Chapter 1607
Jiang Sheng stared at the little thing in the snow for a long time, and suddenly said: "The Supreme Emperor, this seems to be the legendary snow dragon, with strong attack power, should we retreat?"

"Snow Dragon?" Qin Zixuan rubbed his nose as he looked at the gathering of small things. Qin Zixuan really wanted to know if the snow dragon was delicious. He looked at the dinosaur and asked, "Want to eat?"

"Think." Dinosaur replied honestly, and everyone fell on their backs, wanting to ask if there is anything else that Qin Zixuan thinks should not be eaten?

"Catch!" Qin Zixuan took out the charcoal pot without saying a word, and then asked Lin Xi to prepare the pot and oil, and do it as soon as possible if he wanted to eat it. The dinosaur was very obedient, and immediately rushed forward to start doing it.

Xuelong's teeth were very powerful, but they couldn't break through the dinosaur's defense, so they pinched them directly in their hands, flattened their heads one by one and put them in the basin.

Soon, only the shadows of the dinosaurs could be seen dancing on the snow field. The speed was really too fast. Often the body had moved several times, but the phantoms remained in place, as if the field was full of dinosaurs.

Qin Zixuan poured oil into the pan, because it was the first time he encountered it, and he didn't know whether it was better to braise or deep-fry, so he decided to experiment a few more times.

With the help of Lin Xi, the little cook also started to act. When it comes to eating, the little cook became energetic and followed the prince. He has all the delicacies in the world. In the future, when he gets old, he will have too much bragging capital to count.

A few people in the old way lay on the snow, looking at the busy group of people, smelling the fragrance, the old way just wanted to ask: why is there such a big difference between people?
One by one snow dragons were put into the pot, and quickly turned into plates of delicacies. The dinosaur sat down next to Qin Zixuan, took the chopsticks and put a snow dragon into his mouth. Immediately, he narrowed his eyes in enjoyment and let out a satisfied sigh .

The fried ones are dry and crispy, the fried ones are tender and fresh, and the boiled ones are full of fragrance. There seems to be a slight heat flow in the stomach after eating. Damn, eating too much of this kind of thing can actually improve your strength.

"Good stuff!" The dinosaur yelled, and rushed into the battlefield with a plate. Many saints were injured in the battle with Xuelong. When they heard the strange cry of the dinosaur, they all looked at Qin Zixuan.

Things that can excite Mr. Dinosaur must be good things, and the starting speed is faster.

"Hey, change shifts, the food is on the table." Qin Zixuan raised his chopsticks and yelled, Dahai ran back with a pot of snow dragon, sat opposite Qin Zixuan and ate with chopsticks, quickly blinking his big eyes in surprise look.

No wonder the dinosaurs are so excited, they can actually improve their strength!
"Father, eat more." Dahai said while stuffing it into his mouth, Qin Zixuan nodded, it was really delicious, I don't know how many snow dragons there are here.

Gu Yuerong ran over, his hand was bitten to the bone. Seeing Qin Zixuan looking over, he grinned and said, "Xuelong's teeth are so powerful, I'm already very careful."

"Apply the medicine." Dahai threw a bottle of medicine over, and Gu Yuerong caught it, but he didn't rush to take the medicine, but ate a snow dragon first, then took the medicine while eating, and then let out a strange cry.

"It's delicious, it's so delicious, it's a good thing, it's a pity to let it go, and you must never let it go!"

Gu Yueyao wrapped her hands, held her chopsticks and ate with her head down. After eating, she turned around and rushed into the battlefield again, and then came back with another batch. It was the same every time. After eating, she screamed and killed.

"Will Xuelong be exterminated?" Qin Zixuan couldn't help asking, this group of people is too crazy, so they come and catch as many as they can.

"Whatever it is, take and eat everything that gets in the way." Li Han clenched his fists without worrying at all, Qin Zixuan thought it made sense.

Li Han's arrogant voice spread in the air and reached the ears of the three old Taoists. The old Taoist showed a look of disbelief, feeling that Li Han and the others were too cruel, and they took them all and ate them all.

Just looking at the bloody and excited people on the battlefield, the old man felt that his three views had been impacted. They hid behind in fright, but they set up a pot in front.

Occasionally, a few sled dogs broke through the blockade, but were suppressed by Li Han forcefully, and then turned into delicacies in the pot. Qin Zixuan was so happy that he even fed a few sled dogs. Everyone who saw them screamed that it was a waste, what a pity.

Fewer and fewer Xuelong rushed out of the snow, and Xuelong was afraid. The people and beasts he met before ran faster than rabbits, and it was the first time he met someone who was more excited than them.

Who has the upper hand?Xue Long was at a loss, why aren't these people afraid of them?Xue heard Xuelong's question, but was unable to answer, because it was being trampled under by humans, leaving messy footprints.

After catching for about an hour, the snow dragon was completely hidden, and there was no shadow of the snow dragon on the snow. A group of people sighed regretfully, shouting that next time they must be fast enough to prevent a snow dragon from escaping.

If there is no comparison, there will be no harm, and the three veterans will be hurt. If they know that the second round is so easy, they will not wait for Qin Zixuan and the others.

The days of lying in the snow and smelling the fragrance are really not human. What's even more hateful is that the guys in front seem to have no intention of leaving, but they are still cooking delicious food. Are they planning to leave after eating?
Dahai sat on the sled to study the ingredients of snow dragon, Qin Zixuan and the little cook were still studying how to make it more delicious, and a group of foodies were discussing enthusiastically, not caring about their own injuries at all.

It was the first time for them to eat such delicious food. The most gratifying thing was that their strength had changed slightly.

I didn't expect to improve by eating Xuelong, haha, Xuelong is indeed a Xuelong, good stuff!
Xuelong hiding underground almost cried to death. If it wasn't for the fear of being exterminated, he would really want to fight the humans above. It's too hateful. He really thinks they are made of mud.

After eating, drinking, and resting enough, Qin Zixuan and his group packed up their things and continued on their way. When Qin Zixuan was far away, the old Taoist and the three of them came out pitifully and came to the place where Qin Zixuan had stayed before, staring at the messy footprints in a daze.

Suddenly, Arthur screamed. He raised his foot to see that there was a hole in the shoe, a piece of flesh fell off his foot, and snow dragons appeared on the ground. Your sister, this is bullying.

Before, one by one shrank back and didn't dare to show their heads, but they were attacked as soon as they arrived, the three veterans expressed their dissatisfaction, so a battle to capture Xuelong started again, but the three of them did not fight smoothly at all.

Their feet were broken and their hands were bleeding, but Xue Long didn't catch a few of them. Compared with Qin Zixuan's gang, these three looked extremely embarrassed.

The three veterans knew that if this went on like this, not to mention catching Xuelong, they might become the meat of Xuelong's mouth, let go of their feet and run away one by one, let's break through the level first, they can't be compared with perverts, and they can't be compared.

(End of this chapter)

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