Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1648 Reunion

Chapter 1648 Reunion
Seeing that all parties were busy, Gong Sheng was satisfied. His eyes looked at the void through the cave, alas, half god, half god, isn't it a god after all, he wants to become a god, that step is too difficult, he has been I have no idea.

At this moment, Gong Sheng still doesn't know that not only Gong Xu is not happy about this marriage, but Gong Wei and Gong Linghua are also not happy, but Gong Wei is a smart person, he will not take the initiative to provoke Gong Sheng.

Gong Wei knows his own strength and talent, he is no match for Gong Sheng, if he can't beat him, he can't beat him, if he doesn't admit it, he can't do it, just to be on the safe side, Gong Wei decides to hide behind and act.

Taking advantage of the marriage, Gong Wei began to prepare dry food. If he wanted to escape from Bingyan Island alive, dry food was a must. Otherwise, he would starve to death before he escaped. Wanli Glacier is not so easy.

Xinxiangyuan began to be lively, and the arrival of Dahai and his party made the yard full of cheers. When Changjiang was happy, he exempted the common people from taxes, and was immediately grateful from all sides.

The old lady was holding Guo'er, smiling happily, Li Han's position in front of the old lady was moved back again, which attracted Li Han's taste. Before, she was queued behind the Yangtze River, but now it's good, and she has to be queued behind Guo'er.

Li Han's remarks did not attract the attention of the old lady. It can be said that the old lady ignored it intentionally. She would not know what kind of temperament her granddaughter is?

Qin Zixuan hugged Zhen'er Shale, looking at Zhijie for a while, Guo'er for a while, and Pan'er and Jin'er for a while, Qin Zixuan smiled and said to Dinosaur: "Brother is full of children and grandchildren now."

"That's right, life is complete." Dinosaur smiled, and Qin Zixuan nodded in approval, life was indeed complete.

Bai Jing was hugging her grandson, smiling happily, Wang Rui was hugging her granddaughter, and looking at Liu Yi who also took care of her grandson, she couldn't help asking, "Do you want to order a baby kiss?"

"No, I hope they can fall in love freely when they grow up." Liu Yi's refusal was called a frankness, Wang Rui nodded frequently, yes, you must fall in love freely, marrying someone you love is more important than marrying a hundred women happiness.

Qin Ziming hugged his eldest grandson and was thanking Dahai. Qin Ziming really didn't expect Dahai to bring him here. Although he would spend some time taking care of his grandson, compared to the success of his descendants, this amount of effort is nothing.

Tang Shiqiang also came. He couldn't stay in Xinxiang Garden because of the heavy responsibility on his shoulders. He just came to say hello and to see the little doll of the Tang family.

In short, Xinxiang Garden at this time is a children's paradise. Dahai brought more than 30 children this time, and Dapeng's back is big enough, otherwise it really wouldn't be able to accommodate so many people.

These children are the children with the best talents in each family. After Dahai's transformation, their talents will definitely far exceed their peers in the future. Dahai also reserves talents for each family.

The development and growth of a family does not depend on how strong its generation is, but how strong its descendants are. It is the descendants that determine the rise and fall of a family. Dahai can only say that he has tried his best.

The big family that the father wants is formed and developed in his hands, and what kind of existence it will eventually become depends on the struggle of the descendants.

Qin Zixuan hugged Jin'er and bumped up to Concubine Cheng, and asked with a smile: "My lord, am I really awesome!"

"Well, you are awesome, you are the best, and my son is the best in the world." Concubine Cheng did not hesitate to praise herself, her eyes fell on Gongliangyan and his daughters, can her son not be awesome!

The whole family sat together, Concubine Cheng asked Qin Zixuan to come back, the conversation was very happy, after a day of joy, Concubine Cheng rubbed her sore cheeks and fell asleep, smiling in her dream.

The three Dahai brothers entered the secret room, and Dahai wanted to teach them how to prepare medicinal materials. These are the unique knowledge that they sincerely do not pass on to the palace, and will only be passed on to the Patriarch in the future, which is their powerful capital.

While the three brothers were busy, Mount Huashan and Taishan were wandering around the City of the Three Immortals. The night view of the City of the Three Immortals is quite charming. Although it is not a state religion, because the auction house is here, and with Qin Zixuan and his gang, the popularity here is very hot.

In the middle of the night, there were still many people doing business. Huashan and Taishan walked side by side on the street, looking around from time to time. Huashan said: "The little lady here is different from Daqin, and also different from Dongdalu."

"Well, the beauties look different in every place. I want to go to one place to lift a room. Do you think my father will kill me?" Taishan said.

"Yes!" A voice sounded from behind, making the two brothers jump, Qin Zixuan stared at the two bastards and gritted his teeth.

The mother said all the good things they did, let him take good care of these two bastards, and it is best to marry a wife quickly. Qin Zixuan thought that the two sons were not enlightened, but he did not expect to be so flirtatious.

Li Han smiled and looked at the two brothers with his hands behind his back. The two bastards immediately stood up straight and saluted them respectfully. They couldn't figure out why they were still awake.

"Everyone just arrived during the day, so I don't have time to greet you. Tell mother why you haven't found a partner yet?" Li Han asked lightly, looking at the two boys pretending to be grandchildren speechless, isn't it quite capable when they are not in front of her?

"I didn't find a suitable one." Tai Shan lowered his head, not daring to speak the words of a bastard, for he was afraid that his mother would beat him to death.

"What kind of girl do you like, tell me." Qin Zixuan asked, looking around, found a small table on the street corner and sat down, Li Han followed closely.

Huashan and Taishan looked at each other and followed with their heads down. It seemed that this level could not be avoided.

Lin Xi ran over to order something for Qin Zixuan and the others winkingly, and invited the guests away by the way, let them sit here, and make a garden here.

"Let's talk." Qin Zixuan looked at the two boys, and asked again: "Why do you keep beating Huangshan? Do you want to be emperor too?"

ah?Huashan Taishan looked surprised, it seemed that he was quite frightened, he shook his head quickly, for fear that Qin Zixuan would give them an order to send them back to be emperors, they didn't like that position at all.

"Father, don't make wild guesses, it will hurt the brotherhood." Hua Shan glanced at Li Han, found that Li Han hadn't clenched his fist, and became a little more courageous, and continued: "We don't want to be emperor at all, we just like the life we ​​have now. .”

"Yes, we really like our life now." Tai Shan nodded heavily, looking very convincing.

"Okay, let's turn this matter over and tell me what kind of woman you like. Why haven't you found the woman you like after searching for so long?" Qin Zixuan got back to the topic.

The mother didn't recruit for this matter, let alone Song and the others, those four women could only serve others, regardless of whether the son was recruited at all, they couldn't beat them, they couldn't catch them.

Huashan and Taishan looked at each other and smiled wryly. Huashan squeezed his sleeves and said in a low voice: "Grandma introduces all the official ladies. She blush without saying a word, and she wipes tears when she speaks seriously. I don't like it."

"I don't like it either." Tai Shan said.

Qin Zixuan was speechless, he still didn't get to the point, and shouted: "Then what do you like? Can you tell the point."

(End of this chapter)

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