Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1649 Are You Worth It?

Chapter 1649 Are You Worth It?

Huashan and Taishan looked at each other, and finally gritted their teeth and began to talk about what kind of woman he likes. Qin Zixuan listened very carefully, and summed it up as follows: Fair skin, beautiful and long legs, King Kong Barbie is invincible.

Qin Zixuan looked at Li Han beside him, if he changed his skin white, how could he look like Li Han's flip flop?Qin Zixuan looked at the two sons seriously, and after a long time, Qin Zixuan said:

"Are you worthy?"

Although it's just four simple words, but to be honest, it hurts the old man!Huashan and Taishan held their injured little hearts and looked at their father silently. Is this their real father?

"Why do you look at me? You don't even look at your own abilities. Are you as strong as Dahai in terms of strength? Are you as handsome as Dahai in terms of looks? Are you as good as a fifth of Dahai in terms of emotional intelligence?"

Qin Zixuan stretched out his little finger, and pinched the belly of the thumb to make gestures. Qin Zixuan felt that it was necessary for these two boys to recognize him.

"Father, can we not be with big brother?" Tai Shan asked resentfully.

"Then who do you want to compare with?" Qin Zixuan asked back, Li Han looked at Qin Zixuan Xun'er with a smile on his chin, and was also curious about who these two boys wanted to compare with.

"Compared to Dad." Hua Shan spoke quickly, and accidentally said something on his mind.

Pfft, Li Han smiled, Qin Zixuan stared, do these two little bastards think they are inferior to Hai Hai?Yaya's two needy guys, it's so kind to them.

Qin Zixuan rolled up his sleeves, snorted heavily, and shouted: "You want to compare with me, hmph, what are you comparing with me?"

"Strength." Taishan and Huashan said in unison, their faces were full of confidence, they asked themselves that if they fought with their father, they could let him have one hand and one kick.

It's just that these two boys took it for granted and didn't even look at who was sitting in front of them, it was Qin Zixuan.

Qin Zixuan turned his head to look at Li Han, tapped his fingers on the table and shouted: "Daughter-in-law, some people suspect that my strength is not as good as others, what do you think?"

"Fuck him!" Li Han sat up straight, his fists were clenched, the smile on his face disappeared and was replaced by a fighting spirit, and the two boys were so frightened that they knelt down on the spot.

"Mother, the child is wrong." The two boys admitted their mistakes in unison, and the speed of admitting their mistakes was extremely fast, and their bones disappeared in front of Li Han.

"Tell your father." Li Han said lightly, with a smile in his eyes.

"Father, I was wrong. Our strength is not as good as yours." The two guys readily admitted their mistake again. They couldn't beat their mother even if they added one piece, and they didn't know how her mother practiced. The speed was like drinking water.

"If you know your mistakes, you can correct them. There is nothing good. For my father, I forgive you." Qin Zixuan waved his hand, let the two sit down, and asked lightly: "Tell me, how can you be better than me?"

Huashan and Taishan looked at each other and lowered their heads, as if they had chosen a wrong target. Although they were stronger than their father, it seemed that his father never fought with his own strength.

"Why don't you talk?" Qin Zixuan asked, the two boys lowered their heads even lower, wanting to say that we are afraid of being beaten.

Qin Zixuan continued to ask: "Do you know how to govern a country? Can you manage a sect? Can you do business to make money? Can you date girls? What else do you do besides eating?"

The two boys shook their heads, regretting being compared with their father again. Apart from his lack of strength, his father seemed to be very strong in other aspects. There is no father in this world who can't do it.

"Will you stop learning? You want to be rice bugs for the rest of your life!" Qin Zixuan stared, he was addicted to Xunerxun, it was because Dahai and Changjiang were too obedient and couldn't find opportunities for Xunerxun.

Huang He is also a little cunning, Qin Zixuan has to seize the opportunity if he wants to train him, and if he doesn't catch well, he will pay a fortune, so Qin Zixuan rarely trains Huang He, that kid just picks up his skin, and he will lose his skin next to him.

"Calm down, Xianggong. They look pretty good. Although they can't compare with you, how good are they?" Li Han persuaded from the side, fearing to anger Qin Zixuan, he walked over Qin Zixuan's shoulders with his hands.

"Yes, we are pretty good." The two boys were too good at climbing, and Li Han's voice fell, and they immediately answered.

Qin Zixuan gritted his teeth, thinking whether to beat up these two boys, Yaya planned to live a lifetime shamelessly, but the idea was thrown out after a while.

The child has grown up and is at the age of shame. Qin Zixuan really couldn't stop beating him up, so he said: "I don't care what you do, bring me a daughter-in-law back within three months, or else, hmph, I'll give you You are referring to marriage."

Qin Zixuan finally issued an ultimatum, the two guys can't let the quarrel continue, they don't marry wives, and it's not easy for Linger to get married.

Alas, Qin Zixuan patted his head, his own son has become a leftover man, it hurts his self-esteem to say this.

"Father, we don't know how to pick up girls, how about you?" Hua Shan asked with blinking eyes, pretending to be pitiful.

"Do you still need your father to teach you?" Li Han curled his lips, his eyes were full of disdain, making the two of Huashan hurt their self-esteem, Li Han continued:

"It's very simple to pick up girls, be bold, careful and thick-skinned, as long as you do these three things, you will be able to pick up girls."

Qin Zixuan looked at the eldest daughter-in-law, why did it sound like his own famous sayings? He seemed to say the same thing when teaching others. Of course, there is still a way to chase girls. Qin Zixuan took out a thick book from the interspatial ring .

"Don't say that being a father doesn't cover you, this is a trick carefully written for your father, take it away and study it carefully, remember you only have three months." Qin Zixuan threatened with a smile.

Huashan and Taishan nodded obediently. In front of their strong mother, they didn't have the confidence to contradict their father, but is the trick of picking up girls that father said really useful?

The two took the book, their heads bumped into each other, and they read it carefully. At first sight, it really looked like that. Qin Zixuan and Li Han started to eat supper. It is a kind of enjoyment to sit on the street and eat supper at this point.

In his previous life, Qin Zixuan liked to invite three or five friends to sit around drinking beer and eating skewers, and now he still likes this kind of enjoyment.

After Qin Zixuan and Li Han had eaten their fill, the two boys didn't raise their heads. It seemed that they had fallen into the book. Qin Zixuan glanced at the two silly sons, wondering if the book would be useful.

There are many books on this kind of girls, but Qin Zixuan really doesn't know if it is effective. Anyway, he has never used it, but just read it roughly. Now he is copying it down to teach his son. I hope it will be useful.

After Qin Zixuan and Li Han left, Huashan and Taishan were still discussing which trick would work best. Seeing that their parents had left, Huashan and Huashan became more courageous. Huashan asked, "Brother, where can I find a target?"

"I think Xinxiangyuan is good. There are many young and beautiful little sisters there. With our identities, we must hit the shots." Taishan said confidently, and he didn't know where the confidence came from.

(End of this chapter)

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