Chapter 1670

Xi Huan didn't expect Wang Wu to appear in front of him and even know Huangshan's identity. Xi Huan was caught off guard, and Xi Huan couldn't even get the huge sum of 100 million.

She is with Huang Shan, but she hasn't married Huang Shan yet, and she hasn't gotten much benefit from Huang Shan. At most, Huang Shan bought her a yard and opened two shops.

But the sum of these is far from the huge sum of 100 million. Besides, Xi Huan doesn't think that giving 100 million will solve the problem. Wang Wu can ask for 100 million today and 200 million tomorrow.

When she entered the palace, Wang Wu's demands would probably be more. Xi Huan thought that since he was young, he was well-informed and understood human nature better, so he should have given up on people like Wang Wu from the very beginning.

It's just that how to destroy his heart requires means, and this matter can't be spread. Once it is known, Xi Huan can't bear the consequences.

After thinking about it, Xi Huan laughed, looked at Wang Wu and said, "Brother Wang, it's not impossible for you to ask for 100 million, but where do you want me to get 100 million in a short time, you have to give me time."

"Time, okay, the last thing I want is time. I'll give you a day. I'll see 100 million people tomorrow, or you'll know the consequences." Wang Wu had a lewd smile on his face, and reached out to touch Xi Huan.

This movement was done very skillfully, Xi Huan slapped Wang Wu's hand away unhappily, but he didn't get angry, but someone got angry secretly, Huang Shan stared at Wang Wu's hand, his eyes were red.

Of course, what annoyed Huang Shan even more was Xi Huan's attitude. What kind of attitude was she?She seemed to enjoy it quite a bit. Is she still the innocent Xi Huan she knew?

The word "Rotten Peach Blossom" flashed in Huang Shan's mind again, and Huang Shan was very happy. It was really a rotten peach blossom. Fortunately, he regarded the other party as a saint!

Huang Shan didn't go out, and reasoned with a thief, Huang Shan couldn't afford to lose that person, but turned around and left, only halfway, Huang Shan looked at the old eunuch and said coldly: "Send someone to monitor the two of you."

"Yes." The old eunuch replied, he couldn't figure out what the emperor wanted, did he still love Xi Huan or loathe him?This inability to guess made the old eunuch dare not make other small moves.

The emperor's woman can be killed by the emperor, but he, the old eunuch, can't do it, even if the emperor doesn't like it, the old eunuch is very obedient.

Xi Huan didn't know that Huangshan was going back home, but he left Wang Wu and entered the Suanxian Building to wait. Unfortunately, he waited until the sun went west, but he still didn't get to Huangshan. Xi Huan was disappointed.

Lost and walking back to his yard, Xi Huan regretted putting medicine in the wine. The men in Chengwang's mansion are all good at work, and the emperor is also like this. The medicine must be seen through by the emperor.

Thinking of this, Xi Huan hurriedly wrote. She wanted to admit to the emperor that she had been drugged, and also expressed her anxiety to the emperor. She was just a little girl with no background, and she wanted peace of mind.

Since ancient times, a mother is more expensive than a child. She wants to have a child with the emperor, even if she can only become a member of the emperor's thousands of harem, as long as she has a child to accompany her, and she can feel at ease as long as she looks at the emperor in the corner up.

The letter was written sincerely and sadly, as if it was a humble request from a little girl. If Huangshan hadn't seen what happened in the alley, she might have forgiven Xi Huan, but unfortunately Huangshan did.

After receiving Xi Huan's letter, Huang Shan only sent a sneer, and made every effort to enter the harem, how could he shrink in a corner with peace of mind, for fear that his harem would become a mess and there would be no peace.

Huang Shan thought of his father, and thought of his father's harem, so a friendly harem is really too rare, others are superficially friendly and peaceful, but Huang Shan knows that the backyard of Prince Cheng's mansion is really friendly.

The general doted on his concubines, and so did his father. He never treated anyone harshly, and these children received the same treatment. They could learn what they liked, and everyone had a share in the family property.

Rotten peach blossom, hehe, it really is a rotten peach blossom. Fortunately, this peach blossom did not enter the harem, or else it would be a rotten nest. Huangshan couldn't help but thank the sea.

If it hadn't been for what Hai Hai said that day, maybe he and Xi Huan would have had a good time. If it was true, with Xi Huan's heart, the child would probably be several months old.

Xi Huan waited for another day, but still did not receive the news from the emperor, which made Xi Huan even more disturbed. At the same time, Wang Wu also appeared at the gate of the courtyard. He came to ask for money.

The crime of prison cannot be counted lightly, so Xi Huan will naturally have to pay the price.Wang Wu was not able to enter the courtyard, but was sent away by Xi Huan. He made an appointment to see you at midnight tomorrow because the money was not enough.

Wang Wu sneered after hearing this, the money was not enough for Thaksin, and it was not easy to get 100 million, unless Xi Huan asked the person in the palace, then he would wait another day.

At midnight on the second day by the side of the waste water ditch, under the starry night sky, Xi Huan appeared with a bag, and Wang Wu looked at the visitor with a confident smile on his face.

Xi Huan said with a sullen face: "This is all my property, please take some."

Wang Wu hehe, took the bag and opened it to have a look. It was shining inside, and a night pearl was mixed in it. Wang Wu raised his eyebrows when he saw it. These are indeed valuable things.

I couldn't help squatting down to check. In addition to the Ye Mingzhu, there were also pure gold jewelry, jade hairpin gemstones and other treasures in this package.

Xi Huan was watching vigorously, Xi Huan sneered, the knife flashed in his hand, and a cold air rushed towards Wang Wu's neck, and then a head flew up, blood instantly stained the jewel in front of him.

"Only the dead can keep secrets. Wang Wu is not because I am cruel, but because you know too much!" Xi Huan held a blood-dripping sword, with a stern look on his face, she did not allow others to spoil her good deeds.

The secret guard who was secretly monitoring Xi Huan frowned. It was not the first time he had seen Xi Huan, and he couldn't imagine that Xi Huan, who was smiling like a flower and extremely delicate, had kung fu in his hands.

Who is she?Why design the emperor?The dark guard couldn't figure it out, his task was to monitor, and silently watched Xi Huan throw Wang Wu's body into the waste water ditch.

Then he cleaned up the blood on the ground one by one, and then slowly left with his own burden. The whole process was so calm that it made people's teeth chill, which was not something a normal woman could bear.

The secret guard watched Xi Huan return to the courtyard, and then left quietly. After returning to the palace, he hurriedly reported to the emperor that Huangshan was resting.

When it was dawn, Huang Shan got up and was about to go to court. The secret guard found the opportunity to report the news. Huang Shan's eyes widened when he heard it. Obviously, Huang Shan did not expect Xi Huan to be this kind of woman.

This is no longer a rotten peach blossom. What exactly does this woman want to do?Doubts arise in Huangshan's heart?So he ordered people to continue monitoring, and then thoroughly checked Xi Huan's background.

How can a child raised by a prostitute have kung fu? This is not normal.

(End of this chapter)

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