Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1667 Breakthrough

Chapter 1667 Breakthrough
The martial arts arena was full of voices and applause. At this time, Fengwu Qingkong and Donghuang Taiye were competing in the arena. The two were of equal strength and different skills, and the fight was wonderful.

They are familiar with their own strength while fighting. This kind of battle is beneficial to both sides. You come and I have already played a hundred moves. There are heaven-shattering powerhouses and young juniors from various families watching around.

Watching the battle is not only to watch the excitement, but also to improve one's knowledge and combat experience. Those who have good understanding can improve their strength while watching the battle, but there are very few such people.

Qin Zixuan carried Xiao Heitan to the martial arts arena, Li Han and Gu Yueru followed, they chatted while walking, Li Han asked Gu Yueru how many people have improved their strength.

There are 300 people in the Heaven-breaking Realm in the Reincarnation Sect, and the four major families add up to nearly 200 people. Then there are the Shadow Clan, and the Yangtze River faction has a hundred people each. After careful calculation, Dahai is the strongest.

But everyone can understand that, after all, Reincarnation Sect is Dahai's industry, good things come from Dahai's hands, it is easier for Reincarnation Sect disciples to earn points, and it is more cost-effective to exchange for cultivation resources.

When Li Han heard that there are so many Heaven-shattering Realms, he couldn't help but click his tongue. In the past, he thought that the veterans and the others were so powerful that they looked up to the sky, but now looking back, he only feels that his knowledge is too low.

Who would have thought that the Heaven-shattering Realm could be mass-produced, and there were still demigods above the Heaven-shattering realm. Li Han sighed and was full of confidence in the future. When he was weak, he could counterattack, but now that he is strong, he will not be afraid to fight.

Gu Yueru clasped Li Han's shoulder and said, "Xiao Han'er, Dahai and the others are going to the Death Forest, take me this time, I haven't moved around for a long time."

"No problem, my mother-in-law is here anyway, so it's good to give Xiao Heitan to her to take care of." Li Han smiled a little unscrupulously, this guy is used to handing children over to Concubine Cheng.

This suggestion is very good, Gu Yueru said that she likes it, and at the same time, she is happy that she can go to the Forest of Death with her.

"Little Yanzi and the others want to go together this time?" Qin Zixuan asked, thinking that Gong Liangyan and the others hadn't moved around for a long time, wondering if they would also ask to accompany them, if they all left, mother might be tired.

"Little Yanzi can't bear to leave, now she can't wait to be with her child all the time, so she won't wander around with you." Gu Yueru said with a smile.

Gong Liangyan's love for children is really outrageous. She hurt her body when giving birth, and she had to take care of the child herself under such circumstances. One can imagine how high the child's position in her heart is.

"It's good to stay, mother can't be without someone by her side." Qin Zixuan said with a smile, his heart was moved by the Song family's daughters, if not for them to accompany mother, mother's life would be difficult.

Qin Zixuan looked up at the sky, he was busy every day, if it wasn't for the invisible sense of crisis, Qin Zixuan really wanted to stop by his mother's side to respect his filial piety, but Qin Zixuan didn't dare to stop.

I used to think that the Saint Master is a great existence, an invincible powerhouse in the world, and then the Heaven-shattering Realm appeared. Fortunately, such masters are rarely seen in the world, only the old Taoist misses him, and then the demigod appeared.

Qin Zixuan is worried that there really is a god in this world. If there is a god, how strong is it?Was that danger passed on by those people, and how would they deal with themselves?

Qin Zixuan wanted to know these questions very much, but no one gave Qin Zixuan the answer, so Qin Zixuan could only prepare for the battle and kept looking for opportunities. Fortunately, he was lucky.

Looking down at the child in his arms and meeting Xiao Heitan's shining eyes, Qin Zixuan's heart melted. For the sake of the child, he also wanted to be strong before danger came.

The three of them also came to the martial arts arena while talking and laughing. Changjiang saw his parents coming and hurriedly got up to welcome them. Qin Zixuan sat beside Changjiang and looked up and down at Changjiang, but he couldn't see the strength of Changjiang.

"Father, have you made a breakthrough?" Changjiang asked with a smile, stretched out his hand to pinch Xiao Heitan's fleshy little hand, and suddenly found that Xiao Heitan's name was very appropriate.

"Of course, if your father and I take it seriously, we will definitely go all the way, and you will only have to eat ashes." Qin Zixuan froze, with a smug look on his face.

Changjiang stretched out his thumb, with a similarly smug expression, and praised: "That's right, you are my father."

Wang Rui looked at the stinky and shameless Qin Zixuan, and couldn't help laughing. It was only with the confidence that Prince Cheng had the resources to throw himself into the sea, even a pig could break through to the Heaven-breaking Realm.

Li Han sat next to Bai Jing and asked, "Did you write a letter to Daqin? Mother Wang, do you want to come over?"

Bai Jing shook her head and sighed: "The mother-in-law can't come, they are reluctant to part with that piece of foundation."

"It doesn't matter if we don't come, anyway, we can't go all over the dangerous places here, and we will go back to Daqin, where our roots are." Li Han patted Bai Jing's hand, the Wang family's mess really needs someone to take charge.

"Hey, why do you think my children are not as obedient as Dahai and the others?" Bai Jing sighed, thinking of the letter sent by her mother-in-law, Zhan Yuan actually brought another concubine, and couldn't help but have a headache.

"Children and grandchildren have their own blessings. My children are not all obedient. Look at Huashan Taishan. They are so talented that they can't even find a daughter-in-law."

As Li Han said, his eyes shuttled through the crowd, and he quickly found Huashan and Taishan. The two brothers got together and didn't know what they were talking about, with extremely wretched smiles.

Ouch, Li Han patted his head, feeling his fists itch a little, these two boys deserve a beating too much.

Bai Jing also looked at Huashan and Taishan, and couldn't help laughing and said: "General, those two boys are too boring, they are chasing after a girl, but they still take Joe, they don't know what to say when they get together every day What a bad word."

"I owe a beating." Li Han clenched her fists, wondering if she would wait until the battle between Fengwu Qingkong and Donghuang Taiye was over, and then she would perform a performance and beat those two boys up.


"Your two youngest sons." Li Han pointed to Huashan Taishan, the two brothers seemed to feel it, and they raised their heads to meet Qin Zixuan's eyes.

Qin Zixuan hooked his hands, Huashan and Taishan shook their heads together, they didn't want to sit with their father, the pressure was huge.

Changjiang hooked his hands, and the two brothers walked over obediently. They dared not listen to their father and Changjiang.

"What are you two laughing about? The three-month period is coming soon, do you really want me to help you find a marriage?" Qin Zixuan asked.

Hua Shan and Tai Shan shook their heads, pointing out that marriage is too embarrassing, they don't want it, Hua Shan looked at Qin Zixuan and said seriously: "Father, don't bother you, my son has goals, and there are still eight."

Standing beside him, Tai Shan nodded, stretched out his fingers and gestured: "I have nine!"

(End of this chapter)

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