Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1618 Escape

Chapter 1618 Escape
Qin Zixuan's brain circuit is different, others are thinking about what is the treasure in the pool?However, Qin Zixuan was spinning around in human flesh, if he said it, it would definitely cause a nausea.

Fortunately, Qin Zixuan was not stupid enough to say it, but continued to look at the little monsters, thinking whether he would kill two with his sword, and then he could tell his daughters-in-law that he hunted them specially for them. .

Dahai's eyes kept falling on the pool, his brain was running at high speed, thinking about what it was, why it had a natural smell, and looking at the monster's appearance, the energy should be very strong.

Otherwise, instead of sitting around the pool, these monsters should have jumped into the pool to drink. Hai Hai silently observed and judged carefully.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in Dahai's mind, and he thought of what this is, the natural essence source, this is the natural essence source, the energy is second only to the earth core source liquid, it is a rare treasure, and there is actually a pool here.

This, how did this come about?There was a turbulent wave in Dahai's heart. After a long time, Dahai turned his head to look at Qin Zixuan, and had a question in his heart, is his father the illegitimate son of God?
As for why he is not his own son, Dahai thinks that his own son's path should be smooth and upright, and only illegitimate children can't help blatantly, so that's why they create so many adventures.

Well, Dahai is also a dishonest kid, what are you thinking.

The dinosaur killed a little monster with one punch, and took a moment to ask the sea, "Do you recognize what it is?"

"Uncle Long, this is a good thing, we must snatch it." Dahai smiled, and began to think about how to make the best use of the natural energy source. His eyes occasionally caught Qin Zixuan, and he was more sure of improving his father's strength.

Facing a lazy father, Dahai is also heartbroken, but Qin Zixuan is a person who is not self-motivated. He has never thought about attaining Taoism and immortality, let alone being a fairy, as long as he lives happily in this life. up.

Dinosaurs are good things to hear, so need to say?He must have snatched it, so he swung his fist more roundly. The battle here was gradually being watched by more monsters, and they began to stop practicing.

The monsters stared at Qin Zixuan and his group as if they were dead. If they dared to come to their territory to act wildly, they would be courting death.

So Qin Zixuan rushed in with his sword in hand. Gu Yuerong and the others found their opponents respectively. While fighting, they wanted to protect Qin Zixuan, but they found it difficult to protect Qin Zixuan as soon as they fought.

Li Han, on the other hand, followed Qin Zixuan's side with chic movements. He fought easily. His strength was not at the same level. Facing enemies of the same level, he could see who was superior.

Qin Zixuan collected the corpses while beating, this kid didn't want to waste the slightest bit, he still called this meaty, he went back to make it for Meng'er to eat, make it for Guoer to eat, and distributed the proceeds while beating.

Li Han, who was listening to Zhi Le, cut off the head of a monster with a big knife in his hand, then put it away, and said with a smile: "Master, I'll give you all I hunted."

Well, very good, where can I find such a good daughter-in-law?Qin Zixuan said that only I sincerely look for General Li in the palace!

They kill small fish and shrimps here, while the dinosaur and the sea work together to hunt down big monsters. This is not the first time the two have cooperated, and the fight was wonderful. These simple-minded monsters are obviously not their opponents.

Fighting, Qin Zixuan retreated, the small monsters were finished hunting, and the big monsters couldn't help, so Qin Zixuan sat beside him to wipe his sweat, cheering for the dinosaurs and the sea.

Gu Yuerong and the others wanted to step forward to help with the hammer, but they were slapped away by the tail of the monster. With a bruised nose and swollen face, they returned to stand behind Qin Zixuan, and Qin Zixuan was so amused that he didn't mention the words of going forward to help.

Qin Zixuan tugged at Li Han's ear, and asked in a low voice, "Are the sea and dinosaurs regarded as breaking the sky?"

"Probably so." Li Han's tone was not very sure. Realms are all set by people. They don't have a specific method to verify whether they have reached that level of strength. Anyway, they look very strong.

"I don't know where Lao Dao and the others are going now, whether they have rushed to the Holy Mother's Lake." Qin Zixuan rubbed his chin and thought of the Lao Dao and the others. Those guys are also smart, and they still want to take advantage of him, haha.

"If there are no accidents, we should be here." Li Han is not sure, their journey is quite smooth, if the veterans follow closely behind, it will not be difficult.

It's just that they didn't know that the old man was running for his life. Looking at the light in front of them, the two old men were really happy. They knew that the end of the light was the way out, and only by escaping from this cave could they have a chance to save their lives.

Behind them was a monster, which was also in a bad condition, with injuries all over its body, staring at a pair of dead fish skins and staring at the old Taoist and Daoist closely, as if there was a deep hatred.

The old man then threw something, and there was a roar behind him, the speed of the monster was blocked for a moment, the old man and the two continued to run for their lives, and when they reached the entrance of the cave, the old man almost cried.

The two rushed out of the cave and ran to the distance. There was movement behind them. When the old man looked back, he saw the monster close its eyes.With a scream, he quickly retracted his body.

"Hey, that monster is afraid of light!" The old Taoist shouted as if he had discovered a new continent. After hearing this, Cheng Qian stopped, turned around and looked around, and found that the monster had disappeared.

The old Taoist took the elixir for himself and Chengqian, sat in meditation for a while, opened his eyes and looked at the cave, his eyes flashed with wisdom from time to time, after thinking for a while, he got up and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

He raised his eyes to look into the cave, but he didn't see the shadow of the monster. Could it be that it has returned the same way?The old Taoist poked his head in the cave to watch, wanted to leave but was reluctant, always felt that there was some opportunity waiting for him inside.

Cheng Qian also came over, looked at the dark cave and sighed, and said, "Let's go, go back and invite your companions to fight here again."

Alas, the old Taoist sighed, staring at the cave with a green light, he said after a long time: "Some opportunities are fleeting, I'm afraid Qin Zixuan has already snatched them away before we rush back to the Southern Continent."

Speaking of Qin Zixuan, the old man is speechless, that person's luck is extremely good, and the luck of the two of them is less than one-thousandth of that of others. As long as Qin Zixuan finds this place, the opportunity here will miss them.

Chengqian's eyes flickered fiercely from time to time, just thinking of the strength of the monster, the fierce light became powerless, and he was also reluctant to part with the unknown opportunities inside, but what if he couldn't beat the monster?

"I remember that the first monster we encountered was injured, could it be caused by Qin Zixuan and the others?" Cheng Qian asked suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he felt the truth.

The old man's expression became weird, so Qin Zixuan has already snatched the opportunity?What can I do?The old Taoist circled around the entrance of the cave. Could it be that there is still an entrance to the Lake of Our Lady?

(End of this chapter)

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