Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1673 Guarantee

Chapter 1673 Guarantee
Gong Wei and Gong Linghua went upstairs to greet Huangshan. Although they knew that Huangshan was a rich man, they were not too nervous. After all, no matter how rich Huangshan was, it had nothing to do with them, and they would not spend it on them.

Huang Shan asked the two to sit down, pointed to the purple jade bracelet and asked, "Can you show me that bracelet?"

Gong Linghua looked at Gong Wei, she had no opinion on this matter, and wanted to ask her father's opinion, Gong Wei nodded and said, "Show him."

Then Gong Wei explained: "This is a relic left by my daughter-in-law, but does the young master know my daughter-in-law?"

Huang Shan was taken aback when he heard that, but considering Ling Lan's age, it is normal to get married outside, but the word relic is a bit harsh. Could it be that she is no longer here?

Gong Linghua had already taken off the bracelet and put it on Huang Shan's hand. Only then did Huang Shan realize that he didn't say anything, but took the bracelet and looked it over. He saw the abbreviation LL on the inner wall of the bracelet.

This is the abbreviation of Ling Lan Pinyin. Huang Shan looked at the bracelet and asked, "Do you know the name of the owner of this bracelet? Where does he live?"

After finishing speaking, Huang Shan looked closely at Gong Linghua's face with scrutiny. Not to mention the fact that it looks exactly like the painting, is it really the other party's daughter?
Thinking of how much the Gu Yue family attached importance to Ling Lan, Huang Shan felt a little headache. How could the genius girl die?
"Her name is Ling Lan, and she lives in Azure Dragon City." Gong Wei said, also looking at Huangshan Mountain with anticipation in his eyes.

"How did she die?" Huang Shan asked again, seeing Gong Wei's fleeting pain, his brows furrowed.

"It's because I'm useless, I couldn't protect him." Gong Wei lowered his head, his eyelids turned red all of a sudden, Gong Linghua stretched out his hand to hold his father's hand, silently comforting him.

After Gong Wei explained the cause of Ling Lan's death, Huang Shan slapped the table angrily, pointing at Gong Wei and wanted to be rude, but thinking of Gong Linghua, he couldn't help swallowing the foul words.

This girl's motherlessness is already very pitiful, if she scolds Gong Wei in front of her again, she must be very sad, suppressing her anger, Huang Shan shouted: "Tell me, what is the strength of the other party? The disciples of the Gu Yue family can't die in vain."

"The other party is a demigod." Gong Wei gritted his teeth, hating why he couldn't break through to a demigod in his strength. If he could break through, he would definitely fight Gong Sheng desperately.

"Humph! Gong family, Gong Sheng, okay, we'll take over this beam!" Huang Shan slapped the table angrily, and then he was about to leave with the bracelet, not wanting to be grabbed by Gong Linghua's sleeves.

"Give it to me." Gong Linghua's nose was red from crying, and she reached out for the bracelet with a strong nasal voice. It was something left by her mother, and it must not fall into the hands of outsiders.

"I can give it to you, but you can't leave Yujing during this time. You have to wait for someone from Gu Yue's family to confirm whether the situation is true." Huang Shan said.

Gong Linghua looked at Gong Wei, and Gong Wei nodded in agreement. They were originally looking for Ling Lan's relatives, and if they could find her teacher, their relationship would be even better.

Huang Shan returned to the palace to write a letter to the person in charge of Gu Yue's family, and at the same time wrote a letter to Hai Hai. If there is no mistake, the father and daughter of the Gong family should come from the same place as Gong Xu.

Thinking of Gong Xu, Huang Shan frowned, the Gong family is really talented, Gong Xu is capable at such a young age, so is that Gong Linghua, his strength is not bad, but what is the state of a demigod?
Huangshan now only knows that the Heaven Breaker Realm is the strongest, and he has never heard of the demigod. He sealed the letter and sent it to the Western Continent, and sighed while looking at the West.

Ever since grandma and the others left, the news from the Western Continent has become less and less. In the past, there would always be a letter sent back every so often, but now it is good. Alas, I don’t know if they have forgotten that there is still a brother in Daqin.

Huang Shan stood by the window and looked at the night sky with a resentful expression on his face, feeling like an abandoned child.

In the Western Continent, there are two children who have not been abandoned. Now these two children hope that they are the ones who were abandoned, because they were mentioned by their mother to the martial arts arena without warning and beat them up.

The two were beaten up with bruised noses and swollen faces, baring their teeth and grinning. Seeing Li Han, they were really speechless. They didn't understand why their mother beat them. It had been a long time since they had beaten them. Is it okay to beat your son like this?
"Two little bastards, is your father teaching you not to be responsible? Let my mother think carefully about which one you like, marry honestly and go home, dare to show mercy, and see how I deal with you."

Li Han clenched his fists and cursed viciously, he was also very angry by these two.

Huashan and Taishan answered honestly, covered their faces and didn't know what to say, didn't they mean that they didn't know which one they liked best?He was actually mentioned by his mother to perform on the martial arts arena and was beaten.

Is the reaction too much? As for?Anyway, Huashan and Taishan don't think it is possible, and they really don't know which one to marry.

Qin Zixuan watched a martial arts scene with Xiao Heitan in his arms. Looking at the two silly sons who came back honestly, he really didn't know how to educate them. Brothers in Dahai, don't worry. In the blink of an eye, they have wives and children. Let's see These two.

well!Qin Zixuan could only use a long sigh to describe the two, looked at the two guys and said: "I really don't want to propose marriage to you, I really want you to find a woman you like to start a family, but you can't leave love everywhere." Debt!"

"Father, we were wrong." The two boys admitted their mistake in unison, their attitudes were so good, and after admitting their mistakes, they even glanced at Li Han's direction, with a slightly funny expression on their faces.

Naturally, Qin Zixuan did not miss the expressions of the two of them. It is doubtful whether he really knew that he was wrong. Qin Zixuan was really angry, and pointed at the two of them and said:

"Okay, you guys, let grandma find a marriage for you later, and force you to get married."

"Don't, Dad, we really know we were wrong." Seeing that Qin Zixuan was serious, the two guys hugged their thighs immediately. The angry words they said at this time may come true.

After all, it wasn't the first day that grandma was staring at the side, and it wasn't the first day that the biological mother was standing beside them. They couldn't hold them before and had to let them go.

Now that there is a father, that one is very likely to hold a chicken feather as an arrow, no, it is a direct forced marriage with an arrow.

Thinking of the young ladies who came to the Western Continent to travel, Huashan and Taishan seriously suspected that those girls came for them.

Qin Zixuan looked at the two little bastards angrily, and finally turned his attention to Li Han. What should these two kids do if they don't want to get married?

Li Han stood behind and clenched his fists. Following the crackling sound, Hua Shan and Tai Shan let go of their hands, turned around and smiled silly at Li Han.

"Mom, can you give me another two months? I'm sure to find true love in two months." The two spoke in unison again.

"Okay, I'll give you two more months. If you still can't find a match like this, don't blame me for being rude."

Li Handu clenched his fist again, Huashan Taishan nodded again and again, promising that what he said this time was true and that he would really find his future lover, but he was thinking about the time to go to the death forest.

(End of this chapter)

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