Chapter 1663
Qin Zixuan didn't know about the fact that someone entered the Death Forest, and of course he wouldn't care if he knew, since he hadn't heard of anyone walking out of the Death Forest anyway.

Qin Zixuan led a large group of people forward, on the way he saw a person frozen in the snow, presumably they were disciples of the Gong family, a little further away from Bingyan Island, the iceberg disappeared and was completely covered by snow.

They would stop to check the ground when they walked around. To be honest, there are nebula beasts. Otherwise, it would not be easy to cut through the snow. God knows how many years the snow has been stored and how thick it is underneath.

Qin Zixuan stopped the team and said, "Let's stop here, Xingyun Beast has been found underground."

Well, the Nebula Beast sent out another good thing and couldn't move, so Qin Zixuan and others had to stop and wait for it. Taking advantage of the rest time, Qin Zixuan ate, dinosaurs cultivated, and Dahai studied medicinal materials.

Their division of labor is reasonable and they don't disturb each other. Their life is simple and boring, but the harvest is gratifying. The Xingyun Beast has become a beast level, and they despise Qin Zixuan's strength.

So Qin Zixuan felt that the man's dignity was injured, and then he started to practice. This phenomenon was very good, but after hearing the reason for Qin Zixuan's cultivation, the Nebula Beast was chased eight times by Li Han.

If it wasn't for the fast running of the Nebula Beast, it would have been impossible to escape a good beating. The Nebula Beast bared its teeth at Li Han, very dissatisfied with Li Han's behavior of doting on his wife.

If it wasn't for Qin Zixuan's cultivation, Nebula Beast would definitely shout in Qin Zixuan's mind: Master, you are so useless because your wife spoiled you!
Qin Zixuan and his party wandered on it for eight months, and then they left with the roc. At this time, the Gong family had already settled outside the Three Immortals City, and they chose to take root in the Dilong Mountain Range.

Regarding the choice of the Gong family, Changjiang was speechless, probably they still headed for that bottomless pit, but no one has solved the secrets there so far, anyway, Changjiang has nothing to do with it.

Didn't you see that big brother doesn't touch it now?If there is a way, the eldest brother must be the first to check. Changjiang is not a fool, on the contrary he is very smart. Since the Gong family wants to take advantage of that, feel free.

Anyway, it's not easy to take advantage of the cheapness there, so go ahead and take it if you are not afraid of sacrifice!With Changjiang's nod, the settlement of the Gong family went smoothly. Gong Lie and Gong Xu met with Changjiang to express their gratitude.

Changjiang waved his hands and told him not to be polite, it was just a matter of raising his hands, and he was not at all worried that people from the Gong family would threaten his status.

Along with Gong Lie and Gong Xu was Gong Sheng, the younger brother of the Gong family. Seeing that Chang Jiang was the master of the Western Continent at such a young age, Gong Sheng was dissatisfied and angry.

"My lord, how did you become the king of this continent? Is it because of your strength?" Gong Sheng was a curious guy, and he asked without knowing it, with a fighting spirit on his face.

"Yes." Changjiang replied lightly, not missing Gong Sheng's fighting spirit, with a sneer in his heart, he is really a guy who doesn't understand the situation.

"If I win against you, can I also become the king of this continent?" Gong Sheng asked.

"Is the Gong family planning to rebel?" Changjiang asked indifferently, his eyes glanced at Gong Xu and Gong Lie, Gong Xu's face became a little ugly, and he gave Gong Sheng a bitter look before replying.

"My lord, I don't dare. Our Gong family only wants to have a place to settle down, and we absolutely dare not spy on the lord's country." Gong Xu replied sincerely, signaling Gong Sheng to apologize.

Gong Lie also apologized, as if he didn't expect Gong Sheng to say such a thing, if this made Chang Jiang think about it, would the Gong family still have a way out?I can't find another place to live in seclusion.

"Hehe, tell your clan members about the laws here, don't do anything illegal, otherwise the law will be merciless." Changjiang laughed, and took out a thick book of laws and regulations and threw them to Gong Xu.

The corners of Gong Xu's mouth twitched, Chang Jiang was still so narrow-minded, Gong Sheng just made a wrong sentence, and he asked the Gong family to recite the law, could he be tricked a little more?

Gong Xu glared at Gong Sheng, signaling him to apologize quickly, Gong Sheng looked unconvinced, big fists make sense, since the opponent's country was defeated, why couldn't he fight?
"Li Mo, come in and have a rub with the young man from the Gong family."

Changjiang said lightly, he understands the law of the jungle, and today he will use his strength to wake up these guys. His little followers are better than their disciples, and there are not one thousand but eight hundred of these followers.

Li Mo walked in in response, bowed first to Changjiang, and asked, "My lord, which one to fight?"

Pfft, Gong Xu almost vomited, feeling that Li Mo spoke too loudly, what do you mean by hitting?Does he have the belief that he must win?Gong Xu expressed dissatisfaction, he also knew this Li Mo, but he was the head of the guards.

"It's me." Gong Sheng took a step forward. He saw that Changjiang's office was nice, and Gong Sheng said that he fell in love with it, and wanted to snatch it as his own.

"Please!" Li Mo begged with one hand, and asked Gong Sheng to come to the courtyard to cut and rub. Gong Sheng was not afraid, and strode towards the courtyard. Gong Lie looked at Gong Xu. not come out?

Gong Xu was also a little strange, as if he couldn't see through Changjiang's cultivation, but thinking about it, although he couldn't beat Changjiang back then, he didn't feel much worse.

Gong Xu apologized to Chang Jiang, who waved his hand and asked Gong Xu to go out to watch the play. As for his lack of interest, he might as well read one more document.

When they came to the courtyard, Gong Sheng fought against Li Mo. Li Mo was very supportive, and actually gave Gong Sheng three moves first. This move made Gong Sheng feel slapped in the face, so he attacked more fiercely.

Gong Xu looked at Gong Lie, and asked in a low voice, "Did you arrange it? What do you want to do?"

"It's not me, what can I do, I just want to find a place for the Gong family to stay." Gong Lie replied, from the island owner to the village head, Gong Lie felt a little uncomfortable, and did not explain what was going on in front of him.

Gong Xu snorted, and turned his eyes to the battlefield. At this time, the three moves had passed, and Li Mo started to fight back. This kid Li Mo didn't know who he learned from, but he really liked to hit him in the face.

Pop, pop, pop!
One slap after another was slapped on Gong Sheng's face, and Gong Xu felt his face hurt. Is this a warning?Gong Xu didn't suspect at all that Li Mo did it on purpose, he deliberately slapped the Gong family in the face.

Gong Lie also realized this, his face was ugly, and he looked back at the room behind him, where the king of this continent, the only king, was sitting.

Gong Sheng's self-esteem was rubbed against the ground by Li Mo, he really wanted to fight back, he really wanted to let Li Mo know how powerful he was, and trampled Li Mo under his feet, but all this was just thinking!
I'm actually no match, how did they practice?Why is a little guard stronger than me?Gong Sheng doubted his life while fighting.

The sense of superiority brought by the divine blood disappeared, and so did the sense of superiority brought by his strength. Li Mo taught Gong Sheng a good lesson with his slap. As for whether he could wake him up, Li Mo didn't care, anyway. He is very cool.

(End of this chapter)

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