan who were scary.

According to the observation of the old Taoist, Qin Zixuan never left the master's side, no matter where he went, he was always surrounded by a group of strong men, which made the old Taoist very headache, and he couldn't find a chance to do it.

It was originally a small temptation, but he didn't expect that he was injured just as soon as he stretched out his hand. Of course, the old man would not tell such embarrassing things, he just felt bitter.

"Master, there is still a long way to the Holy Mother's Lake, you should wear thicker clothes." Li Han advised, worried that Qin Zixuan would be frozen, in Li Han's heart, Xianggong is still weak and needs her protection from time to time.

Qin Zixuan didn't object, he changed into a thicker cloak, looked up at the sky, felt that it was going to snow again, and then looked at the snow-capped mountains in the distance, he could only use one word to describe it: high!

Soaring into the clouds, the mountains and the sky are intertwined, as if as long as you climb to the top of the mountain, you can go to the sky. Of course, Qin Zixuan knew that this was an illusion, and also knew that the sky does not drop like that, and it is easy to fall to death.

The dinosaur came over with a jug of wine, looking at the handsome dinosaur, Qin Zixuan could only envy him, that guy didn't seem to know the cold.

A single robe is enough in cold weather. If it doesn't make him more human, he probably doesn't need to wear that single robe. In fact, dinosaurs are not afraid of the cold, but he is only afraid of being alone, so he clings tightly to Qin Zixuan's thigh.

"If you go any further, you will enter the territory of Notre Dame Lake. I heard that it is very dangerous there. Don't run around when the time comes." The dinosaur ran over and said, as if he came here just to say this.

Qin Zixuan nodded, and took out the peanuts from his bosom. The dinosaur suddenly smiled and narrowed his eyes. This was his purpose. Lin Xi quickly handed over a jar of wine, knowing that the two of them were about to drink.

Lin Xi and the little cook are considered to be two guys in the team who are not holy masters. He is responsible for arranging everyone's meals, and the little cook is in charge of the food. Most of the old cooks who were used before stayed behind because of their age.

Following the team's ups and downs, it was replaced by young people. After the training of the youth camp, the little cook is not only good at cooking, but also good at martial arts. After practicing hard, he will also be a strong one.

At this time, the little cook was sitting on the sled silently studying food. He took over the sacred task from his grandfather, which was to take good care of the prince's stomach. The little cook was still very serious.

Seeing Qin Zixuan and the dinosaur sitting together drinking, the little cook wondered if the appetizers would be short. After the camp was settled, he would make some simple side dishes. The prince can eat whenever he wants to drink.

Qin Zixuan took a sip of his wine and asked, "What danger is there in Our Lady's Lake?"

"This is said to be a restricted area for human beings, so you can imagine the danger of these four words." The dinosaur replied, smacking its mouth twice, and praising the good wine.

This wine was authentic, absolutely not adulterated, and it was not mixed with alcohol, so the feeling couldn't be described in a word. Looking for Qin Zixuan to drink is one of the dinosaur's favorite things to do.

Human forbidden area?Qin Zixuan raised his eyebrows. In his previous life, there were many restricted areas for humans. As a coward, Qin Zixuan had never challenged them before. He was so excited when he thought of challenging the restricted areas for humans.

On the other hand, the expression of the dinosaur is very normal. This guy does not follow the usual path, and he is not a serious person. He broke the rules a lot in his previous life, and the challenge is impossible.

Li Han looked at Qin Zixuan with his chin resting on his chin. Seeing that his husband was excited, Li Han felt that he was the truth, probably because his mother-in-law was too strict with him. What he likes to do most after his brain is broken is to challenge the impossible.

Dahai was exploring the way ahead, and suddenly Dahai stopped the team. With the snow pole in his hand, he pulled off the snowflakes covering the footprints, and said loudly, "Someone passed by here, it shouldn't be too long."

As soon as the words came out, many people gathered around, and then Qingxue started to check for any other footprints, Qin Zixuan also came over and asked, "Who could it be?"

"I'm not sure, there are many masters in this world." Dahai sighed. He used to think that he was superior, but now he thinks that's not the case. There are still masters in this world, but he has never met them.

"Could it be the old Taoist group?" Seeing everyone looking at her, Li Han added, "I always feel that the old Taoist is not alone, there should be a group of people behind him."

Qin Zixuan rolled his eyes and said nothing, he also thought so, but so far he has only seen the old man, and none of the other experts.

Dahai pondered for a moment, then said: "It may be that group of people. There are more than one footprint here, at least five people. I don't know what they are doing here at Notre Dame Lake?"

"Five?" Qin Zixuan yelled, a veteran is like that, if they meet five, do they still have a chance to win?At this moment, Qin Zixuan wished he could research the atomic bomb, but of course it was impossible.

(End of this chapter)

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