Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1622 Worship to father-in-law

Chapter 1622 Worship to father-in-law

Sect Master Qu's compliment did not please Qin Zixuan. Qin Zixuan kept a straight face, with the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, and opened his mouth to hit Sect Master Qu. Dahai answered beside him:
"That is, my father is both civil and military, with extraordinary resourcefulness, which is rare in the world."

Well, being praised by his eldest son, Qin Zixuan felt refreshed in his heart. After all, he is a father. What father doesn't want himself to be the omnipotent god in the hearts of his children?

Qin Zixuan is no exception, and he also hopes that he is the omnipotent god in the hearts of his children. Dahai has already figured out Qin Zixuan's temperament and knows what to say to make his father happy.

Sect Master Qu hurriedly agreed, "Yes, yes, the prince is the most powerful person in the world, a role model for men, the overlord among heroes, and his strength is unmatched. My admiration for Prince Cheng is like the waters of the river."

Hehe, Sect Master Qu is also a wonderful person, he really fought hard for his son, the words he said even felt nasty to him, he quietly shook off the goosebumps on his body, and continued to flatter Qin Zixuan.

But when it comes to flattery, Qin Zixuan is well-informed. If there were no flattering jokes on the Internet in his previous life, then he really created a new world and a bright road.

Dinosaur shook his head slightly, feeling a little sympathetic to Sovereign Qu. This means he gave birth to a son, and he was a son who stared at other people's daughters.

"Sect Master Qu, you are being polite. My husband is indeed as good as you said, and there is no other in the world." Li Han answered shamelessly beside him.

This made the sycophant Qu Zongzhu stagnate, he didn't know how to answer the words, he felt that he was already very shameless, but he didn't know that when Li Han said it, he brushed his three views, and he didn't capture the essence of his feelings.

Dahai lowered his head and covered his face, and looked at the Yangtze River. The two brothers sighed in their hearts. The mother is sick. Unfortunately, there is no cure for it. He fell ill when he saw his father. What to do?
Qu Chang stood pitifully behind Qu Zongzhu. Seeing that his father's flattering skills were about to go bankrupt, his forehead was sweating. What to do, flattering is useless. The prince really doesn't want to marry his daughter.

Alas, Qu Chang sighed deeply in his heart, remembering that when he saw Linger for the first time, he believed that she was his future daughter-in-law. .

"Haha, lord, wangfei, haha," Sect Master Qu's rhythm was disrupted, it was embarrassing to laugh, his mind was running fast, thinking about how to say a proposal for his son.

The dinosaur couldn't bear to look at it anymore, and said, "Sect Master Qu, do you know that Ling'er is our baby, hold it in your hand and take care of it when you grow up?"

"Yes, yes, I know." Sect Master Qu also had a layer of sweat on his forehead, but he heard that this person had a very special status in Cheng Wang's mansion and had a very good relationship with people in Cheng Wang's mansion.

Even if the leader of the reincarnation sect is in front of him, he is happy to call him the leader. If he doesn't want to call the leader, he will call him Dahai, or he will be his nephew. Anyway, normal people dare not call him so casually.

"Then do you know that if your son marries Linger, he will only have Linger as a woman in his life. If he dares to have three wives and four concubines, hum!"

The dinosaur snorted coldly, and a star stone appeared in front of him. The dinosaur held the star stone with one hand, the corner of his mouth was raised, and a cold smile hung on his face. The hard star stone was turned into slag in the dinosaur's hand.

Sect Master Qu's forehead was sweating even more. He is not an idiot, nor is he someone who has never seen the world. He recognized the Star Stone at a glance. It is a rare treasure, a treasure that cannot be bought with money.

It is this kind of treasure that is actually used as a tool of demonstration by others, crushed to pieces, and there are ten thousand grass mud~horses galloping in Qu Zongzhu's heart, all of them are insane.

"Senior Mingjian, Chang'er has already told me about this matter, I have no objection, and I also treat Ling'er like a daughter, so naturally I dare not let Ling'er be wronged, senior, please rest assured."

Sect Master Qu quickly stated his position, for fear that his hesitation would cause other people's displeasure. He had mentioned this marriage with Changjiang, and with Gong Liangyan and the others, but they replied that everything was up to Prince Cheng.

This sentence really made the father and son quite desperate. If Prince Cheng wanted to agree, he would have agreed long ago, why would he wait until now.

Now that the dinosaur handed him a ladder, Master Qu grabbed hold of it and continued, "If you are worried, you can ask Chang'er to follow you. If Chang'er dares to bully Ling'er, he will be beaten and punished at will."

Huh?As soon as Qin Zixuan said this, his eyes lit up. What he was most afraid of was that Qu Chang would bring Ling'er back to the extreme north. It would be too difficult for him to see each other.

If Ling'er can live in front of his eyes, hehe, then he can think about it, Qin Zixuan rubbed his chin a little bit excitedly.

Sect Master Qu quietly looked at the reactions of everyone in the room, and let out a sigh of relief. He is not a rigid person, and the extreme north is also a place of bitter cold, and the development of the Aurora Gate is restricted.

If we can establish a sect in the Central Plains and branch out as a whole, hehe, that would also strengthen the Aurora Gate, wouldn't it!Besides, everyone in this family is mysterious and talented, so there must be secrets that everyone doesn't know.

Aside from other things, there is no such thing as the herbal decoction with powerful medicinal properties, not to mention the elixir. I have heard of it in legends, but I have never seen it in reality.

His son's strength is stronger than his own. If he gets married with Cheng Wangfu, his son's strength will only become stronger, not lower, and he will be able to climb a big tree and carry forward the Aurora Sect.

Qu Zongzhu has an exquisite heart, and thinks far more than Qu Chang. Seeing that Qin Zixuan is loose, he strikes while the iron is hot, and pushes Qu Chang out to make Qu Chang calm down quickly.

"Ah, that, my lord," Qu Chang was a little dazed. Seeing that his father was talking just right, he was not prepared at all. He didn't know what to say, so his legs gave way and he knelt down.

"Why are you kneeling? Where are you worshiping God?" Qin Zixuan asked angrily, everyone covered their mouths and laughed, Qu Chang murmured back with a blushing face.

"No, bye, bye, bye, father-in-law." Qu Chang plucked up his courage and finally called out the word "father-in-law". An angry Qin Zixuan grabbed the cup and wanted to smash the bastard to death.

Fortunately, Li Han is quick-witted, and his marriage with the Qu family is almost inseparable. If his daughter wants to marry into the Qu family in the future, it seems that it is not good to beat his son in front of his father-in-law. Well, he must not leave a bad impression.

"Thank you, Mr. Li." Li Han snatched the cup, and passed the steps along the way, for fear that Qin Zixuan would be uncomfortable. In fact, Qin Zixuan was already uncomfortable, and his father-in-law shouted his whole body.

"Father-in-law, don't worry. I, Qu Chang, swear that I will only love Ling'er in this life. She will not marry unless she is the only one in this life. After marriage, I will never get into trouble. If there is any violation, the sky will be struck by lightning."

Qu Chang also went all out, he knew that if he missed the opportunity today, it might be hard to find in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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