Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1672 The Strong

Chapter 1672 The Strong

"Are you two okay?"

Xiaoer stepped forward and blocked Gong Wei's path, with warm smiles on his face, Gong Wei pointed to Huangshan's back and said, "We are also strong."

Speaking of Gong Wei, he also released the breath of a strong man, which made Huang Shan, who was about to go upstairs, stop, turned his head to look at Gong Wei, wondering if this middle-aged man was sick, provocative in Weijixuan, he is Are you courting death?

Weijixuan is the property of the sea, and everyone in the world knows about it, and the Reincarnation Sect even sends people to guard their leader's property day and night, provoking here is almost like courting death.

Sure enough, before Gong Wei let out his breath, several figures rushed over from the street and blocked Xiao Er. They also released signals from their bodies and shouted, "Looking for trouble?"

"Eat." Gong Wei pointed to Huangshan again, and said under Xiaoer's dumbfounded eyes: "The strong don't need to line up."

Pfft, this made the onlookers burst out laughing, and there was another strong country bumpkin in love. The strong don't need to line up, but the powerful don't need to line up. That's the emperor today.

Huang Shan looked at the black lines on the faces of the two, finally snorted, turned and walked upstairs, regardless of whether the other party intended to attract his attention, Huang Shan did not want to interfere.

"This strong man, I'm sorry, that one has been in the private room of our store for a long time, so he doesn't need to line up." Xiaoer continued with a smile: "You two may have just come to Yujing, so I don't know the situation here. exclude."

In the spirit of harmony and making money, the second brother has no dog's eyes to look down on others. I hope that wherever these two are going, let's line up honestly.

The few members of the Reincarnation Sect who jumped out put away their aura and stood aside to stare at Gong Wei. If Gong Wei and Wei broke in, they would kill them without any politeness. The majesty of the leader cannot be challenged.

"Long-term private room, how much money does that cost?" Gong Wei was stunned, eating a meal would hurt for several days, but he actually private room for a long time, darling, after all, it is under the feet of the emperor, there are so many rich people.

"This is a small inconvenience, please forgive me." Xiaoer's attitude was as good as ever, Gong Linghua tugged at her father's sleeve, her pretty face blushed, as if she had lost face again.

Xiao Er felt a little sympathetic to this beautiful girl, so he continued to smooth things over, and said with a smile: "Seeing that you two are very talented at such a young age, you want to practice in the mountains all year round. Now that you have experienced in the world of mortals, you still need to understand the customs of the world."

Talking, Xiao Er took out a book from his arms, with five large characters written on the page, "Crossing the Rivers and Lakes Pointer", and said with a smile: "My lords, I suggest you buy this book and read it. The knowledge is really useful.”

"How much?" Gong Wei took it and held it in his hand, his heart moved. They were new to the rivers and lakes, and they really needed to buy a book as a backup, so it would save them embarrassment.

"It's not expensive, only five taels of silver." Xiaoer stretched out his hand, and the smile on his face became wider.

Who would have thought that a mistress would sell a book, and the mistress of Weijixuan in Yujing headquarters would do just that. This book has a history, and it was written by King Cheng.

Don't look at Qin Zixuan's troubles in the arena, he wrote a book when he got home, a book of five taels of silver, deducted dividends, and still made a lot of money.

However, this kind of marketing method is only available at Weijixuan in the headquarters of Yujing, and it has become a major feature. Fortunately, Xiao Er doesn't sell to everyone, and it is very suitable for today's situation.

Because the other party just came out of the rivers and lakes, it is understandable that he doesn't know the rules. It not only resolved the embarrassment, but also made a small amount of money. Xiaoer blinked happily and watched Gong Wei read carefully.

"Father, let's quit." Gong Linghua took out five taels of silver and handed it to Xiaoer, glanced at it, and found that the people who were excluded also read this book, and she didn't feel so ashamed immediately.

The two retreated to their original positions, but no one occupied their positions, the main reason is that the strength of these two ranks there, and the strong will give Weijixuan face, not necessarily them.

Xiao Er perfectly resolved an embarrassing incident, and happily entertained the guests. Several disciples of the Reincarnation Sect also dispersed to guard the four directions.

"It turns out that there are still so many ways to go through the rivers and lakes." Gong Wei murmured.

Gong Linghua also leaned over to look at it, and couldn't help but said: "Yes, there are too many rules, and there are vernacular and jargon. Isn't strength in the world? Why is it so complicated?"

Listening to the discussion between the father and daughter, the people next to them were more certain of one thing, that is, these two were really bumpkins, and normal people should turn their heads and leave when such a shameful thing happened, but they watched it seriously. picked up the book.

Huang Shan entered the Tianzi private room, sat by the window and looked out, his eyes fell on the Gong family's father and daughter, his brows were slightly frowned, and he knew what book those two were holding without guessing.

Huangshan has also read that book, and thinks it is useless, just to deceive novices in the Jianghu. However, with the promotion of the book, it seems that many Jianghu people do implement the above rules.

This is why Huangshan doesn't understand. Anyway, I heard from my mother that when my father wrote the book, he wrote it with the mentality of playing games!Thinking of my father Huangshan, I feel even more lonely, and I don't know when my parents will come back.

At the beginning Dahai asked him to go with him to relax, but he was reluctant to part with Xi Huan, but now it seems really ironic that he gave up time with his family in exchange for a conspiracy.

Thinking of Huang Shan hating the Chu family even more, and daring to take advantage of him, Huang Shan wished he could kill all the people surnamed Chu. Fortunately, the rationality of years of education is still there.

The old eunuch stood beside him, seeing the uncertain face of the emperor, he couldn't help worrying for a while, if only the queen mother and the others were at home, at least they could find someone to relieve the emperor, what should they do now.

Huang Shan was about to look away from the father and daughter of the Gong family, when suddenly Huang Shan's eyes fixed there, pointed at Gong Linghua's wrist and said, "Old He, look at what that woman is wearing on her hand?"

Hearing this, the old eunuch took a closer look, a puzzled look flashed across his face, and soon a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, he patted his forehead and shouted: "That looks like Fairy Ling's purple jade bracelet, yes, that shape is unique to the Gu Yue family mark."

Hearing this, Huang Shan stood up, sat down quickly, looked at the old eunuch and said, "Go down and bring the man up."

"Yes." Hearing this, the old eunuch turned and went downstairs, Huang Shan continued to stare at the purple jade bracelet, Ling Lan was a disciple of the Gu Yue family, with excellent talent, she disappeared when she came out to practice.

The Gu Yue family waited for no one to return to the mountain for a long time, so they entrusted Huangshan to search for someone. They didn't expect her bracelet to appear in the hands of a little girl. What happened here?
When Huang Shan was thinking, the old eunuch had already arrived downstairs, and went up to talk to the two of them. Gong Wei and Gong Linghua looked up, but they didn't see Huang Shan.

Hearing the old eunuch mention the bracelet, Gong Wei and his daughter were immediately excited, and hurriedly followed the old eunuch upstairs without talking nonsense, thinking they had run into relatives.

(End of this chapter)

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