Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1604 Snow Wolf

Chapter 1604 Snow Wolf

Hearing that there were five veteran-like masters, Qin Zixuan's group felt heavy, as if they were pressing down on a mountain, and at the same time, they were even more curious about what the veterans were doing in Notre Dame Lake?
Anyway, it is impossible to come here and then go back, but Qin Zixuan didn't want to follow too closely, so they found a place to set up camp and rest for a while before talking.

On the snow mountain, the veterans were still on their way, when suddenly a big snowball hit their heads, the veterans immediately became vigilant, and looked in the direction of the snowball.

After a howling sound, a group of snowfield wolves appeared in front of several people. These snowfield wolves were very big, like adult cattle, staring at the old man with their green eyes.

The old people looked at each other, they knew it was dangerous before they came here, they didn't expect it to be so dangerous, what did these snowfield wolves grow up on?Is the size of each one too big?

Suspicions abounded in their hearts, and their footsteps slowed down. They didn't know how strong the snowfield wolves were, so naturally they didn't dare to be careless. Some of these snowfield wolves rushed down excitedly, and some were drooling.

In their eyes, the old men came to deliver meat, and the snow wolf who hadn't been able to fill his stomach for a long time couldn't find a reason to let these people go.

"Get ready to fight!" The old Taoist sighed. He had just approached the snow mountain, and there was still a long way to go to the Holy Mother Lake. He had to climb over the snow mountain in front of him, and he didn't know what danger lay ahead.

After the old man's voice fell, there was no response, but it can be seen from the aura emanating from several people that they heard it and started to act.

"Kill!" With a loud roar, several people charged towards the snowfield wolf. Fist shadows flickered, swords flashed, sword energy roared, and cold light shone. They rushed into the pack of wolves like a tiger into a pack of wolves.

The blood of the directly killed snowfield wolves stained the snow on the ground red, and a roar came from the mouth of the wolf king, and the scattered snowfield wolves suddenly formed a formation, and they moved slowly in a neat line.

"Well, you actually have wisdom." The old man stared at the wolf king with surprise in his eyes. A pack of scattered wolves is not scary, but what is terrible is that they have wisdom and know how to cooperate with each other.

"Damn it, the strength of these snowfield wolves is at least master-level, and some have reached the level of saint masters. If they are allowed to grow, they will definitely be a disaster." Layman Shengguang said.

These words actually aroused a wave of echoes, and there was no one else!The Snow Wolf lived honestly on the snow mountain, neither inviting nor provoking others, somehow became a scourge.

If you want to kill a wolf, you need to find a proper reason, which is probably just a fig leaf that arrogant humans put on themselves!As the wolf king thought, the fierce light in his eyes became even stronger.

There was another roar, and the snowfield wolves scattered away, but this time they did not disperse randomly, but launched attacks from all directions in coordination with each other.

Pfft, Layman Shengguang was unexpectedly slapped on the butt by the snow wolf's paw, his clothes were torn, revealing his snow-white buttocks, and there were still a few bloodstains on his buttocks, the layman Shengguang screamed strangely in anger.

It's a shame, he has spent his whole life in the rivers and lakes, and he actually lost his old face on the snow mountain. I'm afraid that such white snow can't wash away his shame, so he can only wash it away with the blood of the snowfield wolf.

Layman Shengguang went berserk, and the big knife in his hand flew up and down, bringing up sword lights, and the void seemed to be cut apart wherever it passed, and the sword lights fell on the snow wolf, breaking the skin and bones.

The screams of snowfield wolves spread from heaven to earth. The wolf king got angry and went off to fight Shengguang Layman himself. Hengguang Layman and the others were also fighting, and there was no less pressure on them.

Although they are extremely powerful, these snowfield wolves are not weak, and there are a lot of them. In addition, they are rough-skinned and thick-skinned, good at fighting, and there is a risk of losing money if they make a mistake.

The battle between the two sides is fierce, the Snow Wolf wants to defend its territory, and the veterans want to rush over to check the Lake of Our Lady.

Qin Zixuan and his group were eating hot pot and drinking wine, when they heard the screams of snowfield wolves in the distance, they all stared wide-eyed, not knowing what happened.

"Is there a battle ahead?" Qin Zixuan picked his nose, and his tone was uncertain. Hearing this voice, there should be many wolves. Human strength is good, so there is no need to challenge the pack of wolves.

"It should be fighting." Dahai listened for a while, and guessed: "Could it be that the team in front met the snowfield wolf?"

"Are the snowfield wolves very strong?" Qin Zixuan spat out his bones, wondering if he could kill one with one shot.

"I don't know, but according to the data, so far no expedition team has successfully stepped into Notre Dame Lake." Hai said.

"Then why is there a legend about the Holy Mother Lake?" Qin Zixuan asked, Dahai didn't know how to answer this question, yes, no one has successfully stepped into the Holy Mother Lake, so how did the legend come about?

"Don't embarrass the sea with this philosophical question." The dinosaur couldn't see it, and explained: "It's not necessarily that they haven't successfully entered, but it's possible that those who entered are unwilling to spread the news."

This may exist. Qin Zixuan agrees with this statement. Experts, they are all a group of existences who like to pretend to be fake. Even if they enter the Lake of the Holy Mother, they will not spread it around.

Because no one brought out the news inside, this made the Lake of Our Lady even more mysterious, but this mystery will end with the arrival of their group.

Qin Zixuan's self-confidence is always inexplicable, and he doesn't know who gave him the confidence to actually want to end the mystery of Notre Dame Lake.

"Do you want to send someone to take a look?" Li Han asked, the screams in the distance became louder and louder, it is estimated that the snow wolf was killed red-eyed.

"No, it's good to have someone scouting the way ahead, but it wouldn't be nice if we went to check and get the other party's attention." Qin Zixuan waved his hands with a calculating expression on his face, so he wouldn't foolishly send it in front of the other party.

Dahai thinks it makes sense, and it's not bad for them to follow behind to pick up the leaks. The snowfield wolves were beaten so badly in the first level, but they don't know how serious it will be in the end. They must maintain good physical strength and not waste it.

The old man dodged the snowfield wolf's attack, and the dust in his hand passed under the snowfield wolf's neck, bringing up a cloud of snow mist, and many snowfield wolves had already fallen beside him.

The wolf king and the layman Shengguang fought each other. Looking at the subordinates who had suffered heavy losses, it knew that it had encountered a master today, and it was unlikely that it would want to eat this group of people.

With a long roar, the wolf king and the layman Shengguang fought desperately, and the snowfield wolves around him suddenly rushed up, holding the big knife in the layman's hand, and rushed to the layman Shengguang one after another.

A wolf's mouth landed on the layman Shengguang, biting and trampling on him, and brutally attacked the layman Shengguang. The unlucky layman Shengguang was under the intensive care of the wolf king and fell powerlessly on the snow field.

(End of this chapter)

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