Chapter 1608

After passing Xuelong's territory, Qin Zixuan found a place and decided to rest for a night before taking action. It is a very wise decision to conserve energy when the way ahead is unknown.

They can travel a little slower, but they can't lose their strength, and they must keep fighting at full capacity all the time.Soon, they got into the snow cave, ate fried snow dragon, hugged the stove, and slept on the thick bearskin. The little days were still wonderful.

While resting, Dahai was still studying Xuelong. This time, he was thinking about how to use it as medicine. Xuelong is not only delicious, but also has strong medicinal properties. Dahai decided to catch more on the return trip.

Seeing Dahai's excited look, Jiang Sheng mourned for Xuelong, who let them provoke the father and son, one can eat, the other can be used as medicine, it seems that neither is easy to provoke.

Besides, the old man revealed Xuelong's territory, looking at the snowflakes all over the sky, they stood there stupidly, looking around, there were shadows of Qin Zixuan and his party.

"Where are we going?" Arthur asked weakly, his appearance was a bit miserable, his hands were wrapped in cloth, his feet were oozing blood, his clothes were torn in pieces, stained with blood, even a beggar was worse than his appearance good.

The old Taoist counted with his fingers, and his brows were tightly frowned. He couldn't figure out the whereabouts of this group of people!The old man didn't believe in evil, so he counted Lin Xi's horoscope. He didn't dare to count Qin Zixuan, so he pinched the soft persimmon, but unfortunately he still couldn't count it.

By the way, they must be hiding in the big formation that shrouds the sky, but isn't this kind of formation lost?Could any of them use it?The old Taoist was stunned, and some doubted whether he was the strongest existence in the lineage of the divine fortune teller.

The big formation that covers the sky can even cover the secrets of the sky, let alone people, it is definitely impossible to figure it out, but who knows this kind of legendary formation?Why didn't he know anything about it before?
Seeing the old man's ugly face, Arthur was uncertain, Cheng Qian was a little impatient, and asked, "Can't figure it out?"

The old man nodded his head with difficulty, and said bitterly: "Qin Zixuan is really hard to deal with."

Cheng Qian was speechless, Qin Zixuan was hard to deal with. He had heard the words no less than twenty times. Every time Qin Zixuan made some achievements, he would say this, but Cheng Qian seldom took it to heart, so he believed it a little.

Even the old Taoist couldn't calculate their whereabouts, so where should they go next?They didn't know where to find someone in the vast snow-capped mountains. After a while, Cheng Qian asked, "Shall we go directly to Our Lady's Lake?"

The old man shook his head, he couldn't figure out Qin Zixuan's position, but he could figure out where he was born, so he should find a place to rest, according to what he knew about Qin Zixuan, that person would never let himself be tired, he must be resting.

Thinking of this, the old Taoist figured out the birth gate, and brought the two of them to the birth gate, dug a snow hole and squatted in. It was still the old rule, one person looked after the wind and the other rested, taking turns.

Lin Xi retracted the binoculars, looked at the sleeping prince, blinked his eyes, and felt that his prince was really big-hearted, and fell asleep after a while, and this sleeping skill is no one.

"Have you found anything?" the dinosaur asked in a low voice.

Lin Xi nodded, and whispered: "I saw the old man, he took two poor old men and hid in the snow cave."

Is there only three people?The dinosaur frowned, obviously seeing the footprints of five people, how could there be only three people?Could it be that the battle with the snowfield wolf killed two?
Cut, is their strength too weak?Dinosaur rubbed his chin and began to doubt the strength of the old Taoist party, but he didn't wake Qin Zixuan to discuss and let Lin Xi rest instead of watching them.

First lead the charge, and then quietly follow behind, the old man is very smart, but I don't know if he will be fooled by his cleverness?The dinosaur stroked his chin trying to trick him, and if he dared to attack his little niece, he had to be the first to do it.

The old man closed his eyes and rested his mind. He suddenly felt chills all over his body. He couldn't help shivering. He opened his eyes and looked around vigilantly, suspecting that he was being followed. Could it be that Qin Zixuan had discovered their whereabouts?
If this is the case, then Qin Zixuan must be hiding nearby. Where are they hiding?The old Taoist let go of his spiritual sense to check, but found nothing, his brows frowned and his heart trembled wildly, always feeling that it would be no good to move forward.

The old Taoist told Chengqian and Chengqian about his uneasiness. The two of them did not believe in evil, and Qin Zixuan and his group of saints could get through it safely.

The mystery of Notre Dame Lake is like a piece of delicious fat that attracts them. They are really reluctant to leave. They have come here. It is a pity to step back. This is the voice of Chengqian and Arthur.

Resting for the night, the old man looked at the snowflakes as big as goose feathers outside, and asked Cheng Qian if he had noticed, Cheng Qian shook his head, but he didn't see Qin Zixuan and the others set off, so should he go?

Just as they were thinking, they felt a shock coming from the top of their heads. The old man couldn't help looking, his pupils began to shrink, oh my god, what did he see?There was an avalanche!
"Run away!" the old Taoist yelled, rushing out of the snow cave first, trembling when he saw the large snowdrifts falling, it was obviously a life gate, how could such a thing happen?Sophisticated and want to scold your mother.

The dinosaur looked at the three fleeing people from a distance, and smiled a little bit evilly. They let them rest for a night, so they should exercise their muscles and bones, and hoped that they could escape with their lives.

The roar reached Qin Zixuan's ears. He was roasting the snow dragon. Li Han stared at the skewers and sucked his saliva. Qin Zixuan couldn't see Li Han's pitiful appearance, so he quickly handed over a skewer to let Li Han wipe his saliva.

Lin Xi shrunk her neck in fright when she saw the large snow-capped mountains falling in the distance. The dinosaur is really too scary. It is really revenge, and it is more active than the prince.

After a while, the dinosaur got into the snow cave, sat next to Qin Zixuan, took out a bunch of grilled snow dragons, took a bite, and praised: "It's still better than the little chef's cooking."

"That's right, don't look at who I am." Qin Zixuan stood up, and the little cook expressed his sadness. He has studied hard, but there is always a gap between the cooking skills of the prince.

Li Han asked with a smile: "Those three old guys ran away?"

"Run away. I want us to explore the way. It's a beautiful idea." Dinosaur replied with a smile, obviously not wanting the old man to take advantage of him at all, and it is even more impossible for them to explore the way.

The old man and the three of them sweated and escaped with their lives. Arthur held his heart and let out a long breath. He almost scared him to death just now. Man and nature really can't compete, they can't.

After panting for a while, I looked up and looked around, and asked, "Where did we go?"

The old Taoist raised his head and looked around. He didn't know where he ran, but he just ran for his life subconsciously. After carefully distinguishing it for a while, his face was bitter, and the old Taoist said: "We are running for our lives in the direction of Notre Dame Lake."

This should have been a happy thing, but the old man couldn't be happy. He felt that he had been designed by someone. He obviously wanted to hide behind Qin Zixuan. Why did he run to the front?
Arthur stood up straight when he heard the words, his eyes became vigilant, the direction to Our Lady's Lake was not calm, and he didn't know what danger was waiting for them.

(End of this chapter)

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