Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1606 Desperately

Chapter 1606 Desperately
Arthur didn't get a response from the old man, and he could understand that the old man didn't want to come here, but they insisted on coming, but Arthur also regretted it.

But Arthur didn't regret coming, he regretted not calling more people to come together, if there were enough of them, mere snow wolves wouldn't be able to block their way.

In the distance, Hengguang was fighting with all his life, really exchanging his injuries for his life. He only had one belief in his heart, that is to avenge the Holy Light, and he wanted to exterminate the snowfield wolf.

The wolf king looked at the crazy humans, his eyes filled with anger. These people broke into its territory and killed its people, but now they dare to go crazy. Who would not be crazy?

The wildness of the wolf king surged, and the only wisdom was covered by anger, and a new round of shopping sprang up again. As one by one snowfield wolves were killed by Hengguang's sword, the snowfield wolves also found a chance to kill.

Hengguang's back was hit by a huge force, and he couldn't help but fell to the ground. The fall was terrible, and the pack of wolves rushed up to tear, drag, and bite, and the snowfield wolves used all their attack skills.

After this blow, the wolf king was also seriously injured. He lowered his head to look at the wound on his abdomen, and then at the enemy in the distance. The wolf king roared and led the pack of wolves to flee for his life again.

There are only a dozen snowfield wolves that will follow the wolf king. If the old man and the others do something, the genocide of the snowfield wolves is inevitable, but the old man didn't do anything, he watched the wolf king disappear.

Cheng Qian shook his head and brought Heng Guang's body back, and put it into the snow cave together with Sheng Guang's body. They couldn't share the same bed in life, and it would be good to share the same acupuncture point after death. Cheng Qian felt that he had done a great deed to let You Qing People become family members.

"Let's go!" The old man glanced at the direction of Our Lady's Lake again. Just now he made another divination for this trip, but it was still a big disaster, and there was no turning point. He didn't know why?
"Qin Zixuan is also on the snow field, will he also come to Notre Dame Lake?" Cheng Qian asked, he really didn't want to leave in despair.

Arthur's eyes flickered, and suddenly he had an idea, and said to the old Taoist: "Didn't you say that Qin Zixuan is a man of heaven? Will there be danger if we follow behind him?"

this?The old man was in a dilemma. If he hadn't attacked Qin Zixuan's youngest daughter before, he might have been able to go with him. Now, the old man is not sure, Qin Zixuan is not a very generous person.

Thinking that this old man really regretted his recklessness, why did Mao want to attack Meng'er?If he didn't attack Meng'er, he would definitely be able to go forward with Qin Zixuan now.

"This is a terrible trip." The old Taoist replied with five words. Anyway, he dare not meet Qin Zixuan now. With Qin Zixuan's petty temper, he must fight when they meet, otherwise he would not rush back to the Southern Continent.

this?Cheng Qian looked at Arthur, and Arthur shrugged. He was not a fortune teller, and he didn't know the truth about it, but the old man said that if it was a big disaster, it would definitely not be safe, but why did Qin Zixuan dare to come.

Qin Zixuan is notoriously afraid of death, isn't he afraid of death when he comes to Notre Dame Lake?Arthur couldn't figure it out, he hoped that the old man could explain it to him, but unfortunately the old man refused to explain.

"Let's follow behind Qin Zixuan quietly. If we encounter danger, let's retreat quickly." Cheng Qian suggested, still not wanting to give up moving forward.

"Don't you want to know why the wolf king has such tyrannical strength?" Arthur asked, the old man remained silent, and it would be a lie to say that he was not curious.

After thinking for a long time, the old man finally gave up and left now. In fact, he was also curious. Besides, the strength of Qin Zixuan's group improved too fast. If Qin Zixuan's group was allowed to improve, the old man was worried that he would not be able to suppress Qin Zixuan in the end.

If Qin Zixuan is to be obedient, he must have absolute strength to press him forward, otherwise, with Qin Zixuan's personality, he can kill his entire group by turning around.

It has to be said that the old man still knows Qin Zixuan very well, but he forgot that even if Qin Zixuan is suppressed, he may not be cheated, Qin Zixuan is a professional anti-piston.

The three of them found a hillside and dug a snow hole to get in, leaving a vent. The three of them took turns to rest, and always kept one on the lookout, for fear of missing Qin Zixuan and his party.

After eating, drinking, and having a good night's sleep, Qin Zixuan and his party broke out of camp. The team sat on the sled, holding old wine in their arms, and staring at the front with fiery eyes.

When passing the snowfield wolf's battlefield, he also saw the blood on the ground, and Qin Zixuan clicked his tongue when he saw it. He didn't know who would win and who would lose.

The group of people did not stop, but continued to move forward. The old Taoist saw Qin Zixuan and his group pass by through the vent, his eyes were red with jealousy, why didn't they think of riding a sleigh.

In terms of enjoyment, he really can't compare to Qin Zixuan, so he can't accept it.

"It seems that the veteran group didn't get much benefit yesterday." Dahai came to the conclusion after looking at the battlefield. Qin Zixuan smiled when he heard it, but he didn't know that there was a pair of eyes staring at him secretly.

"We haven't encountered any danger when we come here. I guess those snowfield wolves were wiped out by their group." Qin Zixuan looked around, but he didn't see the snowfield wolf running out and howling.

"The snowfield wolves were unlucky to meet an old man. That guy is not weak." Li Han sighed, stretched out his hand to hook Qin Zixuan's black hair, and played around with his fingers, but he didn't take the danger here into his heart.

In fact, there is really no danger here, the snowfield wolves have disappeared, and new beasts dare not occupy this territory for the time being, so naturally there will be no danger.

Passing through the territory of the snowfield wolf, Qin Zixuan sat up straight suddenly, staring at the front, frowned and said: "I seem to sense danger, everyone be careful."

Everyone sat up straight after hearing the words, staring at the front closely, wanting to see who and what brought the danger, but their eyes were sore from looking, and they didn't find any dangerous things appearing.

Suddenly, the sled dogs in front barked wildly. Qin Zixuan immediately stopped the team and looked at the snow. Since there is no danger ahead, the danger can only come from the ground.

Not knowing what kind of beast this second level is, Qin Zixuan was very curious. The blood that could be killed in the first level was all over the ground, and the second level would definitely not be more difficult than the first level. This was Qin Zixuan's idea.

Suddenly, Qin Zixuan's eyes fixed on a small, crystal-clear thing. The little thing looked like a silkworm baby, but it was much larger than a silkworm baby. It was as long as a finger, and its mouth took up half of its head.

A grin reveals a few sharp teeth, sharp and long, with serrations on them, one can tell that its teeth are very lethal.

Dahai picked up a long spear and pointed it at the little thing. Unexpectedly, the tip of the gun was slightly crushed by the little thing and swallowed. Everyone was surprised, not knowing what it was.

Qin Zixuan looked at more and more small things on the ground, and couldn't help shrinking his neck, oh my god, this thing is very powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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