Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1645 Rotten Peach Blossom

Chapter 1645 Rotten Peach Blossom

Dahai and Huangshan quietly leave Prince Cheng's mansion together, Huangshan can't show his character, and Dahai is worried about his brother, saying that first love is the most painful, and Dahai is also worried that Huangshan will be hurt.

Speaking of the encounter between Huangshan and the other party, it was really a clichéd joke. Huangshan went out for a private visit to the palace and met a pickpocket who stole Xi Huan's purse.

So Huang Shan went to stop him, but the pickpocket panicked and grabbed Xi Huan to threaten Huang Shan to retreat. Unexpectedly, Xi Huan was a smart master and stepped on the pickpocket's toe. The pickpocket was stunned by the pain, and then took the opportunity Get out of the wolf's claws.

This is not a big deal at all, if Xi Huan looks ordinary, this matter will be over, but Xi Huan is a beautiful little lady, and it is a coincidence that she fell to Huangshan when she escaped.

Huang Shan doesn't need to talk about it, Dahai has already thought of the scene behind, it must be a princess hugging Jia Jia's eyes, and then there is a thunder and fire.

So the innocent man Huang Shan was moved, but when he inquired about Xi Huan's background, Huang Shan was heartbroken. Although Xi Huan was not born to a woman in a brothel, he grew up in a brothel.

With such a background, not to mention entering the palace as a queen, even being a concubine is not enough, and no matter what the officials think, she can't pass the test of Cheng Wangfu.

So Huangshan is a tragedy, always dragged by not finding a satisfactory woman, but can't find a solution.

Just after listening to Huang Shan's narration, Dahai felt that the other party was a scheming person, otherwise how could it be so coincidental, such a coincidence to fall into the princess's hug?

However, Dahai didn't object. He still wanted to see the other party first, and then send someone to investigate. If Huangshan couldn't find it, he might not be able to find it himself.

Dahai is obsessed with his own ability, Huangshan is not making any move now, since Dahai wants to intervene, let him meet him, maybe he can accommodate him because of his beautiful side.

The two brothers soon came to Huajie, entered Yihong Courtyard, Huangshan took a familiar road to the Tianzi private room, and Yihong Courtyard's mother greeted them very cheerfully, smiling like an old fox.

Just seeing the sea beside Huangshan, her calves trembled. She heard that the sea was back, but she didn't expect that the other party would come to the brothel at this time. What happened?

"Is the young master here to see Xi Huan?" Mom asked, Huang Shan glared at him, then threw an ingot of gold, and went straight to the Tianzi private room.

After catching the gold, my mother became more courageous, and suddenly felt that this was Xi Huan's chance. If she could get into Da Hai's eyes, there might be hope for this marriage.

Mom hurriedly sent someone to invite Xi Huan, and followed up in the Tianzi private room by herself. The receptionist was so enthusiastic, Huang Shan let her go out with a cold face, and Da Hai silently observed her mother's expression.

Mother was not angry when she was kicked out, she smiled and retreated to the door, and when she saw Xi Huan coming, she quickly whispered, "Besides the emperor, there is also the leader, behave well."

Xi Huan didn't say a word, let alone a change in expression, he just glanced at his mother lightly, and pushed the door in. This action displeased his mother, but there was nothing he could do about it.

My mother has been in Huajie for many years, so she is naturally well-informed. She has long recognized Huangshan's identity, but she dare not reveal it. She is afraid of causing trouble to her upper body.

The emperor has a high status, but Cheng Wang's mansion is still higher than the emperor. If this matter attracts the attention of Cheng Wang's mansion, it is very likely that Yihong Courtyard will disappear. After all, he is not Huangshan, and he has not taken a fancy to Xi Huan. Mom understands what she thinks.

When Xi Huan entered the room, he saluted generously, and his movements were well-behaved. He was not considered a lady, but he could be seen as someone who had been trained.

Don't think that brothel women don't know the rules. In fact, brothel women have to learn a lot of rules. Those rules are usually not used, but they can be used when they meet real talented masters.

It depends on the occasion, and for this occasion, she must put away her coquettishness and change into Xiaojiabiyu's attire, otherwise she will definitely not get any benefits.

When Huang Shan saw Xi Huan, he couldn't look away, and Da Hai looked Xi Huan up and down sharply, which made Xi Huan unhappy and felt uncomfortable.

Huang He felt Xi Huan's uneasiness, and couldn't help coughing lightly. Da Hai then looked away, stood up and said, "Let's go."

let's go!There were only two words, neither the last name nor the name, as if it was just to catch a glimpse of Xi Huan, not to mention Xi Huan was dumbfounded, even Huang He was also dumbfounded.

But Huang He didn't have the guts to disobey the sea, so he gave Xi Huan a whisper, and quickly got up and followed him away. Xi Huan's cold face showed no expression, but there were flames jumping in his eyes.

Seeing the two of them walking out, my mother was so scared that she didn't dare to vent her anger. She didn't know why the two came here and why they left in such a hurry. Could it be that Xi Huan fell out of favor?So fast?
When the two brothers walked out of the brothel, Dahai said flatly, "This is a rotten peach blossom, not the one you were destined for."

Rotten peach?Huang He was dumbfounded, he knew that Dahai could observe the appearance, but he didn't expect Dahai to go there himself and actually just looked at it, and he saw that it was a rotten peach blossom.

Who is the woman who is destined for him?Why hasn't it appeared yet?Huang Shan was distraught, and he couldn't bear to part with Xi Huan, and felt distressed at the thought of abandoning Xi Huan.

"First love is beautiful, but first love with a purpose is not beautiful. If you stop now, your memories will be beautiful. If you continue, you may not be able to keep the good feeling of first love."

After Dahai finished speaking, he looked at Huangshan and couldn't help sighing. He didn't expect Huangshan's love to be so troublesome. Before the real master appeared, he had a rotten peach blossom first, but it was still his first love.

Dahai can only tell Huangshan so much, whether to cut off this rotten peach blossom is up to Huangshan's own decision, and Dahai doesn't want to interfere too much in emotional matters.

Huang Shan listened silently, with a sad expression on his face, without saying anything, his mind went blank, he was still thinking about rotten peach blossoms, and couldn't figure out why fate treated him like this.

He has always kept a virgin, kept his body and mind pure, just wanting to dedicate his best to the person he loves the most, but why is fate so cruel.

"Why don't you go to the Western Continent with us to relax." Dahai said suddenly, feeling that it would be a bit miserable to leave Huangshan alone to face this situation. If something happened, there would be no one to comfort Huangshan.

Huangshan still didn't speak, walked silently beside Dahai, watching Dahai frown, a little bit sorry for his younger brother, turned back to look at Yihong Courtyard, after meeting Dahai was sure that the chance encounter was a deliberate approach.

Xi Huan walked to the window and looked at the slowly walking back, feeling flustered in her heart. She felt that Dahai had a pair of eyes that see through everything, and she had nothing to hide under those eyes.

am I wrong?Am I wrong to pursue the life I want?Xi Huan asked himself silently.

(End of this chapter)

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