Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1609 Battle

Chapter 1609 Battle

One by one, the snow leopards raised their heads and quietly looked at the humans who appeared suddenly. They grinned and showed their sharp teeth, and moved their noses excitedly, as if they could smell the aroma of meat.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the snow leopard, the trio of veterans turned ugly, and Arthur asked in a trembling voice, "Could these snow leopards also have the strength of a holy master?"

The three people who asked this question trembled. They stared at the size of the snow leopards. No matter how they looked at it, they felt that this was not an interrogative sentence, but a statement sentence. Each of these snow leopards had shiny hair, and their size was much larger than that of ordinary snow leopards.

Furthermore, the snow leopard's teeth looked like sharp knives, as if they would tear their bodies apart at any time, and the dangerous aura emanating from the snow leopard's body couldn't fool anyone.

"Fight?" Cheng Qian asked.

The old man's throat twitched twice, wanting to rush over, his eyes caught sight of the king hidden among the snow leopards, and the leopard king was staring at the three of them slyly, baring his teeth from time to time with a fierce look.

Now it's not that the three veterans say that if they don't fight, they can avoid the war, but that the Snow Leopard family agrees. Judging from the current situation, it is unlikely that the Snow Leopard family will agree, after all, they have already shown their fangs.

Rush or retreat?The old Taoist asked himself in his heart, he didn't make up his mind for a while, the temptation of the Holy Mother Lake was too strong, if he retreated here, Qin Zixuan and his gang rushed to the Holy Mother to improve his strength, then he still had a chance to leave Yanhuang Continent ?
Ask yourself, if you have the opportunity to leave this continent, the old man will definitely leave immediately, and he will never bring others with him, because he knows that he may not bring friends with him, but enemies who will take the opportunity with him.

Under such circumstances, Lao Dao naturally thought that Qin Zixuan was the same. In this case, strength is the key to solving the problem. As long as the strength is stronger than Qin Zixuan's group, you have to agree if you disagree.

"Come on!" The old Taoist took a few deep breaths and issued an order. There is no way out when we are here.

The three rushed towards the snow leopard in a group, but the snow leopard family was furious. They hadn't acted yet, but these tiny human beings acted first, which made the leopard king feel ashamed.

The shrill cry soon spread across the snow field, and the three of them, Snow Leopard and Lao Dao, fought together. The goal of these three people was very clear, they were not fighting to the death, and they would not fight to the death, they just wanted to rush through the territory of Snow Leopard.

But the snow leopards don't think so. The snow leopards feel that their faces have been stepped on, and the people who stepped on their faces are still advancing arrogantly, wanting to step on them countless times. This is an unforgivable behavior.

Faced with this kind of behavior, only blood can wash it away. The snow leopards rushed towards the three of them regardless of life and death. The leopard king silently stared at the battle and did not join the battle. It was waiting for a chance to kill.

When the old Taoists were fighting, Qin Zixuan and his party started to eat breakfast. The wind brought the roar of the snow leopard. Qin Zixuan gave the dinosaur a thumbs up when he heard it. This one is too awesome.

Dinosaur cheerfully accepted the compliment and took a bite of Xuelong. Dinosaur said: "When you return, you must dig three feet of snow to find Xuelong."

"Are you planning to make Xuelong extinct?" Qin Zixuan asked with a smile. The two were still discussing food. Li Han rubbed his eyes and ran his fingers over his eyebrows, feeling a little tricky.

"My lord, the eyebrows are growing again, they need to be repaired." Li Han said it very naturally, Qin Zixuan looked up after hearing this, and looked at Li Han's eyebrows seriously, there were indeed stray hairs growing back, and he nodded in response.

Dinosaur looked at Li Han, then at Qin Zixuan, well, he was convinced. In his previous life, he had seen many girls spend three to two hours on makeup, but he had never seen such a confident man make his eyebrows trimmed.

Dahai stuffed a snow dragon into his mouth, looked at Li Han and said, "Mother, you are beautiful without makeup."

"That's right, your mother is the most beautiful woman in the world." Qin Zixuan answered casually, Li Han was quite satisfied with this sentence, hugged Qin Zixuan's arm coquettishly, and smiled so sweetly.

Dahai shivered a bit, a bit unaccustomed to such a mother, or that mighty and domineering general?Why do you feel like a delicate little lady?

After dinner, Qin Zixuan took out a knife to help Li Han trim his eyebrows. Wang Rui sat beside him and pointed, saying that Qin Zixuan's hand should not move, and his fingers should be turned into orchid fingers, so that it would look good.

So Qin Zixuan complained to Bai Jing shamelessly, "Sister Bai, hurry up and take care of your husband-in-law, he doesn't know anything and there are too many words, let him paint your eyebrows."

Bai Jing immediately came over to take Wang Rui away. There was a lot of time for the sample, and she was really free. Bai Jing decided to find something for Wang Rui to do, and soon a few women began to put on makeup.

Dinosaur looked around, sat next to Dahai and whispered: "Your father's tracheitis has caused Wang Rui and Wang Rui, two big men, to be abnormal."

Dahai looked at the few people who were enjoying it, smiled and said nothing, if they didn't want to, it would be useless to put a knife on their necks, Dahai knew that this was love, and the power of love was great.

Their side is full of pink atmosphere, while the surroundings of the old Taoist three are full of angry murderous look. Seeing the snow leopards falling on the snow, the leopard king was angry, and the leopard king's blood spattered three feet.

Although the three of them were always on guard against the Leopard King, they still did not escape being attacked by the Leopard King. Arthur felt that his back had been hit by a small hill, which made his internal organs ache.

Pfft, Arthur spurted out a mouthful of blood, his face became pale, and his whole body was a bit sluggish. The old Taoist and Cheng Qian were so frightened that they rushed to rescue him. They dare not be careless today.

Originally there were few people, if another one died, they would not even have a chance to escape. The old man didn't expect the Leopard King to be so difficult, it was difficult to rush over, but it was also difficult to retreat.

They had already rushed forward for several hundred meters, leaving behind the corpses of snow leopards hundreds of meters away, and also sprinkled their blood.

I don't know how far I will go forward, but I know how far I will retreat. However, the old man is worried about being bumped into by Qin Zixuan. With Qin Zixuan's petty temper, is there any chance of him surviving when he meets him now?
The old man took a deep breath and encouraged the two of them. It was too late to say anything at this time. They had only one choice, which was to rush over, hide, and wait quietly for Qin Zixuan to pass.

The three of them worked together and finally rushed through the blood of the snow leopard, leaving a lot of scars on their bodies. The old man counted his birth, and then found a place with good feng shui to hide.

By the time Qin Zixuan and his group stepped into Snow Leopard's territory, the old Taoist and the others had long since lost their traces. Looking at the fallen Snow Leopard, Qin Zixuan exclaimed that it was a pity that such a beautiful scene had not been seen.

Leopard King felt that humans had entered its territory again, roared angrily, and then was covered by a dinosaur, and Leopard King's voice disappeared without a trace as if someone had strangled his neck.

Qin Zixuan was very curious and asked, "What do you mean? Do those snow leopards still dare to come out to fight?"

(End of this chapter)

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