Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1661 made a fortune

Chapter 1661 made a fortune

On the mountain, Gong Xu looked at the group of people laughing and laughing, at the snowballs thrown from their hands, and at the smiling and dodging figures, Gong Xu felt that this was life.

Seeing Gong Xu standing there in a daze, Qin Zixuan unceremoniously threw a ball over, and the snowball hit Gong Xu's face, bringing a chill and waking up the dazed Gong Xu.

Looking at Qin Zixuan who was laughing arrogantly, Gong Xu felt that he should take revenge, so he threw a snowball at Qin Zixuan from the ground, but his snowball was hit by Li Han, and then Qin Zixuan threw another one.

There is a reason for Qin Zixuan's arrogance, that is, he has a general beside him, no matter who throws the snowball from any direction, he will be shot down by the general unceremoniously, it is too difficult to hit Qin Zixuan.

Everyone had a good time, and there were occasional screams. For example, at this time, Qin Liaoxuan picked up the snow in front of his feet. fly out.

Bai Jing looked at the snowflakes flying towards her, she was really speechless, and even more speechless, Bai Jing was still behind, only to hear Qin Zixuan shouting: "Wow, it's incredible, I got rich."

Everyone's movements were stopped by this voice, Da Hai and Dinosaur looked at each other, they threw away the snowball in their hands and ran over, looking enviously at the yellow face in front of Qin Zixuan.

"Father, you can do it, this is fine." Dahai's voice was full of admiration, and he was really convinced.

"Eldest son, is this the legendary Yellow Dragon Grass?" Qin Zixuan asked, his eyes glowing golden. If it is really the Yellow Dragon Grass, wouldn't it be a fortune.

A stalk of Yellow Dragon Grass is said to be able to create a holy master, one can imagine how precious this kind of medicinal material is, and now there is a piece of it in front of him, Qin Zixuan's heart beats so violently.

"Yes, this is the Yellow Dragon Grass." A plant came out of the high altitude and looked carefully, the corners of his mouth twitched again. This is not only a Yellow Dragon Grass, but also a Yellow Dragon Grass that is more than ten thousand years old. Da Hai suspected that one of them could create a skybreaker.

Dahai pinched a leaf and stuffed it into his mouth, and then his eyes lit up, silently judging the properties of the medicine. After a long time, Dahai's eyes lit up, looked at Qin Zixuan and said, "Father, you are really my lucky star."

"Of course, I'm your father." Qin Zixuan laughed with his hips akimbo, Li Han stood beside him and nodded in agreement, with an expression that my husband is a great one.

Dahai looked at everyone and said with a smile: "Look around to see if there are yellow dragon grasses under the snow, but you have to be gentle so as not to cause an avalanche."

"Yes!" Everyone stopped playing around and started to get down to business. Huanglongcao, this is related to the improvement of their strength. It's good to be able to hang out with the prince, and you can also hunt for treasure while playing.

Gong Xu also joined the ranks of the treasure hunt. He didn't expect the treasure to be hidden under the noses of the Gong family, but no one knew about it. Their Gong family really didn't know how to describe it, it's really stupid!
"Father, you continue to look around, and leave the rough work to us." Dahai smiled, Huashan Taishan followed suit, and gave Qin Zixuan a chair very flatteringly, so he can sit on it when he's tired.

Li Han didn't do any work either, but pulled the chair and put it under Qin Zixuan's buttocks, then took out the table and chair and sat beside Qin Zixuan, thinking that it was time to eat, so let Xianggong get something to eat.

Then a small coal stove appeared on the table, followed by pots and pans. Everyone looked at Li Han's actions and really admired the general. The general does not lead troops to fight now, but he is also a good servant.

Qin Zixuan started to add water and ingredients to the pot, and took out a small coal stove to prepare hot wine. The weather here is too cold to drink without heating the wine.

Gong Lie walked out of the ancestral hall in a daze, and came to the mountain, looking at the busy figures and the handsome Qin Zixuan, he couldn't understand why these people were working and still smiling, did they find some treasure.

Gong Xu saw his father standing up to greet him, and asked, "Father, why are you here?"

"Xiao Xu, our Gong family, what crime did our Gong family do." In one sentence, Gong Lie shed two lines of tears, and Gong Xu's heart also sank heavily.

"Take your clansmen and go out, this place is not suitable for human beings to live in." Gong Xu said lightly, Gong Lie didn't reply, he was reluctant to leave here, this is the place where they lived for generations.

It's just that this place makes him feel hopeless, what kind of blood, Gong Lie feels that God made a joke with the Gong family, it's just a lie of a person who wants to take revenge on the Gong family.

"Hey, how will we live after we go out?" Gong Lie sighed, Gong Xu looked at his father quite speechless, he has hands and feet, he can survive here, but won't he survive after going out?
"Let's go to the Western Continent. When the time comes, I will ask the Lord of the Western Continent to approve a piece of land for us to settle down in. Anyway, it will be better than living here." Gong Xu said, then turned around and went back to work.

Seeing this situation, Gong Lie hurriedly asked: "Xiao Xu, what are you looking for?"

"Look for the Yellow Dragon Grass, it's this kind of grass, it's very precious and valuable." Gong Yang shook the Yellow Dragon Grass in his hand, and then joined the search.

Gong Lie's eyes lit up when he heard it, but his eyes were cast on Qin Zixuan again, since it was so precious, why didn't the two of them work?

Regardless of whether he wanted it or not, Gong Lie turned around and called the Gong family, and joined the ranks of the search. If the Gong family wanted to be born, this wealth was indispensable.

Just as Qin Zixuan threw the beef into the hot pot, the dinosaur stopped working, and sat down opposite Qin Zixuan, looked at Qin Zixuan and said, "It's better to enjoy it with my brother."

"That's right, don't look at who I am." Qin Zixuan said with a smile, and poured a bowl of wine for the dinosaur.

"I didn't expect there to be such a treasure here, I have pity on those people." Dinosaur looked at the direction of Gong Lie and others and shook his head, hugging Baoshan without knowing it, it was really pitiful.

"They have been closed for too long. Maybe they knew about this kind of treasure back then, but it's a pity that the inheritance was cut off." Qin Zixuan said with a smile. To be able to take root in such a place, one can imagine how capable the ancestors of the Gong family are.

It's a pity that their great ability has also harmed future generations. It is too stupid to settle here. Obviously, isolation makes people fall behind, and backwardness will accept the elimination of nature.

If Gong Xu hadn't run out, they might have continued to live this kind of life, and when they passed it down from generation to generation, they would die in the end.

This is still natural elimination. If you encounter a powerful beast, it is the law of the jungle, and you will perish in despair.

"Shall we search the whole area?" Dinosaur asked, and he had gained so much just after arriving here. Dinosaur felt that this was an untapped treasure.

"I think we can stay here for a while longer. After searching here, let's look eastward." Qin Zixuan looked towards the east, feeling that there is something good waiting for him there.

(End of this chapter)

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