Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1643 I will embroider

Chapter 1643 I will embroider

Several people chatted and chatted, and they talked about marriage. Looking back on the past, Wang Rui looked fascinated, and tried his best to praise how beautiful his daughter-in-law was at that time, and how beautifully embroidered the wedding dress was.

Listening to this, Qu Chang's face was dull, thinking of the scene when Ling'er put on her wedding dress, she laughed even more stupidly, and her saliva flowed down.

Qin Zixuan's eyes glanced at Qu Chang, looking at that silly boy, the corners of his mouth twitched, why did he feel that he was the truth, these two guys didn't come here to dig a hole, did they?

But Qin Zixuan likes this trick very much, and Qin Zixuan also loves his daughter. It is really too difficult to embroider wedding dresses, it is best for Qu Chang to embroider, and he is happy to contribute to the flames.

Sect Master Qu was dumbfounded. He didn't expect these two fellows to be so shameless, competing to boast that the wedding dress he embroidered was beautiful, and that his daughter-in-law was the most beautiful. Is this shameless?

Among other things, the daughter-in-law married by Prince Cheng in front of me is the most beautiful. If nothing else, as far as the rhetoric is concerned, she is simply an extraordinary fairy, so beautiful that she does not touch the fireworks of the world.

Wang Rui changed his mind, looked at Qin Zixuan and asked, "Is there a fixed date for Ling'er and Nephew Qu Xian's marriage? I don't know if Linger has married the wedding dress."

Ah, Qin Zixuan rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "The wedding date hasn't been set yet, there's no rush, it's fine to set the wedding date when the wedding dress is embroidered."

Well, these words sound familiar. I think Qin Zixuan threatened Wang Rui and Wang Rui like this back then, forcing them to learn embroidery from Xiu Niang, but I don't know if Qu Chang will accept the trick.

Wang Rui looked at Qu Chang with sympathy, and Wang Rui smiled and said, "I'm afraid I'll have to wait for this."

Qu Zongzhu patted his head, looked at his silly son again, and suddenly understood the purpose of these two people, it was to force his son to learn embroidery, thinking of his son's clumsy hands holding rusty flower needles, Qu Zongzhu almost laughed out loud .

Qu Chang listened anxiously, thinking of Gong Xu who left, that guy was practicing on Bingyan Island, if he didn't get married early, and waited for Gong Xu to leave the customs, even if there were no accidents, it might not go smoothly.

The closer the wedding date, the better, but for this embroidery, Qu Chang looked embarrassed, and he didn't know how to do it. His eyes fell on Wang Rui, and he couldn't help asking: "Is embroidery easy to learn?"

"Easy to learn, it's just a few more finger pricks. Anyway, a man is a man with a thick skin, so it doesn't matter if you get a few needles." Wang Rui said, patting his chest, but the content made people laugh and cry.

"Brother Wang is right. Embroidery is a small matter. I think I learned it in a day, and embroidered a wedding dress in a few days. I'm not bragging. The flying phoenix and tassel wedding dress I embroidered is a must in Yujing." , attracting countless people to follow suit.”

Wang Rui gave a thumbs up with a proud face, but Wang Rui was right, the wedding dress he embroidered did cause a wave of followers, but the fringe was not Wang Rui's idea, it was Qin Zixuan's idea.

Qin Zixuan's original intention was to see a joke, but when he saw the seriousness of the two people's embroidery, he couldn't help giving pointers, because Qin Zixuan had a good sense of fashion, and once he pointed it out, it became popular.

"Excellent craftsmanship." Qin Zixuan also gave a thumbs up. Qu Zongzhu looked at the two people with proud faces, then looked at Qin Zixuan, and finally landed on the face of his silly son, feeling that his son was one step closer to embroidery needles.

Qu Chang rubbed his hands, and said with a coy face: "Father-in-law, father, two uncles, I, I remembered that I have something to do, can I say goodbye first?"

"Go, go, busy with you." Qin Zixuan waved his hands, and Qu Zongzhu covered his face, why did he feel that his son was getting closer to the embroidery needle.

