Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1662 The Truth

Chapter 1662 The Truth
The yellow dragon grass in the snow mountain was picked up by these guys, so they also changed their target. Gong Xu mixed in the crowd and refused to leave. The Gong family needs a lot of money to leave here.

Gong Xu wanted to use his own strength to secure some money for the Gong family to settle down, but this Gong Lie had no objection, and he wanted to go back to comfort the devastated clansmen and discuss about moving.

The affairs of the Gong family have been found out. The real reason was found from Gong Liu's tomb, which should have been hidden by Gong Liu before his death. She felt that she should leave a truth behind.

Because the truth is written by the victor, the written truth will definitely be whitewashed. This is not what the Gong Liu family is willing to accept. The real reason for the war between the three clans was that the Gong family was too strong.

The rise of the Gong family made their hearts swell. If it was just a superior attitude, they actually instigated a genocide operation, but that operation was discovered by the Wang and Liu families in advance.

So the war between the three clans broke out like this. It has to be said that the Gong family is powerful, and the two clans combined forces have never defeated the Gong family, but it also seriously damaged the top strength of the Gong family.

At the time of the war between the three clans, Gong Liu was in seclusion. After leaving the customs, the war ended, and Gong Liu panicked at that time. She went crazy looking for her family and clansmen.

In the end, she found her younger brother who was lucky enough to survive in the deep mountains, but at that time her younger brother was seriously injured and died before he could tell the truth.

Since then, the Gong Liu family has not looked for the clan members again, because there is too little hope of surviving in the vast snowfield, and the people of the Gong family are still searching around, putting on a posture to let the second clan perish.

In this way, Gong Liu planned his own revenge plan. First, he used God's words to confuse the Gong family, and then let the Gong family's arrogance continue to expand, and they lost the ability to judge themselves.

After being so careful in the palace for ten years, before he died, he formulated the theory of god and blood. It was also at that time that the young disciples of the palace family needed to marry wives, women needed to marry, and everything would come naturally.

Since then, the arrogant Gong family has regarded themselves as the descendants of the gods, proud of the blood of the gods, and then passed it down from generation to generation, and now it has passed thirteen generations.

After Gong Li found out the truth, he vomited blood and died on the spot. Gong Lie took out Gong Liu's memorial tablet, smashed it on fire, and even destroyed Gong Liu's bone and ashes. But what's the point of doing all this?

What happened can no longer be changed. The blood of the gods was nothing but a lie, a conspiracy. Their Gong family suddenly fell from the clouds and returned to the world. The Gong family who couldn't bear the blow hid at home and cried loudly.

Of course, some people feel relieved that they don't have to hide here anymore, and they want to go out and have a look.

At this time, Gong Lie did not stop Gong Xu from marrying Ling'er, and even pulled Gong Xu back to persuade Gong Xu to continue pursuing him. Linger looked like a wealthy family, and if he could climb up, the birth of the Gong family would be smoother.

Gong Lie's behavior was not approved by Gong Xu, giving up was giving up, Gong Xu knew that he was not qualified to pursue Ling'er, his blood was too dirty.

After Qin Zixuan heard what happened to the Gong family from the dinosaur, he couldn't help but be dumbfounded. Although he suspected it was someone's revenge at the beginning, he didn't expect it to be the ancestor of the Gong family.

How to say this method, alas, it is really cruel, she not only harmed the people of the Gong family, but also her descendants.

"Sanggong, why do you think Gong Liu wrote the truth about that year?" Li Han asked, she was a little puzzled, if it wasn't for the truth left by Gong Liu, with those people looking for it, the truth would probably disappear.

"She should have regretted it, but faced with the blood feud of her relatives and clansmen, she had to take revenge. Perhaps leaving the truth is for an explanation, or maybe it is for a relief."

Qin Zixuan thought for a long time to give an evaluation, thinking about how entangled and painful Gong Liu's heart must have been in the face of the conspiracy he sowed back then.

"Anyway, I think Gong Liu is a good person. At least she avenged her family." The dinosaur couldn't help but stick out his thumb. It might be cruel to the descendants of the Gong family, but the Liu family can't be in vain. die.

Originally, this area was left by the three clans together, so why should the Gong family enjoy the fruits in the end?

"Stay on the front line in everything, so we can meet each other in the future. You can't be too arrogant." Qin Zixuan shook his head, the affairs of the Gong family are over now, the mine is almost empty, and even if the Gong family stays, there is no prospect of development.

Qin Zixuan checked the surroundings, and decided to leave the Gong family's territory and head east. Gong Xu asked Qin Zixuan for a boat to pick him up. Qin Zixuan didn't care, and asked Gong Xu to rent it out with money.

As for giving it away for free, that's impossible. Qin Zixuan is a businessman and doesn't do business at a loss. Moreover, Qin Zixuan has very low opinion of the Gong family, so he doesn't want to help them for nothing.

Gong Xu had no objection, and took out a yellow dragon grass as a reward, and Qin Zixuan agreed. Gong Xu proposed to go east with him, and Qin Zixuan suggested that if he went east, the time for the Gong family to leave would be delayed.

Qin Zixuan's reason was that Gong Xu had to be present during the handover, Qin Zixuan didn't trust other people, and was worried that his people would be bullied or killed.

Gong Xu had no choice but to leave the matter of arranging for the Gong family to leave. Qin Zixuan didn't care about whether to leave in full or in part. He had already led a large group of people eastward.

Going east, without the magnificence of the volcano, what you see is a vast expanse of whiteness. Everyone is looking forward to what they will meet on the way forward. They feel that the intuition of Prince Cheng is correct, and there must be treasures waiting for them.

In the forest of death, a black air hangs over the top of the forest for many years. There are many bones in the forest, and there is no sound. A group of adventurers appeared on the outskirts of the forest of death. They raised their toes and looked into the forest from time to time.

One of the bearded men said loudly: "Is this the legendary Forest of Death? That's all!"

While speaking, there was a conceited smile on his face, the most beautiful expression in the world, and a girl in white clothes stood beside the bearded man. The girl's face was as cold as ice, like a puppet with no expression.

Her hands were covered with white gloves, which were spotless. At this moment, her palm moved slightly, and a jade bottle appeared in her palm. She took out a medicine from it and took it, and then threw the jade bottle to the bearded man next to her.

The bearded man took it and swallowed one, then continued to laugh and said: "Junior Sister, thank you for the elixir, how about sharing [-]% of the good things you encounter in it?"

The woman's eyes flickered slightly, and she was cold again. She didn't say anything, but raised her legs and walked calmly into the death forest.

"Senior Brother really flatters Junior Sister all the time." The woman in white had just taken a few steps when the voice of a man in black came from behind him. He was speaking not to a girl but to a bearded man.

(End of this chapter)

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