Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1674 Departure

Chapter 1674 Departure
Faced with the hob meat, Qin Zixuan had no choice but to let Huashan and Taishan go, and continued to sit on the martial arts arena to watch people fight, and finally Qin Zixuan went on the field to fight.

Of course, Qin Zixuan's match was very exciting, and then it ended in a tie. It's not that the opponent didn't want to win, but the general's fist is too big. It's not worthwhile to win the prince and come to the general.

Dahai refined some elixirs, some of which were sent to the reincarnation sect for exchange, and some were put in the Xinxiang Garden for everyone to take. The strength of the Xinxiang Garden has been raised to another level, and Dahai decided to go to the Death Forest.

Sitting across the sea, Changjiang held a stack of documents and said, "This is the information sent in the past six months. There have been six waves of strangers entering the Death Forest, but so far no one has come out."

"Show me." Dahai stretched out his hand, the Yangtze River sent the information to Dahai, and Dahai looked carefully.

Judging from the information sent by the spies, these people who entered were all very skilled, old and young, and wore different clothes. From this point of view, they should belong to different forces.

"Do you know the origin of these six waves of people?" Dahai asked.

"I don't know. For this matter, I specially invited the leader of the Loose Cultivation Alliance. Leader Ge said that he has never seen such people. I suspect that they are the real unborn forces."

The so-called true non-existence is to distinguish it from the Yinmen. Although the Yinmen has the word "addiction", they often appear in front of people, even robbing the people, and fighting with the members of the Loose Cultivation Alliance, but this group of people does not.

If they had really fought with members of the Loose Cultivation Alliance, it is impossible for Ge Dazhuang to have not received any news. After all, Ge Dazhuang is the leader of the alliance.

After reading the information, Dahai tapped his fingers on the table. After a long time, Dahai smiled, looked at the Yangtze River and said, "The Yanhuang Continent is not simple. We haven't revealed its mystery until now."

"Since that's the case, shall we go to the Southern Continent to investigate the things guarded by the Feng family?" Changjiang asked.

"That's not urgent. If the things the Feng family guards are very important, I'm worried that we won't be able to guard them. If that's the case, it's better not to see the light for now." Da Hai continued to tap on the table, his mind running at high speed.

Changjiang nodded in agreement. Indeed, if you find out and can't hold it, it will become a joke. If you don't have the strength, don't touch it.

"You still don't want to go to the Death Forest this time. Your mission is to protect your family and not let them get hurt." Dahai stared at the Yangtze River and explained the mission.

"I understand this. It's good if all the family members gather here, so as not to give opportunities to people with ulterior motives." Changjiang nodded with a smile. He had long wanted to understand why Dahai did this.

Needless to say, he must be worried that others would catch his family members and persecute them. Thinking of his family members, Chang Jiang asked, "Do you want to take over Mount Huangshan?"

"No, I've calculated for Huangshan that his life won't be in danger if he stays in Daqin. Besides, his fate is also in Daqin. I'm afraid he will miss it if he takes over."

Dahai thought of Huangshan, and also thought of Huangshan's rotten peach blossoms. He couldn't help but shake his head. He really didn't know what to say. I hope Huangshan can understand it sooner. The emotional matter can only depend on Huangshan himself.

"Well, don't worry about the safety issue here, I won't put them in danger with me." Changjiang laughed.

The two brothers settled all kinds of issues one by one, and Dahai left Changjiang as a backup. Then they prepared to enter the Death Forest. Six waves of people entered in just half a year. It must be that something good happened in the Death Forest.

The next day, the news spread from the sea to the death forest, because entering the death forest is very dangerous, so only the strong ones above the sky breaking level were brought, which disappointed many people.

Being able to hang behind the leader, even if you don't put in much effort, you can still get a lot of good things, but it's a pity that there are not many opportunities.

Qin Zixuan is also discussing who will follow, Hua Yan intends to follow, but Gu Yueru is unwilling to sit in Xinxiang Garden, and Li Han doesn't need to ask, Qin Zixuan is the only one in his eyes.

Wherever Qin Zixuan went and Li Han followed, everyone had nothing to do about it, and finally compromised with rhetoric, and the people left behind were the three daughters, Feng Qingluan and Gongliangyan.

Li Han and Gu Yueru followed, Qin Zixuan seemed to put the burden of taking care of the children and the elderly on several women, and the Song family women took out the clothes they had made and gave them to Qin Zixuan, that's all they could do.

As for the use of force to help the husband, the girls of the Song family said that the concubines could not do it!
Three days later, a team of 50 people set off from Xinxiang Garden, not all of them were taken away, and they were asked to search for natural treasures and opportunities by themselves.

Qin Zixuan sat between Li Han and Gu Yueru, looked at the white clouds under his feet, laughed wildly, and then was choked by the strong wind, Li Han looked at Qin Zixuan and didn't know what he was laughing at.

"Master, what are you laughing at?" Li Han asked.

"I thought of those two aggrieved little faces of Huashan and Taishan, two bastards, they are a little too young to fight with me." Qin Zixuan shook his shoulders and smiled.

Li Han shook his head after hearing this. Huashan and Taishan calculated that they could follow them to the Death Forest, but they were kicked out of the team. There was no way to spend any more time, and they were clearly told to marry if they could not find a match in two months.

If the two boys don't believe these words, but they are for Changjiang, then they have to believe them. The only thing they can do now is to look for them quickly, so the two guys have to shake around to see if they can find a marriage.

On Daqin's side, Huang Shan often came into contact with Gong Linghua because of Ling Lan's affairs, and soon discovered that Gong Linghua's world can be described with a blank sheet of paper, which is too simple.

This made Huang Shan's heart fluctuate a bit. Women don't have to be too pretty, but they have to be kind and have no scheming. Gong Linghua is a beautiful and scheming girl. Compared with Xi Huan, she is really different from a phoenix.

Huang Shan was a little suspicious of his previous eyes, how could he like Xi Huan?Often ask Gong Linghua to come out for a walk, the old eunuch is very happy to see it, as long as the emperor can get out of his depression.

But I don't know, the price for Huangshan to get out of the depression is a bit high. Not everyone dare to accept the children of the Gong family, at least Qin Zixuan does not dare. If Qin Zixuan is in Daqin, he will definitely erect a wall between the two immediately.

It's a pity that Qin Zixuan entered the death forest, and Gong Linghua's understanding of her own life experience was not as deep as Gong Xu's. They didn't know what happened after they left the Gong family.

Every day after work in Huangshan, he would take Gong Linghua around to have a look around, and even sent someone to Qinglong City to pick up the Ling family, so that the two could recognize their relatives.

Although Ling Lan's death brought a lot of blows to the Ling family, they also sincerely liked and accepted Gong Linghua when they saw Gong Linghua. Gong Wei was also a filial man, and he was very obedient to the Ling family's parents. He was really the best candidate for a good son-in-law .

More and more smiles appeared on Huang Shan's face. At this time, Huang Shan didn't know that his smile would be broken by a letter.

(End of this chapter)

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