Chapter 1636 Name
Huang He stood on the altar with a serious face, and swung the evil sword in his hand again and again. The evil spirit retreated, and the righteous energy was powerful. Ying Lao commanded the men of the Ying clan to light the sacrifices. People came and went on the altar, and the atmosphere was tense.

With a bang, the reversed mountain collapsed downwards. The master Ying looked up at the fallen reversed mountain, his brows twitched, worried that he would be crushed to death.

The thunder on the mountain was endless, and the thunder net fell quickly, faster than the collapse of the inverted mountain. Soon, except for the altar, the surrounding fields were enveloped by lightning.

"Will it hit the altar?" Patriarch Ying asked with a trembling voice.

Huang He still squinted his eyes, and replied calmly: "No."

Huang He is full of confidence. His place is a blessed place. At the same time, the altar is used to save the souls of the dead. This is a good thing to do good deeds and accumulate virtue.

In Wu Lei Fan Tian, ​​the old man was really tragic. He found that he had lived 8000 years in vain, but he was no match for a little bastard. Where did that bastard come from?Why has he never heard of it?

The thunder and lightning struck the old man's soul, and the old man's weak soul disappeared. He didn't figure out what happened until he died, why the sky changed overnight!
The sea and dinosaurs walked through the thunder and lightning, and soon came to the altar. The master of the film family looked at the sea with disheveled hair, and his impression of the sea was overturned. He didn't expect the sea to be able to do arithmetic.

Dahai came to the altar quickly, looked around, then swung the evil sword, came to the middle of the altar, and presided over the crossing of the dead with the Yellow River.

While they were busy on the stage, many curious people were attracted to watch them, and they were blocked from the outside. They could only see a tall altar standing out from a distance amidst the lightning and thunder.

This busy work lasted for 49 days. It was not because the strength of the sea and the Yellow River was poor, but because there were too many souls here.

The dinosaur sat on the altar, looking at the visions around him, he was so startled that he couldn't speak for a long time. As the last soul of the dead dissipated, the upside-down mountain, which had never seen the sun all day long, greeted the dazzling sunlight.

The topless upside-down mountain also disappeared between the sky and the earth, leaving only a vast expanse of white land, which looks a bit oozing, but the sea knows that after a few decades, this place will become shaded by green trees.

Dahai and Yellow River have finished their work, and those guys who helped burn the sacrifices have lost a few laps, not to mention Dahai and Yellow River, with stubble on their faces, and there is no trace of a personable person.

"This is finally resolved." Dahai sighed, Huang He put away the Slaying Evil Sword, wiped his face, and then sighed, this whole thing really exhausted him.

Father Ying came running from afar, and shouted with a smile: "Yellow He, Yellow He, Xiao Qi is born, a pair of twins."

Huang He was overjoyed when he heard the words, a lot of the fatigue on his body dissipated, he turned over and jumped off the altar, and laughed to meet Father Ying.

Dahai didn't expect that it would take so long for this transcendence. The 8000 years of sinful creation is too deep, and it is not so easy to complete the transcendence.

Dahai bowed to Master Ying, then jumped off the altar and chased towards the Yellow River. Laughter resounded on the altar, and the sun became brighter.

Shadow Boy was guarding the two children, sitting in the carriage, staring at the running Yellow River, feeling distressed for a while, since she had confinement, she brought the children here.

Thinking that Xianggong has been so busy with neither eating nor drinking, Boy Ying rolled down the car window and said, "Hurry up and prepare the food and drink, and let Huang He take a bath before coming here."


The Shadow Clan disciples rushed towards Huang He, Huang He rolled his eyes angrily, wanting to kick someone flying, but was caught by the overtaking sea.

"Brother, let's wash it first, children can't stand these smells." Dahai persuaded.

"Well, it makes sense." Huang He looked down at himself, also worried that his image would frighten the children, this is the first time with his children, he had to clean up no matter what.

This guy is very persuasive. He washed his hair beautifully in the temporary bathroom built by the photographer, tied up his hair, shaved off his beard, and put on beautiful new clothes. Apart from being thin, he still looks like a human being.

After Huang He washed and ran to Ying Xiaoqi's side, there was already a table beside the car, with delicious food and several jars of good wine on it, Huang He suddenly felt that Xiao Qi knew him best in this world.

"Thanks a lot!"

"Thanks a lot!"

Huang He and Xiao Qi said in unison, Xiao Qi felt sorry for Huang He's 49-day sleepless ghost, and Huang He felt sorry for Xiao Qi's hard work in giving birth to a child, and he was not by his side, so he was very sorry.

The work that I thought would be completed soon, unexpectedly took so long, it was also due to a previous misjudgment, and Dahai was here to help, or it would have taken even longer.

The two looked at each other and smiled, Xiao Qi shook the child in his arms and said: "The older one is a daughter, and the younger one is a son."

"Well, very good, we have both sons and daughters, and our lives are complete." Huang He smiled, looked at the son in Xiaoqi's arms, and took the daughter from Yingmu's arms, grinning foolishly.

"Stupid, leave the child to mother, you can eat something first." Ying Xiaoqi felt sorry for Huang He, and picked up chopsticks to give him some food.

"Don't wait, let's wait for the elder brother and the others." Huang He smiled, but he hugged his daughter and did not let go. Under the influence of Qin Zixuan, this guy is also a slave to his daughter.

Dahai, Dinosaur and the others quickly cleaned up, and walked over laughing, Dahai took out two identical necklaces for the two little guys to wear, and said with a smile: "Don't take off these two necklaces, it's good for your health. "

"Yes, thank you, brother." Boy Ying hurriedly thanked her, her eyes lit up, she knew that Hai Da's hand must be a fine product, and being her own nephew, he must be a treasure that can be met but not sought after.

Huang He didn't thank you, but grinned and continued to giggle. Da Hai could understand this feeling, and said with a smile, "Let's go to Daqin first, and I'll pick up your sister-in-law and the others, and then go to the Western Continent together."

"Okay." Huang He happily agreed, and everyone sat down one after another.

The dinosaur took the little guy in Ying Xiaoqi's arms and asked, "Is there a name?"

Ying Xiaoqi glanced at Huang He, and said disgustedly: "It's not decided yet, that bastard Huang He insists on calling him shit Jin Ya, I don't agree."

Speaking of which, Ying Xiaoqi grinds his teeth, what name did this bastard take, he doesn't want to be such a fool.

Huang He felt bitter, this was a good name his father came up with, why must there be a child called it, he is filial and righteous.

A table of people laughed, the dinosaur shook the baby in his arms, the little guy stared at the dinosaur with black eyes, not afraid of strangers at all, the dinosaur smiled and said, "How about I help them name it?"

"Okay, thank you, Uncle Long." Ying Xiaoqi responded immediately, Ying's father and Ying's mother looked at each other, and a wry smile flashed in their eyes. They wanted to name their grandson and granddaughter, but the status of the dinosaur was too high to dare to snatch it. .

(End of this chapter)

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