Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1640 Theology

Chapter 1640 Theology
It is a good thing to be promoted by others, but to be despised by others for being too weak is really full of blows. Even though Huangshan knows that he is the weakest, his little heart will inevitably be hammered.

Song looked at her son very sympathetically. She used to think that her son's ability to read was really good, but now she feels a little bit of a thing, as if being able to read is not so good, and everything has to be said by strength.

Dahai looked at Concubine Cheng again, and asked, "Does the child of the Yellow River have to entertain guests?"

"Is there still a need to ask this question? Of course we have grandchildren in our family to treat guests." Concubine Cheng had a happy expression on her face. Hospitality is a matter of course.

"We still have things to do in the Western Continent. If you want to entertain guests, entertain your relatives and friends. Treat guests tomorrow morning, and let's leave in the afternoon. Then you can arrange things at home."

Dahai frowned. He felt that there was not enough time, and he didn't know why he had such an idea. He just wanted to return to the Western Continent early, and the most urgent task was to improve everyone's strength.

"Is it too late?" Princess Cheng asked, looking at Huang He, feeling a little sorry for the child.

"Grandma, hurry up and get ready. I feel like something big is about to happen." Huang He said, not only Da Hai felt this way, but also Huang He felt this sense of crisis after killing Venerable Ni Tian.

"Is there something wrong with your father?" Concubine Cheng became anxious when she mentioned her son.

"Probably not, let the housekeeper make arrangements, just notify relatives and friends." Da Hai said, Concubine Cheng didn't move, so he hurriedly asked Uncle Zhong to notify the housekeeper.

Soon, Yu Jingcheng knew the news about the banquet at Cheng Wang's Mansion tomorrow, but they didn't do much, and only entertained relatives and friends, which made some people who wanted to build a relationship dumbfounded.

Soon, the family surnamed Qin received the news, followed by the notice of a good relationship, and then the notice of a hard relative like the Tang family's Lin family. The preparations for tomorrow's banquet were also started, and Huangshan also transferred the imperial chef from the palace.

Things were going on in an orderly manner, but in the depths of the sea, on a vast white island, Gong Xu came out of the cave. He looked up at the sky, clenched his fists, and his face was full of determination.

Not long after Gong Xu walked out, an old man woke up from trance, and appeared in front of Gong Xu in a flash. He looked Gong Xu up and down, with a satisfied expression on his face.

"Xiao Xu, you are not young anymore, it's time to get married." Gong Lie said with a serious face.

Gong Xu couldn't help frowning when these words fell into Gong Xu's ears, with a displeased expression on his face, he said, "Father, I can't marry Ling Hua, do you know that close relatives make fools?"

Gong Xu's eyes sparkled, and he continued: "Our Gong family can't continue like this. In the past, there was a marriage between the two surnames Wang and Liu. Now the entire Bingyan Island belongs to the Gong family, but the Gong family is also on the verge of destruction. You do you know?"

"Nonsense, the Gong family is the descendant of the gods. How can it be destroyed forever?" Gong Lie also had fire in his eyes, and said loudly: "The Wang and Liu families have a heart of disobedience. They are not dead. Bingyan Island is restless. Now The entire Bingyan Island belongs to the Gong family, and it is the stage of our vigorous development."

"I told you that close relatives will give birth to idiots, do you understand?" Gong Xu stared, thinking of marrying his cousin, he felt as if he had eaten a bowel movement, "The Gong family is full of idiots, we don't need others to destroy us, we You can become extinct by yourself, understand?"

"Nonsense, my Gong family will produce idiots, that's because they can't bear the nourishment of the divine blood, and they are stubborn by nature." Gong Lie was furious. He knew before that his son didn't like Ling Hua, but he didn't expect to think of such a ridiculous reason.

Haha, Gong Xu was furious, pointed at Gong Lie and shouted: "Born to be stubborn? You and my mother had eight children, seven idiots, are they all born to be stubborn?"

"Isn't there still you? Who said that everyone is born stubborn?" Gong Lie stared, disapproving. Gong Xu felt that he could not communicate with his father. In short, he would never marry his cousin.

"Okay, let me tell you the truth, I won't marry Ling Hua even if I die, I have a woman I love." Gong Xu said coldly, he was sure that his father would not beat him to death, because he was the only normal child out of eight.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you, and I'm not willing to kill you, but I can kill the woman you like." Gong Lie laughed, turning into an old fox.

As soon as these words came out, a murderous aura quietly rose in Gong Lie's body, and he was moved to kill the woman Gong Xu liked.

Gong Xu stared at his father coldly, wanting to see if he was telling the truth. After a long time, Gong Xu said coldly: "You are so stupid! Open your eyes and look at the life around you.

Since the two families of Wang and Liu were destroyed, and since the children of the Gong family got married, look at how many fools there are on Bingyan Island, and how many people can't stand the blow and commit suicide. Isn't my mother's death enough to make you wake up? "

When Gong Xu said this, he was so angry that he couldn't speak. He couldn't figure out why there were so many idiots on Bingyan Island. It wasn't until he went out and saw the outside world that he understood the root of the trouble.

What kind of divine blood is simply ridiculous. Is there a god in this world?Even the blood of the gods did not come from anywhere. It is even more ridiculous that his palace family is self-proclaimed and self-defeating. If it continues to reproduce like this, the palace family will perish within three generations.

"Your mother died of illness, she didn't commit suicide." Gong Lie yelled angrily, as if he had been exposed, and the flames grew rapidly. Thinking of his dead wife and his silly sons, he was also very heartbroken.

They quarreled loudly, waking up the Gong family members who were meditating, and many people came out of the cave, asking what happened.

Gong Xu told everyone about his own experience in the outside world, telling everyone that marriages with close relatives will produce idiots, everyone must go out, get out of Bingyan Island, find a woman with a different surname to marry, and stop being idiots.

But his words didn't get support, whether it was drops or divine blood's remarks in response to Gong Xu, Gong Xu was so angry that he wanted to die, he couldn't understand the truth that ordinary people understand, why don't they people who claim to have divine blood don't understand?
It's because everyone's brains are damaged by cultivation, they explain what is unreasonable as what should be taken for granted, and then implement it as what should be done, regardless of right or wrong, regardless of the consequences, and don't look at the real examples around them, how crazy they are.

"Xiao Xu, we are the descendants of the gods, we are immortal, our blood can no longer be defiled, we must keep it pure, do you know? If the king and Liu family didn't pollute our divine blood, we would have become gods long ago .”

The eldest of the Gong family, Gong Sheng, stared at Gong Xu with a serious face, his tone was full of dissatisfaction with the Wang and Liu families, and at the same time looked down on others, as if he could really become a god.

Gong Xu looked at the clan elder, hehe, he really wanted to shoot this old bastard to death, he wouldn't let others do it if he wasn't good!

(End of this chapter)

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