Chapter 1621

The two old Taoists sat on the roc and followed them from a distance in mid-air, not daring to get too close, for fear of being discovered, they kept looking for opportunities to attack, but found that they couldn't find an opportunity because they never saw the treasure appear.

When Qin Zixuan and his party returned to the City of Three Immortals, Lao Dao and Chengqian were in despair. They didn't see any valuables taken out by those people, which didn't match what they imagined.

The most important thing is that they didn't even see a few medicinal herbs, and those people kept being silly. This situation is abnormal, absolutely abnormal. Could it be that they took good things in the underground palace?

Thinking of the old man so distressed that he couldn't breathe, there were five of them in a group, and three of them died and didn't get the fart baby. Looking at the others, it was a fart loss, and they came back singing all the way.

Why is there such a big gap between people?Is it because the other party is the darling of God?The old Taoist looked up at the sky, really wanted to smash it with his fist, but he knew it was impossible.

Alas, the old Taoist sighed for a long time, knowing that there would be no benefit if he kept guarding, he might as well go back to the Southern Continent early to think about how to get Qin Zixuan back to the Southern Continent.

It's just that the old man wanted to leave, but Cheng Qian was not happy. Cheng Qian looked at the old man and asked seriously: "Do you think Qin Zixuan is a ruthless person? Do you think he won't bring back good things for his women and friends?" child?"

The old man was asked, it seems that Qin Zixuan is not a heartless person, he is also very good to his women and children, even if he doesn't eat, he will give it to his children.

Doesn't that mean that if Qin Zixuan got something good, he would definitely bring it back, but they didn't see it, it was because Qin Zixuan was always guarding against him!
After figuring it out, the old man didn't mention the matter of leaving, but lived in the Three Immortals City. They should keep a close eye on it, as long as they take it out, they will definitely not be able to escape their perception.

In Xinxiang Garden of Sanxian City, Qin Zixuan hugged Meng'er for a while, Li Han hugged Guo'er and yelled obediently, the whole family was happy and happy until Qu Zongzhu appeared.

"My lord, Sect Master Qu is asking to see you." Lin Xi ran to report, with a smile on his face.

"Why is he here?" Qin Zixuan stared, Li Han and his daughters were overjoyed at that time, Da Hai rubbed his nose, fortunately he was a son, if it was a daughter, wouldn't it be that he hasn't married yet.

Hua Yan said with a smile: "Master, Ling'er is not young, this matter cannot be delayed."

"That's right, Mr. Gong, if you procrastinate any longer, it's not conducive to having a child. It's really hard to have a child at our age." Gong Liangyan persuaded.

"Actually, women don't have to have children." Gu Yueru continued leisurely, and then received a few pairs of blank eyes. Gu Yueru bowed her head. She was speaking from the bottom of her heart. Having a child is really dangerous and hard, too tiring .

Li Han hugged Guo'er, leaned close to Qin Zixuan and smiled, "Look at how cute Guo'er is, don't you want to hug your grandson?"

"I don't want to." Qin Zixuan refused to enter, Lin Xi stood by and stared, wondering whether Sect Master Qu would invite him in or send him away.

Dahai poured a glass of water in his hand and said to Linxi, "Please come in."

"Yes." Lin Xi hurried away.

Dahai looked towards the Yangtze River and asked, "How is Sect Master Qu?"

"He's a good person, and he really loves Ling'er. He looks at Ling'er as if he was looking at his daughter." Changjiang paused, and then added: "I inquired from the side, Sect Master Qu had a daughter who died young, and the same age as Linger's." About the same size."

The Yangtze River in the back didn't say anything, Dahai could think of it, probably regarded Ling'er as the daughter who died young, if so, there was no need to worry about Ling'er being bullied when she married.

Besides, although the Fengwu family has just arrived in the extreme north, their strength should not be underestimated. With the Fengwu family guarding by the side, coupled with the shock from their side, even if Qu Chang had the guts to dare to take advantage of Linger.

After thinking it over, Dahai persuaded Qin Zixuan: "Father, I know you feel uncomfortable, but Qu Chang is indeed the best candidate, and Linger also likes Qu Chang very much. Although she didn't realize her poor EQ, but she cheated no one."

"You can ignore it." Qin Zixuan replied, Dahai smiled wryly, he couldn't help but look at Li Han, Li Han shrugged, and it might not be easy to convince Mr.

"The younger generation, apart from our brothers, Qu Chang and Gong Xu are good, but you know the situation at Gong Xu's place. Because of their self-isolation, their blood has long been messed up. Ling'er really can't combine with Gong Xu to accept the share. torture."

Dahai also sighed when he mentioned Gong Xu, what a good boy, because of his innate blood, his own Linger must not be able to marry him, if a fool is born, it will be torture for a mother, the most painful in the world torture.

Dahai absolutely does not allow Linger to suffer that kind of pain, even if Linger likes Gong Xu, he will break it up, not to mention that Linger only has feelings for Gong Xu as a friend.

Qin Zixuan sighed, he understood what Dahai said, but Linger married so far away, he was worried that Linger would be angry, the natural enemy of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has been around for a long time, he was worried.

My mother, who is so cute and kind, is not picky about Li Han in every possible way. If it weren't for his tactful son, I really don't know what punishment Li Han would suffer.

Maybe the majestic general has long been tortured out of human form, and his bones were exhausted in the boring days in the backyard. Qin Zixuan didn't dare to think about those days, and his heart ached when he thought about them. That was his precious Ling'er.

No one knows Qin Zixuan's suffering in his heart, and no one will believe it when he tells it. Linger is the princess of Prince Cheng's mansion, who would dare to bully her?

Sect Master Qu led Qu Chang into the hall, looking at Qin Zixuan who sat on the head with a serious face, his heart trembled slightly, but he knew that the biggest resistance for his son was the one in front of him.

Seeing that if this posture is not good, he will start a war with himself. The corners of Qu Zongzhu's mouth twitched, saying that it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. He thought his son was exaggerating, but now it seems that his son is still talking about it.

"Haha, Prince Cheng, I've met the prince and the concubine in Qu Yuan of the Lower Aurora Gate." Sect Master Qu was very sincere, but he was also shocked by the strength of Qin Zixuan and his group, so he didn't dare to take it too seriously.

"Well, please sit down." Qin Zixuan squeezed out three words, his complexion did not improve, but it was really difficult for him to slap the table without hitting the smiling face.

Sect Master Qu didn't sit down, and greeted Dahai and the others. The courtesy was so thoughtful that no one could find fault with it, and then he turned his attention to Qin Zixuan.

Qu Chang followed after a round of ceremony, and then stood behind Qu Sect Master, his face was quite nervous, he knew whether his business could be accomplished, it was all up to Prince Cheng's thought.

Haha, Sect Master Qu laughed twice before opening his mouth, and complimented: "I have heard about the name of the prince for a long time, but seeing it today is indeed better than seeing it once. The prince is really a great talent in the world."

(End of this chapter)

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