Chapter 1605
The wolf king let out another long howl, turned around and retreated into the distance, staring at the old man and the others with cold eyes, and led his subordinates back slowly for a long time, his eyes seemed to be warning, if the old man chased and killed them again, you would die I die in battle.

The old man stood there without moving for a long time, until the wolf king disappeared with the pack of wolves, a gust of wind blew in, the old man shivered, and a spirit woke up from the silence.

"Holy Light!"

Layman Hengguang's screams resounded over the snow field, the old Taoist turned around slowly, his eyes fell on the scarlet snow, a broken corpse lay there desolately, bloody and bloody.

"This is the first level." The old man's murmured voice resounded in the wind, like a sigh of nature, and then disappeared into the air without causing any ripples.

Heng Guang sat kneeling in the bloody ground, his robe was wet with blood, his eyes were full of sadness, he never thought that his old brother would die here tragically, he couldn't accept it.

"Holy Light, Holy Light!" Heng Guang's voice suddenly rose, "Holy Light, we agreed to break the blockade of God together and travel between heaven and earth together! Holy Light, how can you break your promise, how can you!"

The voice of despair spread so far away that even Qin Zixuan, who was eating hot pot, heard it. Qin Zixuan put down his chopsticks, looked up into the distance, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Who is Shengguang? Is it a great god?"

"Is there a god in this world?" Dinosaur asked back, Qin Zixuan laughed a few times, thinking that there is no god, so he should continue eating hot pot.

The old Taoist dragged his heavy steps to Shengguang's corpse, squatted down silently, and announced his Daoist name. He opened his mouth, not knowing what to say?
Do you say life and death are precious in the sky?They have been fighting with the sky for their lives, thinking about breaking through the blockade and traveling around the world all the time.Say this is fate?The question is do they recognize it?

They are not people who resign themselves to their fate. If they really resigned to their fate, they would already be living in a hut, so how could they appear here.

"Hengguang, look away, this is fate." Arthur's voice sounded, and he said comforting words that the old man couldn't say, but it didn't work, and instead made Hengguang even more angry.

"What is fate? Tell me what is fate?" Heng Guang stared at Arthur with his blood-red eyes, and would fight if there was any disagreement.

Arthur sighed, he was just trying to comfort him, why did he get anxious with him? Of course, Arthur knew the relationship between Shengguang and Hengguang. They were good brothers who grew up together, and they were good teachers and helpful friends in each other's hearts, yes!

Forget it, whoever they are, Arthur decided to shut up, he was afraid that if he said one more sentence, there would be a fight, but some people couldn't stand it anymore.

"Hengguang, Shengguang is dead. This is the result none of us want to see. The most urgent thing is not to quarrel, but to let Shengguang rest in peace."

Cheng Qian opened his mouth, he really couldn't stand it anymore, isn't it just death?Who wouldn't die at a young age?Anyone can die before breaking out of the cage, but in different ways.

"What did you say?" Hengguang's eyes were murderous, and Chengqian's brows were furrowed. He didn't want to fight with Hengguang.

Both Chengqian and Arthur turned their gazes to the old Taoist, hoping that the old Taoist could say something, but they didn't expect the old Taoist to recite sutras with his eyes closed, and he didn't know what sutras he was chanting.

The scene was a bit embarrassing, Hengguang's eyes moved from Chengqian to Lao Dao, and finally landed on Shengguang, tears filled his eyes, his heart felt empty, as if he had lost the hope and courage to live.

He's gone, what's the point of me living alone?Hengguang asked himself over and over again in his heart, longevity?Stop messing around, what happiness is there to live without the holy light?

Suddenly, Hengguang jumped up from the snow and chased in the direction where the wolf king was retreating. Chengqian noticed Hengguang's abnormality and stopped him, but Hengguang couldn't hear him anymore. He only had one thought, and that was revenge.

Even if he dies, he must avenge Shengguang, which has become Hengguang's obsession!
The old Taoist stopped chanting sutras, slowly opened his eyes, looked at the distant figure, and let out a long sigh.

"Old man, shall we go after him?" Arthur asked.

"Let's go all out to kill, can we destroy the wolves?" the old man asked back.

Arthur looked at Chengqian and wailed in his heart, no way, they would not get any benefit if they really fought against the wolves, even if they could kill the wolves, they would suffer heavy losses, those wolves were not ordinary.

Cheng Qian cast his eyes into the distance, thought for a while, and then replied: "Even if the wolves are wiped out, we will be seriously injured, and now we have come to the periphery, and we don't know what dangers are inside!"

"Yeah, I don't know what dangers are inside." The old man sighed, and after a long time, he continued: "Bury the holy light, let's go back, the omen of this trip is not ominous."

"What about Hengguang?" Cheng Qian asked.

"Without the Holy Light, do you think Hengguang can survive?" the old Taoist asked.

Cheng Qian was speechless, although this was the truth, it sounded weird to Mao, these two people were also weird, they said they were in love but didn't have that kind of substantive relationship, and said they didn't love each other, the two seemed to have an agreement to never get married for the rest of their lives. Not looking for women.

Chengqian really wanted to say that he was not opposed to Longyang's kindness, but there was still some use in saying it now. He was already separated from yin and yang, so he sighed, picked up the big knife of Shengguang and started digging holes.

People like them are buried in a dead end and buried in a dead end. If there is no fallen leaf, in the final analysis, they will be buried wherever they die.

Seeing Chengqian digging a hole, Arthur slowly came to the old Taoist side, and asked, "Are you sure you don't want to go to Our Lady's Lake?"

"I won't go," the old Taoist shook his head, "Before I came here, I had a divination. This trip will be very dangerous, but you don't believe it, alas!"

The old man didn't continue talking. In fact, he knew that Qin Zixuan was coming, and he thought that Qin Zixuan was lucky, maybe he could get some good luck, but he didn't expect that they would lose their soldiers and generals when they came to the periphery. It's hard to say whether they can get out alive.

After chasing and begging for a lifetime, the old man doesn't want to bury his bones in the snow field. As long as he keeps his eyes on Qin Zixuan, there must be a chance to fly to the sky. The old man really doesn't want to take risks now.

Arthur lowered his head. It's not that they don't believe it, but they are too confident. They think that their strength can go anywhere in the world. How could they know that the beasts here can cultivate, and their strength is not weak.

The wolf king's strength is probably about the same as theirs, even if he is weak, he won't be too weak, otherwise he won't be able to kill Shengguang.

"Don't you want to know the secret of Our Lady's Lake at all?" Arthur asked, with a deep sense of unwillingness in his eyes. He came here and returned without success.

The howling of snowfield wolves was heard in the distance, and the old man got up and walked forward slowly. He wanted to take another look at his old friend and give him a gift. The old man knew that Hengguang really couldn't survive.

(End of this chapter)

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