Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1664 Little Heitan

Chapter 1664 Little Heitan

Gong Xu took Gong Lie and Gong Sheng away, but Chang Jiang did not come out to see them off, only a guard led the way, which made Gong Xu feel a little sad, and at the same time hated his father for being so ignorant.

Aren't dinosaurs and the sea stressing enough?He actually dared to provoke at this time, was he afraid that the Gong family would feel better?
Gong Lie and Gong Sheng's faces were equally sad. They were beaten in the face or turned into pig's heads. The little thoughts in their hearts were also scattered, and they finally recognized the reality.

The world is so big, it is impossible for the Gong family to become kings and hegemons in this land. In order for the family to inherit well, the best way is to lower their noble heads and admit cowardice in the face of power.

Changjiang finished approving the documents, put down his pen and got up to leave. He should go and talk to Huayan about the palace family.

Hua Yan and Huang He are calculating the unknown danger, but they don't have a clue yet, it seems to be very far away and it seems very near, in short, they are uneasy.

Gong Liangyan also wanted to join the calculation, but she was worried about hurting her foundation. After all, Gong Liangyan gave birth to a child soon, and if her body suffers damage, it may be a lifetime of damage.

Concubine Cheng looked at the children in the room, and was so happy that she couldn't find the north and the south every day. When she saw the Yangtze River coming, she immediately asked the Yangtze River to sit down and have a rest, and not to be busy with work all the time.

Now Concubine Cheng can understand that it is really not a good thing to really sit in that supreme position, it is too tiring, it is better to be a rich man.

"Grandma, what are you up to?" Changjiang sat down beside Concubine Cheng and asked, seeing the embroidery work in Concubine Cheng's hand, couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, and continued: "Grandma, don't embroider, it will hurt your eyes. "

"It's okay, I embroider less." Concubine Cheng put down the embroidery in her hand and said, "You'd better persuade the old lady, she embroiders harder than me."

Well, when it comes to the old lady, Changjiang is even more speechless. Even though his eyes are blurred, he can still make clothes for Guoer with an embroidery needle. Changjiang really doesn't know what to say.

Alas, Changjiang sighed, a bit puzzled why these people can't enjoy life well, basking in the sun and playing cards every day, isn't it better to have a small life?

"Is there something to do in the backyard?" Princess Cheng heard Changjiang sighing, and couldn't help caring about him again.

"It's okay, I just came to see you, there are too many children in the family, will you be too tired?" Changjiang asked concerned.

"I'm not tired, I'm not tired at all, I have a nanny." Princess Cheng smiled, and the grandparent and grandson sat there chatting.

Mrs. Zhen Guogong squinted her eyes at the tiger-toed shoes in her hand, and smiled with satisfaction after looking at them for a long time. Obviously, she was still very satisfied with her craftsmanship.

Jiang Qinglian came in with Guo'er in her arms, and was pleasantly surprised to see the tiger-toed shoes in the old lady's hands. They were so beautifully made.

Guo'er struggled to get off the ground, Jiang Qinglian had no choice but to put it on the ground, and saw that she was climbing up to the old lady with her legs, which made the old lady even happier.

Changjiang walked in and saw this scene, and hurried over to pick up Guo'er, fearing that Guo'er would hurt the old lady, he sat beside her with a smile and chatted with the old lady.

The entry of the Gong family into Xinxiangyuan did not cause any waves, and few people even cared about them. There are too many strong people, and the most important thing in Xinxiangyuan is the strong.

Qin Zixuan and his party sat on the big peng and carefully counted the time. All his women had given birth. Qin Zixuan couldn't help but let out a long breath. Now he finally didn't have to be stressed.

Everyone's wish has been fulfilled, and his old waist has been saved. Qin Zixuan thought happily that he finally didn't have to worry about his woman not having children to accompany him.

Before the Dapeng settled down, Gu Yueru and the others came up to meet him, like welcoming a triumphant hero.

"Father, come back, do you still want to marry Ling'er?" Chang Jiang couldn't help but complained when he saw Qin Zixuan. He had been away for more than eight months, and Qu Zongzhu was very anxious.

Fortunately, news came back from time to time, otherwise they would have suspected that something happened to them.

"There's no other way." Qin Zixuan replied with a smile, he wanted to come back quickly, but the problem was that the Nebula Beast wouldn't do it, and there were too many treasures, so the Nebula Beast couldn't move.

This is why I promised Nebula Beast that it would go again in the future, so Nebula Beast agreed to come back, but the harvest at this time is still gratifying, with hundreds of thousands of spirit stones and hundreds of kinds of spirit grass, all of which are treasures that cannot be found in the outside world .

These treasures are also what the sea needs. If everyone wants to improve their strength, spirit stones and spirit grass are indispensable. The next step is for everyone to improve their strength in Xinxiang Garden.

Gu Yueru came over with the child in her arms, looked at Qin Zixuan with her mouth curled up, looked at Qin Zixuan and said, "This annoying boy is worse than a little goblin, crying loudly every day, crying all night long .”

Holding a camel of black charcoal in Gu Yueru's arms, Qin Zixuan was taken aback, thinking that this skin is really inherited from Gu Yueru, and it is likely that his temperament is also the same,

He stretched out his hand to take it and asked, "What's Xiao Heitan's name?"

Pfft, everyone fell on their backs, expressing their admiration for Qin Zixuan's ability to deceive children. Concubine Cheng raised her head and hit Qin Zixuan on the head, saying: "This child is called Qin Jinpei, and his nickname is Pei'er."

"Yeah, who picked it? Does the name Xiao Heitan sound good?" Qin Zixuan asked back, calling Heiwa a few times at the Heiwa in his arms, and the more he called, the more satisfied he became.

Qin Jinpei stared at Qin Zixuan with big watery eyes, then grinned, and Gu Yueru said beside him: "Well, Xiao Heitan has a good image, and he's easy to call."

Concubine Cheng covered her face, and really wanted to ask if Gu Yueru was dissatisfied with the name she chose, or why Xiao Heitan was so easy to pronounce, and Pei Er was so easy to pronounce?Two guys who don't understand appreciation.

"Little Heitan looks really good-looking, with a tiger head and a tiger brain, he must be smart and eager to learn when he grows up." Li Han laughed beside him, and seemed to be supporting Qin Zixuan, Princess Cheng was speechless.

Everyone gathered around to say congratulations, and some people called for gifts, yes, these children's gifts haven't been given yet, this reminded Qin Zixuan, so he called for a banquet, he wanted guests, and he wanted gifts.

Qin Zixuan was screaming excitedly, a hand came from his waist, and then the soft flesh was pinched, Gong Liangyan said bitterly: "I want to have a daughter."

Uh, this, Qin Zixuan was speechless. The previous request was to have a child, but now the request is to have a daughter. Isn't this request too high?

"Little Swallow, it's enough for this child to have one. If there are too many births, it will hurt the body and be dangerous, so one is fine." Qin Zixuan sent it haha, the grandson is older than his son, Qin Zixuan said blushing, really!

If it wasn't for marrying too late, Qin Zixuan was also worried that these women would be too lonely in their old age without children, and really didn't want them to have children at their age, the risk was too great.

(End of this chapter)

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