Chapter 1669 Why

After ordering, Gong Linghua touched her small face, looked at Gong Wei and said, "Father, the things from Beauty Pavilion are really useful, I feel that my skin has really changed a lot."

"Well, I think so too." Gong Wei replied with a smile, watching his daughter become more beautiful day by day, Gong Wei is full of sense of accomplishment in his heart, this is the life a daughter should live, living like a little princess every day.

Looking back and thinking about the life on Bingyan Island, the only word left is boring!
"I heard that Yujing is the headquarters of the Beauty Pavilion. Shall we go to Yujing to have a look at the Beauty Pavilion?" Gong Linghua asked again, suddenly patted his head and remembered an important thing - no money.

"Tomorrow we are not in a hurry, let's go around the mountain twice first, and gather more medicinal materials to exchange for money. We will also bring gifts when we go to Qinglong City to find your grandparent's house."

The meaning of Gong Wei's words is obvious, that is money, without money, they can't do it, even though they have good strength, they can't bully others, and it's not like they can't make money.

"Alright, the items in Beauty Pavilion are all very good, but they are too expensive, as expensive as Weijixuan." Gong Linghua laughed.

The waiter who came to deliver the food heard the conversation between the two, with a slight smile on his face, he set the plate, and then said with a smile: "We are not the most expensive here, when you come to Yujing Xijixuan, you will know What is expensive."

"Oh, how do you say that?" Gong Wei became interested. He is not an idiot. He has already figured out the special price of this era.

"Weijixuan in Yujing has divine animal meat. The taste is amazing, and eating it can nourish your health and prolong your life. It's too expensive, and you can't buy it with a plate of ten thousand gold."

Xiaoer mentioned the Yujing headquarters, with a big word of service written on his face. He had only heard of the animal meat, but had never seen it, and there was only one serving a week, and the supply was limited. If you want to eat a bite, prepare gold first.

"Divine beast meat?" Gong Wei's eyes widened. The owner behind Weijixuan was so strong that he could even get the divine beast meat.

"That's right, it's divine beast meat. A few days ago, a strong master ate a plate of divine beast meat and actually broke through to a holy master directly, tsk tsk!" Xiaoer looked envious, he was not so lucky.

Gong Wei and Gong Linghua looked at each other, and asked together, "How much did that plate of meat cost?"

"That plate of meat sold for 10 taels of gold." Xiao Er replied, Gong Wei and Gong Linghua looked at each other again, both of them were a little desperate, one hundred thousand gold is not easy to earn.

Seeing the surprised expressions of the two, Xiao Er felt a burst of satisfaction in his heart. Although he couldn't see the meat of the beast in person, he was still able to brag and slap his mouth~ cannonballs.

"Father, this world is too crazy." Gong Linghua whispered, a plate of [-] gold, those people are really rich.

"It's crazy, but the living standards of these people are indeed very good, much better than ours." Gong Wei said, they traveled all the way, and they saw how the common people lived, and they can only describe it in one word: good !

Although the common people don't say that there is meat in Dun Dun, they really have surplus food in every family.

The father and daughter went out of Weijixuan and went directly out of the city into the mountains. They had to pay for their own food, that is, to make money quickly. The two masters were caught by the smell of fireworks for life, and they still enjoyed it.

In Yujing City, after returning to the palace, Huangshan sat in the palace for three days thinking about the problem, that is, the problem of rotten peach blossoms. This incident of aphrodisiacs reminded Huangshan, maybe he really took it for granted.

How will Xi Huan arrange it?Huang Shan began to hesitate in his heart. He and Xi Huan had always been innocent, and that was because Huang Shan wanted to enjoy the feeling of being in love instead of having sex as soon as they met.

Emotional communication is more important and more enjoyable than physical communication. The original words were said by his father. Huang Shan felt that what his father said was right, and he did what his father said. It really felt good.

It's just that this feeling is stained, which makes Huang Shan very annoyed. Of course, Huang Shan doesn't know at this time what makes him more annoyed is yet to come.

Today he received another letter from Xi Huan, which was full of a woman's longing for her lover. In the letter, Xi Huan didn't mention the aphrodisiac, as if there was no aphrodisiac at all.

This made Huang Shan suspect that maybe Xi Huan didn't know about the aphrodisiac, maybe someone framed her, maybe
When a man is still in love with a woman, he will come up with many reasons to explain to his lover, Huang Shan will be like this, in the end Huang Shan still couldn't control himself, and followed his heart out of the palace.

The two made an appointment to meet at Zuixianlou, so they didn't go to Weijixuan, because it was the territory of Prince Cheng's mansion, Huangshan didn't want his affairs to be exposed, and he was also worried that they would come back to stop him after receiving the news.

No matter what kind of peach blossoms Xi Huan is, Qin Zixuan will not take the initiative to cut them. Life cannot be smooth, and Qin Zixuan will stand by and watch Huangshan suffer setbacks.

Huangshan left the palace, took a detour, and went to Xicheng to see the lives of ordinary people. Seeing the smiles on the faces of ordinary people, Huangshan was full of a sense of accomplishment. This is the change that occurred under his own governance.

One emperor through the ages should belong to himself, Huang Shan thinks of leaving his own monument in history, that kind of feeling is incomprehensible to others, his martial arts is not as good as his brothers, but his achievements may not be inferior.

To be able to have enough food and clothing in this world is his achievement!Thinking a little bit, Huangshan left Xicheng and walked towards Zuixianlou.

Turning around an intersection, Huang Shan stopped there, frowning slightly, watching Xi Huan get entangled with a strange man.

The old eunuch serving Huangshan's side had sharp eyes, stared at the strange man for a long time, and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, that man seems to be the thief who stole Miss Xi's wallet back then."

Um?A flash of inspiration flashed in Huang Shan's mind, and the scene of the encounter back then flashed before his eyes, Huang Shan frowned and looked at it, yes, that man really looks like the thief back then.

The thief back then was a little fatter, but this one in front of him was much thinner. Considering that he was sentenced to one year and seven months in prison, he should have just been released from prison not long ago.

Huang Shan didn't want to be a villain at first, but he wanted to know what Xi Huan was talking about with a thief, so he approached quietly and listened with his ears open.

"Xi Huan, Miss Xi, stop talking nonsense, give me 100 million taels of silver, and we will settle our accounts, or else, hehe!" Wang Wu rubbed his chin and sneered, his eyes stern.

He also inadvertently heard who the master was back then, and when he thought of being swayed by Xi Huan, he felt a hatred in his heart. If it hadn't been for today's sage, he might have died at that time.

And this Xi Huan actually used him in order to fly to the top of the branch. Wang Wu would get angry every time he thought about it, and it was difficult to get out of this breath. Besides, Xi Huan, a child raised by a prostitute, how could he climb up to the real dragon!
(End of this chapter)

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