Chapter 1642
It is said that Qin Zixuan protects his weaknesses, but in fact Li Han protects his weaknesses even more. He is reluctant to do Ling'er's embroidery, so he plays Qu Chang's idea, and there is no one else.

Wang Rui ran to Qin Zixuan for a drink and embroidered a wedding dress for his daughter-in-law. He did it, Wang Rui did it, and Qu Chang also did it.Thinking of everyone calling him a fake mother behind his back, Wang Rui still felt a little bit on fire.

Of course, Wang Rui doesn't regret it. If he didn't embroider the wedding dress himself, then his daughter-in-law would have to learn from a general. Compared with the two, Wang Rui still chooses to embroider by himself.

Because Bai Jing on that day was really beautiful, the beauty reached the depths of his soul, and after many years, he was still excited when he thought of it, and it was still unforgettable, maybe it was because of too much love.

In short, Wang Rui has never regretted it, let alone felt ashamed. He just wanted more men to follow in his footsteps, so that there would be more beautiful brides in the world.

Bai Jing watched Wang Rui leave, smiling very sweetly, the quack spirit on her body has been washed away by the years, the hard lines disappeared, and the whole person became soft and beautiful.

Li Han patted Bai Jing's shoulder and said with a smile, "You are lucky."

"The general is lucky, because I have been blessed by the general, so I am also lucky." Bai Jing said with a smile, but she knew in her heart that if the general hadn't saved her life back then, she would have been a glass of loess long ago.

Not to mention, if it wasn't for the general to teach her superb martial arts, how could a little girl who traveled the rivers and lakes be worthy of Wang Rui, and how to get the Wang family to recognize her identity? .

Bai Jing could see clearly, so she followed Li Han closely. Bai Jing knew that whether it was for herself, the Wang family, or her child, it would definitely be right to hug the big thick leg in front of her.

"You are all lucky." Hua Yan smiled, looked at Meng'er in her arms, and said: "I am also lucky, it is enough to meet my husband in this life."

"Yes, we are all lucky." Li Han continued, and the three of them looked at each other and smiled with happiness on their faces.

If Qin Zixuan was here, he might ask, I have married so many young wives, are you really that lucky?

Qin Zixuan always felt that he was sorry for marrying too many women, but he couldn't control his flirtatiousness. He used to be able to end up with a lustful heart but no courage, but when Li Han and Haihai both supported him in taking concubines, he really couldn't stop him from taking concubines. Live the temptation.

Fortunately, the current Qin Zixuan is honest, he doesn't continue to flirt, and he doesn't look around with perverted eyes. He has really calmed down, and he only pretends to be his daughter-in-law, his relatives and friends in his heart.

When Wang Rui walked into the hall, Qin Zixuan was lamenting about life, Qu Zongzhu nodded frequently, and repeatedly praised the prince for his talent, while Qu Chang honestly poured wine for the two of them like a boy pouring wine.

"Hey, you guys are drinking, will it be more if I have one more?" Wang Rui asked with a smile, and the three quickly looked at Wang Rui.

Qin Zixuan smiled and said, "You don't have too much, come sit down and have a drink together."

"Brother Wang, please." Sect Master Qu got up and cupped his hands. Qu Chang also called out to Uncle Wang, and pulled out the chair to invite Wang Rui to sit down. Wang Rui was also polite and sat down with a smile.

"I sent someone to invite Wang Rui, the lord won't blame me for being troublesome, right?" Wang Rui asked with a smile, blinking his eyes, smiling a bit badly.

"How come, you are my brothers." Qin Zixuan didn't know why, but he knew that the tempers of the two were a little bit bad, and he didn't know who Wang Rui was trying to plot.

"Since that's the case, shall we wait for a while?" Sect Master Qu asked tentatively. He also knew about the relationship between the two of them and Qin Zixuan.

"Alright, let's wait for a while." Qin Zixuan clapped the case, looked at Wang Rui with a smile and said, "I think when I first met Brother Wang, he was chasing after the first beauty, but now he is my brother-in-law." .”

Wang Rui was a little embarrassed when he said it in one sentence. He also thought of being young and frivolous, and thinking of the days when he was blind.

Both Qin Zixuan and Bai Jing would bring up a few words of teasing from time to time, Wang Rui has long been used to it, and at the same time, he also thought of the days when he first met Bai Jing, how heroic and heroic he was.

Thinking back to those years, Qin Zixuan also had something to say, pointing to Wang Rui and said: "I think back then when I pointed out the gangsters on the edge of Taihu Lake, scolding and crying a bunch of heroes, that's magnificent!"

It is said that heroes don't mention bravery in the past, Qin Zixuan drank a little wine and thought of the past trips to the rivers and lakes, when he was young and frivolous, he always wanted to see the people of the rivers and lakes, but just passing by was boring.

The rivers and lakes are like that. In the bloody wind, there are true and false, loyal and treacherous, similar to courts, similar to family houses, and disputes between profit and fame cannot be escaped.

When the ambition to become a hero is extinguished, the willingness to walk with people in the Jianghu will be reduced, but it is unexpected that Wang Rui and Wang Rui will take the initiative to climb up. Thinking about the time when Jianghu and his party made friends with young heroes from all walks of life, only those who still have contacts now These two people.

It's not that Qin Zixuan doesn't miss the old days, it's that Qin Zixuan's status is too high, so high that others don't dare to climb up to him, and if others don't come to him, how can Qin Zixuan have the nerve to get close to him?

Wang Rui couldn't help but blush when he heard Qin Zixuan preaching about the glorious history of that year, thinking that he was also one of the people who cried bitterly by the Taihu Lake back then, but Qin Zixuan was so bad, and his mouth was so good at talking, that everyone cried loudly when he said it.

However, Qin Zixuan's actions back then are now passed on as miraculous. Those who were lucky enough to participate in those days did not take the events of that day as their capital, walk around the rivers and lakes to report their names, and then talk about the scenery of that day, attracting countless envious looks .

The four sat there chatting about their youth, and couldn't help laughing at their own absurdity. Qu Chang was dumbfounded when he heard it, but he didn't expect that the three of them had wonderful experiences.

While talking and laughing, Wang Rui walked in with easy steps. He first glanced at Wang Rui with slightly raised eyes, then bowed his hands to Qin Zixuan and Qu Zongzhu, and sat down with a smile.

"I'll just wait for you. If you come late, you will be punished with three cups." Qin Zixuan laughed, and Qu Chang hurriedly picked up the jug to serve.

"Okay, I'll punish myself with three cups." Wang Rui didn't explain, and happily drank three cups in a row. Qin Zixuan rubbed his nose, thinking to himself why these two came here?
"What were you talking about just now? I heard your laughter outside the gate of the courtyard." Wang Rui asked with a smile.

"Talk about your embarrassment." Wang Rui laughed.

"Really?" Wang Rui raised his eyebrows and laughed loudly. The two also had a close relationship. Wang Rui followed the topic and chatted in such a natural way that Qin Zixuan became more suspicious of the two people's intentions.

Sect Master Qu didn't think too much, but envied these two people. He actually met Qin Zixuan when he was young, and followed him all the way. No wonder Wang and Wang's family will develop into a big family. , will place a bet.

Qu Chang listened with a smirk, as a drinking boy, he didn't realize that he was being plotted against.

(End of this chapter)

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