Chapter 1619
The old man thought about it and felt that there must be an entrance to Notre Dame Lake. Even his old nest would have two or three entrances, some for escape, and some for backup. This is obviously a large underground building, and there must be several entrances.

Thinking of killing himself while Qin Zixuan was enjoying the fruits of victory, he wanted to vomit blood in a sophisticated manner. Is there anything in this world that can hurt people more than this?

what to do?Just bear it like this?This is not a seasoned character, when did he suffer from this?The old Taoist asked himself, if he couldn't swallow this tone, let's not mention Chengqian, he almost exploded with anger.

"Old Daoist, let's find a place to rest, and then rush to the border of the snow field to wait for them," Cheng Qian gritted his teeth with a fierce look on his face, "then look for an opportunity to snatch them."

Well, this proposal is not bad. Although Qin Zixuan's team has dinosaurs and the sea, if they don't go all out and rush to the goal of shooting and snatching, it is still possible to achieve it.

"Okay, that's it." The old man nodded in approval of Chengqian's proposal, and the two began to look for a place to rest. They still needed to take care of their injuries.

It's a pity that the two of them didn't know that there was a magic weapon of space in this world. If they knew, they might be made to cry stupidly. If they want to snatch it, they have to be discerning.

The dinosaur and the sea knocked down the big monster, and Qin Zixuan sat next to him and roasted the beast meat. It was really exhausting to eat a delicious meal, not to mention how enjoyable it was when he was young.

Of course, if you can fight monsters and level up like the rhythm in the game, then Qin Zixuan and dinosaurs will be perfect. Unfortunately, this is not a game world.

Dahai wiped his mouth after eating, and came to the pool at a leisurely pace. Dahai was so excited. He found so many natural essence sources, and there is no risk of death. Will anyone believe it?
This, I'm sorry, no one believes it, at least the two veterans don't believe it, and those who have already died don't believe it, but Dahai believes it!

Taking out a piece of jade with a radius of several feet, Hai Hai started to make the jade bottle seriously. The natural essence source is really precious. Ordinary containers are useless, as they will destroy the energy inside. It must be packed with good jade.

Fortunately, Dahai brought a lot with him, otherwise he would have to go back empty-handed facing Baoshan, and Dahai would be very lucky to have found the space stone, otherwise Dahai would definitely attract attention by taking out so many things.

Dahai looked back at his hiccupping father, and felt that his father was cute and silly, and he never thought that he had a magic weapon of space a long time ago.

Qin Zixuan didn't think he was stupid at all. He was enjoying Li Han's massage. He had to admit that Li Han's technique was good, and the massage was comfortable.

The dinosaur came to Dahai to help, and Dahai made a jade bottle, and the dinosaur began to fill it with natural essence, and asked, "How to use this thing? Do you drink it directly?"

Uh, there was a black line on Dahai’s forehead, and he drank it directly. The dinosaur really dared to think, and quickly said: "You can’t drink it directly, it will be burst by energy. Don’t you dare to drink it directly without seeing those monsters?"

Well, it is convincing to say so, but dinosaurs are not ordinary beasts, and asked curiously: "Can't I drink too?"

Dahai didn't know how to answer this question, but he knew that dinosaurs were particularly good at killing, but they couldn't die. Alas, Dahai sympathized with dinosaurs and at the same time envied their good bodies.

"You should be able to, after all, your body is too strong." Dahai said, the dinosaur suddenly smiled, and he also felt that he should be able to drink directly, so he took a small sip, and then his expression was wonderful.

After taking a sip of natural essence, the dinosaur silently put down the jade bottle in his hand, ran to Qin Zixuan and sat cross-legged, and said to Qin Zixuan seriously: "Don't drink it."

Oh, Qin Zixuan blinked his eyes in response, and saw that the dinosaur had already practiced cross-legged. This kind of situation is rare.

I didn't meditate when I ate the branches and leaves of the magic dragon flower last time. Is this thing so powerful?Qin Zixuan's curiosity was aroused, looking at Chizi, he wanted to give it a try.

Li Han's massaging hands stopped, and she hugged Qin Zixuan. She knew Xianggong's petty temper too well, and this guy was definitely thinking about it.

"Arong, go and help Dahai." Li Han assigned tasks to Gu Yuerong. Gu Yuerong looked suspicious, and it was understandable for him to work, but why did he hug his brother-in-law?
Dahai looked back at his mother's actions, and couldn't help shaking his head. The dinosaur was a kind reminder, but it turned out to be a bad thing with good intentions. Well, the natural essence must not be placed with his father, not even a drop.

Gu Yuerong ran to help, looking at the three-foot-square pool, the corner of his mouth twitched, he could see clearly just now, the dinosaur just took a sip, and hurried to practice, if it was him, it would probably explode.

Thinking of this, Gu Yuerong's hands that were loaded with natural essence trembled a little, for fear that his fingers would accidentally touch the natural essence, and if it got into his body, Gu Yuerong expressed that he was afraid of death.

Dinosaurs meditated for 12 hours, and the sea had already filled the pool with natural energy sources, so they were sitting there thinking about how to use them, and different people used different amounts.

This thing is too fierce, one bad thing is to explode and die. As for the pool and the surrounding environment, the sea has not damaged at all, and even left half a bottle of primer in the pool, for fear that this thing will disappear from now on.

This thing is the most precious treasure in the world. If it can grow naturally again, it will be wonderful.

The dinosaur breathed out a clumsy breath, and slowly opened his eyes, the eyes were shining brightly. Seeing that there was no change, the dinosaur knew that his strength had more than doubled than before.

The dinosaur doesn't know what strength it is now. The dinosaur is a big-hearted master, so it doesn't matter what its current strength is, as long as it improves. Anyway, the dinosaur knows that it can fight well.

"Brother, that's right, it looks a bit more handsome." Qin Zixuan clapped his hands, he was not lying, and there was an indescribable aura about the dinosaur, very ethereal.

"That's right, don't look at who I am, I'm a dinosaur." The dinosaur stroked his chin with a frightened face, and smiled at Dahai: "That thing is too powerful, you don't need to take it directly."

Dahai nodded, he had heard of the dominance of the natural essence source, but he had no chance to see it in his previous life. With Dahai's prudence, he would definitely not take his own life as an experiment.

"Do you want to continue checking?" Dahai asked.

Dinosaur didn't comment, but looked at Qin Zixuan, it was up to this buddy if he wanted to continue checking, Qin Zixuan blinked his innocent eyes, thought for a while, and said, "Let's see, we're here anyway, we have to go shopping anyway. once."

"Okay, then let's go shopping again." Dahai didn't object, this place is really mysterious, there are tall statues, and monsters, and this underground palace is so big that it doesn't look like a place where people live.

(End of this chapter)

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