Chapter 1671
Xi Huan didn't know that everything she did fell into the eyes of others, and she was still waiting for Huangshan's reply, and she was still waiting for Huangshan to come out of the palace to see her, but unfortunately, after waiting for several days, she still didn't get any news.

Huang Shan was waiting, waiting for his spies to find out the details of Chan Huan. At first, Hai Dahai offered to check for him, but Huang Shan refused.

Now that I know some of Xi Huan's methods, the investigation is on the agenda again. It is not easy for others to find out, but Huangshan has the state machine in his hands, so it is still very easy to check Xi Huan's background.

A few days later, the secret agent placed Xi Huan's information in front of the Huangshan case. Looking at the information placed in front of him, Huangshan held his breath, and when he thought of Xi Huan lying to himself, his heart ached.

The old eunuch carefully looked at Huangshan, half bowed his body, thinking about how to extinguish the anger in the emperor's heart, this time it seemed that it was really a conspiracy.

Huang Shan picked up the information to check, and frowned. Xi Huan's real identity was Chu, and he was a member of the royal family of Great Chu. Chu State was destroyed by Great Qin, and then it was established and destroyed again.

Although they were wiped out for a few rounds in the middle, the members of the direct line did not die. This is understandable for Huangshan. Which family does not have a few tricks, unless there are few members of the direct line, otherwise it is not easy to exterminate.

Xi Huanzheng's real identity is Chu Huan, the youngest daughter of Chu Jianqiang, the descendant of the great Chu royal family, but she was thrown into Yihong Courtyard as soon as she was born.

It is also places like brothels that are the easiest to hide their identities. They are all prominent figures. Who would send their daughters to places like brothels? This generation of Chu family descendants has taken a different path.

After Xi Huan was sensible, he gave a responsibility, that is, the responsibility of bringing the Chu family back to its peak. Chu Jianqiang has never given up on restoring the country, but he also knows that it is impossible to rebel now.

Now that the country is prosperous and the people are safe, the common people are not really stupid. How could they follow Chu Jianqiang to rebel? The only people he can encourage are the loyal members of the Chu family, but there are too few of them.

Under such circumstances, when Xi Huan was born, Chu Jianqiang came up with such a trick after much deliberation. First, he created a controversial but safe identity and left Xi Huan in Yujing.

The next step is to send someone to secretly train Xi Huan, and the next step is to let Xi Huan hook up with Huangshan. Xi Huan has done very well, and it would be even more perfect if Wang Wu was arranged by Chu Jianqiang.

It's a pity that Xi Huan was too assertive, he did all of this by himself, even killing someone to silence him, he did it neatly.

Chu Qiangqiang! Really strong enough.Huang Shan was quite speechless after reading the information, and looked down on the men of the Chu family even more. It is a man's business to fight for the world.

But their plan is really pretty good. They even thought of replacing the civet cat with the prince, and they actually wanted to wait until Xi Huan gave birth to a child from the Chu family to enter the palace. Haha, Huangshan is so happy.

The head of the old eunuch is even lower, he has already felt the emperor's anger, the Chu family is really good at killing, and they don't look at the current situation, now is the era when Cheng Wang's mansion is in full swing.

If they want to steal the dragon and turn the phoenix under the nose of Cheng Wang's mansion, they must have eaten the bear's heart and leopard's guts, or how could their brains be so big, the old eunuch said that he dared not think about it.

"Come here, destroy all the direct descendants of the Chu family." Huang Shan issued an order lightly, if he dared to plot against him, they would destroy their entire family.

"Yes." The commander of the guards took the order, then stopped, looked up at Huangshan, and asked, "Is Miss Xi going to die too?"

Asked this question, Huang Shan really wanted to shoot him to death, the old eunuch cast a glance at the blind commander of the guards, this guy who has been able to be the commander of the guards for so long really sat in this position with his ability.

"Destroy!" Huang Shan gritted his teeth, thinking that he had devoted all his heart to the dog, he wished he could destroy Xi Huan with his own hands.

The commander of the guards was ordered to retreat, the atmosphere in the imperial study was oppressive, Huang Shan sighed, and looked outside the palace, the high palace walls blocked his sight.

"Your Majesty, do you want to go out for a walk?" the old eunuch asked.

"Let's go." Huang Shan suddenly wanted to go back to Prince Cheng's Mansion, the palace was too cold and not as warm as Prince Cheng's Mansion.

The old eunuch followed Huangshan, looking at Huangshan's lonely figure, he felt a little distressed, the emperor is a good emperor, but the relationship is not smooth, why hasn't the person whom the emperor is destined to appear?

Weijixuan is bustling with people coming and going, Xiao Er warmly greets every guest, and there is a long queue outside the door of Weijixuan.

One by one, they looked at the team in front of them and sighed. It was too difficult to come to Weijixuan to have a good meal.Gong Linghua and Gong Wei were also in the queue, Gong Linghua pouted a little impatiently.

"Daughter, don't worry, it will always be our turn." Gong Wei looked at the people in front of him, couldn't help comforting his daughter, and said at the same time: "There are so many rich people in Yujing."

Gong Linghua nodded, there are indeed a lot of rich people in Yujing, and only Weijixuan in Yujing has the longest line.

Huangshan got out of the car and looked at the long queue. He also lamented that there are so many rich people in Yujing, and they lined up to eat at Weijixuan. Of course, Huangshan does not need to queue.

Seeing Huangshan walking straight in, the people in line seemed to have not seen it. Of course, some people recognized it as if they did not recognize it. Who would like to have a meal and kneel down to call the emperor, anyway, the emperor did not line up for honor.

Seeing Huang Shan go straight in, Gong Linghua was immediately dissatisfied, pointing to Huang Shan's back and asking, "Why didn't he line up?"

Gong Wei didn't know why, but he felt the strength of the people behind Huangshan, thought for a while and said, "I don't know, is it true that the strong don't have to queue?"

This is a question. At the end of the question, Gong Wei thought it was possible. He and his daughter are also strong. Does that mean that they don’t need to line up, so the two walked out of the team and ran after Huangshan.

The guard felt the strong man approaching, looked back, and saw a middle-aged man chasing with a young girl, and stopped immediately.

Huang Shan's advancing pace also stopped, he already practiced martial arts, and with Hai Hai's intensive care, he was naturally not weak. If Da Hai could bring Qin Zixuan to the Heaven-breaking Realm, naturally he could also bring Huang Shan to the ranks of masters.

"Stop." The guard shouted.

"What's the matter?" Gong Wei asked back, and stopped.

Xiaoer found out what was going on here, and ran over quickly. Seeing Huangshan approaching, he hurriedly said, "Fourth Master, you are here, please go upstairs."

Huang Shan nodded, took another look at Gong Wei and the two, and then went upstairs, Huang Shan was in a bad mood now, even if Gong Linghua was beautiful, he couldn't attract Huang Shan's attention, he saw too many beauties.

Huang Shan walked in, the guards naturally stopped talking to Gong Wei and the two, turned around and left, Gong Wei didn't know, so he followed.

(End of this chapter)

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