Chapter 1637

Dinosaur thought for a moment, and said with a smile: "This generation is wisdom, and his son is called Zhipan. Do you like it?"

After talking about the dinosaur, he secretly looked forward to it. He couldn't have a baby in his life, but he really liked the little baby. This is the first time he named the little baby in two lifetimes.

"Okay, a good name and a good metaphor, thank you, nephew."

Huang He cheerfully raised his cup, the dinosaur immediately smiled, bowed his head and called Pan'er softly, his heart was warm, and the pampering color was beyond words.

Everyone was overjoyed to see them, and they raised their glasses to celebrate. The sun shone on them, as if they had passed through a layer of gold.

Master Ying looked at the two little dolls with envy. These two were also born with golden spoons in their mouths, and they were protected by a super strong man, so no one would dare to mess with them in the future.

After all, the name of the dinosaur means that these two dinosaurs are covered. Whoever bullies these two will have a lot of fun, and it is estimated that they will be dismantled by the dinosaurs.

After dinner, Huang He's family of four sat in a car, Dahai drove, and Dinosaur sat in the passenger seat holding Pan'er.

Huang He hugged his daughter and asked with a smile, "Brother, when will we go to the Western Continent? I have long wanted to go."

Ying Xiaoqi held her daughter's little hand, looked at the sea, and at the same time was a little worried. The child is too young, and the boat ride is very hard. Ying Xiaoqi actually wants to wait until the child is older to travel.

"You can leave after you arrange things." Dahai smiled, his eyes glanced at Ying Xiaoqi, and said with a smile: "This time, let's go to the Western Continent by Roc."

"The child is too young, I'm afraid it won't be able to withstand the impact of the airflow." Ying Xiaoqi was even more worried, it might as well take a boat.

"Don't worry about this. I found the material for refining the enchantment in the underground palace. Later, I will find time to refine an enchantment to protect you in the enchantment. Naturally, you will not be afraid of the air current."

Dahai explained with a smile that he wanted to refine the enchantment before, but unfortunately he couldn't find the materials. He didn't expect that there were necessary materials in the treasure house of the underground palace. It would be convenient for him to travel after he came here.

That's why Dahai wanted to go to Daqin to pick up his family. He wanted to take his grandma with him. Anyway, sitting in the barrier was like sitting on flat ground, and they wouldn't be affected by the airflow.

Following Hai Hai's explanation, Huang He's eyes lit up immediately, and he shouted: "Brother, my dear brother, you must give me an enchantment. I also want to take my wife and children to travel around the world."

"Don't worry, I will definitely send you off. When will I be less than you." Dahai smiled, his elder brother's demeanor is undeniable. More.

Turning his head to look at the children, Dahai thought about the harvest during this period, children should be educated from an early age, this time, gather the children together, and then make a medicinal soup for them to soak, so that their muscles and bones are well-rounded, and they will also be able to cultivate in the future. Smooth sailing.

Thinking of his two sons and daughters, the smile on Dahai’s lips became even stronger. It’s been a long time since we last saw each other, and he didn’t know if he would be able to walk anymore.

Daqin, Huang He returned to Prince Cheng's mansion with a bruised nose and swollen face. He saw his grandma's eyes were red. He couldn't figure out why the two younger brothers were going crazy. Didn't he force them to marry a wife and beat him again for Mao?

Concubine Cheng clenched her fists angrily, Song's heart ached for her son, it didn't count that she hadn't found the one she liked at such a young age, but she was beaten up by two little devil kings, she really wanted to catch those two guys and beat them hard.

It's a pity that the general and the prince are not at home now, and the three Dahai brothers are also not at home. There is no one who can shock the two little devil kings, so I can only be angry.

Rushi Ruhua knelt beside her to apologize for her son, with a helpless look on her face, and they were powerless to grab the two of them and beat them up. Alas, they expressed their sadness when the mother couldn't control her son.

If the old monster Zhoushan was at home, he could teach them a lesson. Now that the old monster Zhoushan has gone to the Eastern Continent, who can suppress the two?The poetic and picturesque shows that they are also desperate.

They don't want to find a daughter-in-law even when they are old, but they are wandering outside every day. If Dahai didn't order them not to leave Daqin, they probably would have run away long ago, alas!
Ruxue stood by to persuade, Huang Shan said sadly and angrily: "Grandma, you can force them to get married right away, or leave them alone and wait for father to come back to deal with them. I, I, I am the king of the country, how about it?" I was beaten every day."

Speaking of Huangshan, he was so angry that he wanted to cry, it was too bullying, he felt deep malice from his two younger brothers, those two bastards didn't dare to argue with grandma, and actually forced him to come.

Concubine Cheng helped Huangshan up, and said angrily: "Don't worry, if they dare to beat you again, I, I, see if I don't break their legs."

"But, grandma, you can't catch up with them." Huang Shan didn't believe what grandma said at all, Concubine Cheng was dumbfounded, it seemed like this, she wanted to teach those two bastards more than once, but really couldn't catch up.

Uncle Zhong stood outside the door, wanting to laugh when he listened to the commotion inside, but sympathized with Huang Shan very much. This kid is not good at martial arts, and he is the weakest among the brothers. He is obviously the elder brother, but he was taught by the younger brother.

But what to do, the two boys Taishan and Huashan are really out of tune.

Outside the gate of the mansion, Huashan and Taishan decided not to enter the house after seeing the emperor's guard of honor. They should wait until grandma calms down before returning to the mansion.

"Brother, where should we go shopping?" Hua Shan asked with his arms around Tai Shan's shoulders, looking like two good brothers, since they can't go back home, let's find a good place to stay.

"Let's go to the Western Continent to find Dad." Taishan said, Huashan had a bitter face, he was worried that he would be beaten to death by his elder brother in the Western Continent, and his elder brother's order was not to leave Daqin.

"It's not so good, let's play in Daqin, or else let's go find Bai Zhanyuan. I heard that he recently seduced a girl. If Grandma Wang didn't show off, we wouldn't be living in dire straits."

"Go and beat him up?" Tai Shan's eyes lit up, and he suddenly regained his energy. Bai Zhanyuan is Bai Jing's youngest son, six years younger than the two of them. I didn't expect that boy to seduce girls at such a young age, which made them very upset. .

So the two brothers decided to go to Wang's house to find someone with unrestrained steps. Poor Bai Zhanyuan didn't know that the disaster was coming, and he was terrified at home.

Over Daqin, a few rocs flew over from a distance, and soon came to the sky over Prince Cheng's mansion, hovered in the air for a while, and landed in the courtyard where the dinosaur used to stay.

The guards had already gathered around, and when they saw the people coming down from above, they immediately scattered with a smile, and some people ran towards the main courtyard, they had to go to announce the good news.

Concubine Cheng, who was hurt by anger, was overjoyed when she heard the letter. She could be counted as someone who could calm down those two bastards. She was really pissed off.

Wu Ying brought the child to persuade grandma, and was also happy. She carried the child out to welcome her. It took several months to go to the sea, and Wu Ying really missed him.

(End of this chapter)

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