Chapter 1641
Taking a few deep breaths, Gong Xu still couldn't suppress the anger in his heart, stared at the clan elder with hatred, sneered on his face, and asked loudly:
"The clan elders keep claiming that the Wang and Liu families have polluted the blood of the Gong family, so can you explain why the Gong family has more and more idiots? Why didn't the Wang and Liu families have so many idiots when they existed?"

Snapped!Gong Xu's response was a resounding slap in the face, and Gong Sheng's flames also rose. How could he allow a junior to provoke him at his young age. As for the Gong family's birth of fools, they are naturally stubborn.

However, Gong Xu's words still aroused everyone's discussion. It can be seen from the family tree of the Gong family that there were not so many idiots in the past, but now almost eight out of ten couples are idiots.

Isn't this unreasonable?Some people looked at the people around them. If Gong Xu was telling the truth, wouldn't it mean that all the reasons were caused by the marriage of close relatives?
No, no, this kind of thinking is wrong. They are the descendants of gods, possessing divine blood. Divine blood is noble and undefiled.

When doubts arose in their hearts, each of them used the blood of the gods to brainwash themselves.

If Qin Zixuan was here, he would definitely ask curiously: Who told them that they have divine blood?Who made them marry inbreeding?This is how much I hate the palace family.

Gong Lie saw that the clan elder was angry, so he couldn't help but order Gong Xu to apologize. Gong Xu covered his face and said bitterly, "You asked me to apologize to an old poor family? !"

An old poor family hurt Gong Sheng's heart. Yes, he was an old poor family. His son married his own sister and gave birth to three idiots. Unable to bear the blow, he committed suicide and died.

On the second day after the son's death, the daughter-in-law and daughter were unwilling to endure Gong Sheng's violent beating, ended the lives of three silly children with a knife, and then committed suicide.

Being poked at the pain point, Gong Sheng's anger couldn't be suppressed, and when Gong Xu was caught, he was beaten violently. Gong Lie only heard the sound of his son's bones breaking, and hurried forward to fight, fearing that his son would be beaten to death.

Gong Wei stood there with his hands clasped and watched coldly, his brows furrowed into Sichuan characters, he looked at his daughter standing beside him with a frightened face for a long time, and sighed in his heart, he didn't know whether this decision was right or wrong.

Besides, Gong Xu is the most gifted in the younger generation, if you don't marry Gong Xu, you still have to marry other disciples of the Gong family, you can't live without marriage!

The changes on Bingyan Island fell into the eyes of the spies in the sky, and the spies recorded them one by one, and emphasized that Gong Xu was not the old man's all-in-one enemy, he was grabbed by the neck and beaten in the face, and his legs were broken.

When the people on the island returned to the cave, the spies hurriedly told Dapeng to leave. It was really cold to guard the sky above. Even if he was strong, he couldn't stay for a long time, he had to change it.

Qin Zixuan watched Changjiang busily preparing Ling'er's dowry, and couldn't help but want to care, but after caring, he was unhappy. He really understood the kind of father who cried at the wedding.

The daughter I raised was tricked away by wolf cubs, so it's hell to be able to laugh.

Li Han hugged Guo'er, Hua Yan hugged Meng'er, and the two circled around Qin Zixuan from left to right, trying to make Qin Zixuan happy. It was true that Qin Zixuan was happy to see the child, but he was unhappy when he saw Quchang. .

Zongzhu Qu brought his son to see him, some things are up to the Yangtze River, but Qin Zixuan still needs to know about the interaction between in-laws, so as to avoid mistakes when the time comes.

Furthermore, Sect Master Qu intends to send someone back and send another batch of betrothal gifts. It is true that the dowry prepared by the Yangtze River is too rich, and the dowry gift from his own family looks shabby. Sect Master Qu is a good person.

"Father-in-law, do you have anything you like? I'll ask someone to bring it along." Qu Zongzhu asked.

Qin Zixuan stared at Qu Chang, gritted his teeth and said, "I don't like anything in particular. The one I like the most is my eldest daughter, but she was cheated by your son. How do you settle the debt?"

Qu Chang lowered his head, and Qu Zongzhu laughed with him, persuading him: "You can also change your mind, for example, your daughter cheated my son away, and then they lived by your side all the time, while I lived alone in the extreme north. Land, will you feel better if you think about it this way?"

Um!Qin Zixuan thought about it for a second, really don't say it, it's true, if Qu Chang founds a clan in Daqin in the future, wouldn't it mean that his daughter kidnapped a son-in-law?
Hey, not to mention, the dark clouds above Qin Zixuan's head dissipated all of a sudden, his complexion looked good, his spirits glowed, and his face was full of glory.

"All right, you really know how to talk, I recognize your in-laws." Qin Zixuan was in a good mood, and took Sect Master Qu to drink. He came all the way to the Western Continent, and he hasn't entertained him well yet.

Li Han and Hua Yan looked at each other, it seems that persuading people must focus on the key points, otherwise it would be useless to wear out the words.

Sect Master Qu was also very happy. Only when Qin Zixuan was dealt with would he be at ease. This relative is indeed the Aurora Sect's high rise. No matter how powerful the Aurora Sect is in the extreme north, it is really not enough in front of others.

Not to mention anything else, if they send an older son out, they will be able to destroy the Aurora Gate, not to mention the gang of boys from the Yangtze River and the Yellow River.

Qin Zixuan shouted for wine, good wine!Lin Xi responded positively, Lin Xi was happy when the master was happy, and he got used to it. In Lin Xi's life, Qin Zixuan came first, and his family was second.

Li Han hugged Guo'er and said with a smile: "Let's go, let them have a drink."

Hua Yan nodded with a smile, and put his heart into his stomach. The two chatted as they walked, and Hua Yan said: "Hai Hai has been going to the Southern Continent for more than two months, and I don't know if the trip is going well or not, and there is no news to send back. "

"There shouldn't be any danger. There are dinosaurs here. That guy is a hob meat that can't be chopped to death or boiled." Li Han smiled, looking at the sky, not worried at all that it was a lie.

But no matter how worried she is, she can't leave at will now, there is still a big stall here waiting for her to guard, and she can't leave.

"Ling'er's wedding dress hasn't rusted yet, why don't you let Qu Chang rust it." Hua Hua said again, Li Han's eyes lit up after hearing this, and he thought it was a good proposal. Distressed.

"Let my husband talk about this matter, anyway, my husband is used to messing around." Li Han said with a smile, thinking of the wedding dresses of Bai Jing and Liu Yi, in fact, there is nothing wrong with men's rusty flowers, and their craftsmanship is really good.

Bai Jing walked in from the outside, seeing Li Han and Li Han talking and laughing, she couldn't help asking: "What are you laughing at?"

"We are discussing whether to ask Qu Chang to help Ling'er with the wedding dress." Li Han smiled, looking at Wang Rui who was beside him.

Wang Rui received the gaze, and immediately smiled and said: "You can have this, where is Qu Chang, I'll go beat the side drum."

"I'm drinking with the prince inside, go quickly." Li Han pointed to the hall with a smile on his face. He really wanted to see Qu Chang's skills early and liberate Ling'er.

(End of this chapter)

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