Wang Rui and Wang Rui looked at each other with a smile in their eyes, and also asked Qu Chang to go quickly.

Qu Chang really left, Qin Zixuan raised his glass to invite Qu Zongzhu to drink, Qu Zongzhu raised his glass in response, the four big men laughed, and no one mentioned Qu Chang's matter.

Besides, Qu Chang went out of the courtyard and ran to Ling'er's courtyard. Qin Zixuan had few rules, even though the two were engaged, Qin Zixuan did not stop them from meeting.

At this time Ling'er was sitting in front of the embroidery frame and staring at it. The embroidery frame was covered with red silk, the red silk was bright and beautiful, and there was a piece of embroidery thread as big as a fingernail, so it was impossible to tell what was being embroidered.

Feng Wu Qinglan sat beside her and sighed, it's been a day and she still hasn't dropped a needle yet.

On the contrary, the embroiderer next to her has already embroidered more than half of it. It is estimated that Ling'er has not embroidered a head yet, and Ruiniang has already embroidered it.

"Master, can I wear my mother's wedding dress to get married?"

Ling'er said, the embroidered lady next to her lowered her head and laughed out loud when she said this, feeling that her own princess really dared to say it, and at the same time, she was curious if the general would take out the wedding dress?

Feng Wu Qinglan's face was a little dark. She had never seen what the general's wedding dress looked like, but she had heard of it. It was said that it was embroidered with a young hen with a comb.

What kind of appearance was that? Feng Wu Qinglan did not dare to imagine, nor could she imagine it.It's just that the joke about the wedding dress has been passed on to everyone in the world. If time could be restarted, it is estimated that the general would not wear it again.

"I don't want to learn embroidery." Ling'er pouted, her face full of grievances, she didn't expect the wedding dress to be so troublesome, just as she was bothered, Qu Chang poked his head at the door and looked over.

The first glance fell on Linger's pouting face, his eyes turned red immediately, then he glanced at the embroidery frame, Qu Chang was full of worry, he was worried about when the wedding dress would be embroidered, and he was even more worried that Gong Xu would come back to snatch the bride .

"Why are you here?" Ling'er's eyes lit up, and she jumped off the chair, wanting to run out to play, but seeing Qu Chang walking in, she couldn't help but be disappointed.

"Is it difficult to embroider?" Qu Chang asked.

Ling'er stretched out her palm, and there were several needle holes on her tender fingers. Ling'er cried out dissatisfied: "Look, it hurts so much."

Well, Ling'er's little hands are tender, and there are several needle holes in the pink and tender little hands, which are particularly eye-catching. Qu Chang looked at the embroidery frame, and his heart also tugged.

It hasn't happened yet, the fingers are full of needles, if you embroider the Feifeng wedding dress, you don't need your hands, you can't help but say: "Ling'er, don't be afraid, leave this matter to me"

"Leave it to you?" Ling'er looked at the young man in front of her in surprise, thinking of the scene when she first arrived in the extreme north.

They found Wucai Mountain, but they were besieged. At that time, this young man stood in front of him and said with a gentle smile, "Ling'er, don't be afraid, leave this matter to me, and I can solve it."

"Well, leave it to me, and I'll embroider." Qu Chang came to the embroidery frame, sat down on the chair under the surprised eyes of Feng Wuqinglan and the embroiderer, opened his hands and smiled at Ling'er: "I have thick skin. , not afraid of pain."

Well, this reason is very strong. Qu Chang’s hands are indeed thick-skinned, with calluses on them, which are left over from practicing martial arts. Unlike Ling’er, after practicing martial arts, he needs to soak his hands in milk and put on hand cream to protect his hands. Pink and tender.

Feng Wu Qinglan covered her eyes, she didn't know what to say, that's why she was so optimistic about Qu Chang, it was really this kid who really hurt Ling'er to the bone, with Qu Chang taking care of Ling'er, Ling'er has spent her life in In the blessing water.

Ling'er pinched the corner of her clothes, with an embarrassed look on her face, and asked in a low voice: "Brother Chang, are you disappointed in me?"

(End of this chapter)

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