Chapter 1646
Huang Shan finally decided to stay, he is a man, a man, he wants to face up to his feelings, whether it is a rotten peach blossom or a good peach blossom, it is the first time he has been tempted by a woman.

Dahai did not object to Huangshan's decision, but handed over the initiative to Huangshan. After Wu Ying arranged the affairs of Prince Cheng's mansion, the whole family sat on Dapeng's back.

Huang Shan watched Dapeng go away, looked at the quiet Chengwang Mansion, he walked silently on the bluestone floor, subconsciously walked to Fenglin Courtyard, and walked to the courtyard where his father lived.

He wanted to ask his father what should he do?It's a pity that Qin Zixuan was not there, Huang Shan didn't get a response, stood at the gate of Fenglin Courtyard and watched for a long time, Huang Shan then turned and walked to his own courtyard, today he didn't want to go back to the palace.

The imperial palace is very big, but it is not warm at all. It is not as good as the small Chengwang Mansion, and it is not as comfortable as living here.

Uncle Zhong watched Huangshan enter his small courtyard, his brows were frowned, and he couldn't help but let out a long sigh when he thought of Dahai's advice.

On Bingyan Island, Gong Xu curled up and looked coldly at his father who brainwashed him, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, he couldn't help shouting loudly:
"Do you really think that you are great because you have divine blood? Do you know that there are so many masters in the world, and do you know how big this world is? Is it the longevity you want to meditate on Ice Flame Island all your life?"

Gong Lie was asked, the education he received since he was a child is longevity, and he is also following in the footsteps of his predecessors, is this wrong?

"Do you know that Bingyan Island is just a small island in this world, even smaller than the size of a fingernail on the map. Do you know that someone can fly through the sky and kill people thousands of miles away?"

When asked this question, Gong Lie shook his head. If Qin Zixuan was here, he would have asked the last question, are you talking about bullets?Who can fly to the sky and follow the earth?In the novel?
The old Taoist has good strength, but he can't fly to the sky and follow the ground. At best, he can explode his speed to the extreme and deceive others' eyes.

In fact, once some truths are exposed, there is really no mystery. Qin Zixuan is the one who loves to reveal the truth. Ever since the dinosaur and the sea entered the realm of breaking the sky, Qin Zixuan has revealed the truth, and his admiration for the old Tao has naturally disappeared.

But Gong Lie didn't know this. Gong Lie had never walked out of Bingyan Island in his life, so his son would stop him and couldn't help asking: "Is everything you said true?"

"Of course, what I said is true. If you don't believe me, you can go out with me to have a look and see that colorful world."

Gong Xu's eyes flashed. He believed that as long as he walked out of Bingyan Island, he would be able to convince his father that the outside world was really wonderful, and it was not comparable to the monotonous Bingyan Island.

In fact, Gong Xu succeeded, and Gong Lie was really tempted. Although what Gong Xu said conflicted with the education he had received, his desire for the outside world had been awakened.

No one wants to be trapped in a small world all his life. He was educated so well before that the frog in the well doesn't know how big the sky is. Now that his eyes have been opened, Gong Lie really wants to go out and see.

At the entrance of the cave, Gong Wei looked at his daughter, Gong Linghua frowned, her heart was also moved, is the outside world really that good?Then can she go and see?
"Father, do close relatives really give birth to fools?" Gong Linghua asked in a low voice. After thinking for a long time, as if remembering something, she asked again: "Father, how did my mother die? I can't stand it either." Against suicide?"

Gong Wei didn't speak, but looked into the distance, and tightly clenched his fists with his hands behind his back, as if remembering something sad, and finally turned into a silent sigh, and finally said nothing.

"Then why am I not a fool?" Gong Linghua asked again, but she was thinking how lucky she was to be smart. If she lived like those fools, Gong Linghua expressed that she would rather die.

"Do you want to go out and have a look?" Gong Wei asked after a long time.

Gong Linghua's big eyes flashed with joy, obviously did not expect her father to ask this question, she nodded quickly and said, "I think."

"Okay, if you think about it, I will take you there as a father." Gong Wei gritted his teeth, as if he had made a lot of determination, his eyes turned to the direction of the clan elder, and if he wanted to leave, he had to bypass that cruel old guy.

Gong Wei didn't know whether the news that Gong Xu brought back was true or not, but he knew that there was a big world of flowers outside of Bingyan Island, and it was also a world that was not mentioned.

Because they are worried that everyone will be quiet and think about it, and that everyone will be fascinated by the colorful world outside, will fall, will lose their martial arts will, and will confuse the blood.

divine blood?Gong Wei raised his hand and looked at his palm, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, this smile was unfamiliar, it was a strange smile that Gong Linghua had never seen before, he was clearly smiling, but there was a chill in his bones.

"Let's go home with Wei father. If you want to leave here, you need to plan carefully." Gong Wei said in a low voice, with depression, helplessness and vicissitudes in his voice.

Gong Linghua nodded, obediently followed behind her father, and occasionally looked back in Gong Xu's direction, wanting to ask Gong Xu why he came back, since the outside world was so good, why did he come back.

Inside the cave, Gong Xu was still trying his best to persuade Gong Lie. Gong Xu's thinking was very simple, he couldn't beat the clan elders, and if he wanted to escape Bingyan Island alive, he needed assistance.

He had to pull his father into his camp, otherwise he could only continue to practice hard until he was able to defeat the clan elders, but he just waited until the daylilies were cold.

The atmosphere on Bingyan Island was a bit strange. The young disciples no longer wanted to retreat, but got together in twos and threes. They discussed Gong Xu's remarks in low voices. Because Gong Xu deliberately amplified his voice, some of his remarks still spread into the young people's hearts. .

Old people may not be so persuasive, but young people are different. They already have a restless heart, and this will be even more confusing. Some people even wonder if they are also learning from Gong Xu. It looks like running away.

As long as he can take a trip in the legendary Huahua World, even if he comes back to be beaten up, it's worth it, but just as soon as he said this idea, the clan elder shouted angrily in his ears.

Gong Sheng's heart was full of anger. He had already broken Gong Xu's leg, but he didn't want that bastard to wish the whole world could hear his voice. Gong Sheng wanted to smash Gong Xu's mouth so that he could not speak. Come.

Except for the idiots on Bingyan Island, everyone is thinking about the outside world and has doubts about their own living environment. This kind of doubt makes Gong Sheng worry.

Their Gong family is the descendant of the gods, how could they be confused with the untouchables, this kind of thing Gong Sheng would never allow, his eyes shot a crazy look.

If you can't control your own people, then kill them!Kill them until they are terrified, and kill them so that they dare not mention the outside world anymore!
(End of this chapter)

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