Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1668 Poisoning

Chapter 1668 Poisoning
When Qin Zixuan heard eight or nine, he almost died of anger, these two boys are really good enough, and he gave them cheats on how to pick up girls in order to let them find a wife, but they only learned how to hook up but didn't learn how to be responsible.

"Okay, if you have the ability, when will you get married?" Qin Zixuan pointed at the two and asked, deciding to take care of these two bastards. Men can't be so shameless. What's the point of getting a bunch of concubines before the wife is found.

Huashan and Taishan bowed their heads, this is a bit difficult, I don't know which one to choose, both seem to be good, what should I do, Qin Zixuan stared at the two of them worried for a while, but didn't know that there was another one that made Qin Zixuan more worried.

In Yujing City, Huangshan and Xi Huan met for an outing. The two sat in a small boat and went down the river. The green hills on both sides faced each other. Kingfishers sang and monkeys harassed them. It was quite interesting.

Huang Shan was very happy to see Xi Huan laughing. Now that the people of Prince Cheng's Mansion have all gone to the Western Continent, Huang Shan spends most of his free time playing with Xi Huan, either going out in the green, or listening to music and watching operas, having a good time.

Xi Huan also looked at Huangshan, with a beautiful smile but anxious in her heart. What she wanted was not such a poetic life, but to marry into the palace and become a phoenix, a queen that all women in the world envy.

It's just that Xi Huan knows that her status is humble, and it is difficult to ascend to a high position. The people in Chengwang's Mansion will not agree, but the situation is different now. She heard that all the people in Chengwang's Mansion have traveled. This is an opportunity, an opportunity to fly to the branches .

When those people are not around, it will be useless for the emperor to make her queen, even if the people in the Cheng Palace object at that time, it has become an established fact.

Xi Huan held the jade pot in his jade hand, and the jade cup was full of wine. Xi Huan looked at Huang Shan with a wider smile, spoke softly, and leaned forward to lean on Huang Shan's chest.

"Young master, please drink."

"Good wine." Huang Shan said with a smile, looking at Xi Huan's seductive smile, for some reason, the words of the sea flashed in his mind, "Rotten peach blossoms!" '

These three words are like a curse. Whenever Huang Shan wants to go further, these three words will appear in his mind. Suddenly, Huang Shan feels his body heat up, his tongue becomes dry, and the beautiful face in front of him is even more attractive.

No, this reaction is wrong!Huangshan suddenly became alert. How could this feeling be like taking an aphrodisiac?Thinking of this, Huangshan frowned, and doubts flashed in his eyes.

Was it Xi Huan who gave him the medicine?Why is she taking drugs?Huang Shan stared at Xi Huan and fell into deep thought, but Xi Huan seemed to have received some kind of signal, and his hands had already reached Huang Shan's neck.

The secret guards in charge of protecting Huangshan frowned immediately. They did not object to the emperor finding more women, but is it okay to do such a thing in broad daylight?Where is the majesty of the emperor?

The primitive impulse in Huang Shan's body was ready to move, and his breathing became even more urgent. At this moment, Huang Shan gritted his molars, got up and left the boat, and quickly came to the shore.

He likes Xi Huan, but he doesn't like Xi Huan to the point of being designed by others and not resisting. His woman must be a woman who is upright and open-minded, not a woman who uses tricks to get high.

When Huangshan arrived at the shore, he immediately summoned his mount, rode away, and left behind a dumbfounded Xi Huan. Xi Huan had already made a calculation. As long as she won the bid today, she would be more expensive than her mother, but Huangshan ran away. !

Xi Huan was quite dissatisfied and disappointed after a good plan went to waste like this. Could it be that it is so difficult for her to live the life of a master?Xi Huan lowered his head, a ruthless look flashed in his eyes.

Even though there are many difficulties and dangers, she still wants to sit in that position. She should not continue to live in the lower ranks. She is a beautiful woman, and she has the capital to become a superior person.

Huang Shan beat the horse and left, found a quiet place to sit cross-legged to expel the poison, after dissolving the aphrodisiac in his body, thoughts flashed in Huang Shan's eyes, thinking of every detail of Xi Huan's meeting.

Is this the end of this love?Huang Shan refused in his heart, sat there blankly, he couldn't make up his mind for a while, and finally let out a long sigh, he should go back to the palace.

Gong Linghua and Gong Wei traveled all the way, and finally came to the land of Daqin. Looking at this colorful world, there was a smile on Gong Linghua's stunning face, and everything looked fresh.

Gong Wei followed behind with a doting face on her face, as long as her daughter was happy, everything was worth it, and all the hard work along the way was worth it.

"Father, did mother live in this land before?" Gong Linghua asked, Gong Wei had already told his daughter about the past along the way, Gong Linghua's fantasies about his mother were more vivid, and he was full of expectations for the place where her mother lived.

"Yes, she lived in Qinglong City when she was a child. Her family was just an ordinary family. Later, she was discovered by her master and accepted as a disciple. Only then did she embark on the path of cultivation."

Gong Wei said that his eyes were full of longing, if he hadn't been accompanied by Ling Hua these years, Gong Wei would have gone after that beautiful figure long ago, and there is no one in this world worth his longing for.

"How long will it take to get to Qinglong City?" Gong Linghua asked, feeling a little anxious, she wanted to go to Qinglong City as soon as possible, to see her mother's house, to see where her mother lived.

"There are still two days left. I can go to Yujing City tomorrow and Qinglong City the day after tomorrow. Are you looking forward to Hua'er?" Gong Wei asked with a kind smile on his face, with longing and anticipation intertwined in his eyes.

Gong Linghua nodded with a smile, took a bite of the candied haws in his hand, and touched the money bag on his waist. Along the way, the two of them had a complete understanding of money and the importance of money.

With money, you can buy a lot of things, and you can't live without food, clothing, housing, and transportation. When it comes to food, Gong Linghua saw the word "Weijixuan" in his eyes, and couldn't help swallowing.

"Father, there is also Weiji Xuan in this city."

"Well, there are so many stores in Weijixuan, but the things are too expensive." Gong Wei clicked his tongue, thinking of the delicious taste of Weijixuan, subconsciously touched the money bag on his waist.

After much deliberation, he still made up his mind and said, "Let's go, let's have a big meal before we go on our way."

"Father, do you have enough money?" Gong Linghua asked cautiously, afraid that it would be embarrassing to have no money to pay the bill, after all, it has happened once.

Fortunately, the shopkeeper of that store is a good person. He taught them the function of money and told them how to make money. Then he detained her and asked her father to take the money. Otherwise, they would not know how to lose face.

"That's enough. Let's take the mountain road when we get out of the city. If we can pick up a few valuable herbs, the money will come back naturally." Gong Wei smiled, she was a powerful girl.

In order to let his daughter have a good meal, he is willing to travel across the mountains to find medicinal materials to make money, and he is very happy doing it. He really complied with the saying that thousands of mountains are scattered and come back, that is to make money after spending money.

When the father and daughter walked into Weijixuan, Xiaoer immediately stepped forward to greet her. Even though Gong Linghua was as beautiful as a flower, Xiaoer did not pay more attention to him. He enthusiastically invited them to take a seat, and then poured tea and announced the name of the dishes.

Weijixuan's Xiao Er has a high vision and has long been used to seeing all kinds of nobles.

(End of this chapter)

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