1675 Jump

Qin Zixuan and his party soon came to the death forest. In view of the special nature of the death forest, Dapeng stayed outside, and the group took the detoxification pill and walked in.

This is an area of ​​miasma, and the whistling wind sounds like a call from hell, making one's teeth chill.Li Han and Gu Yueru walked around Qin Zixuan, looking around from time to time.

Dahai said while walking: "This should be the first line of defense of the death forest. If only the miasma is not enough to form the death forest."

"You're right. Although this miasma is poisonous, it can be cured. I'm afraid there are powerful animals or humans in it." Qin Zixuan continued, looking around curiously with his eyes wide open.

Qin Zixuan has also participated in this kind of adventure activities several times, and he doesn't have much fear in his heart. He looks excited and finds everything new.

Li Han lowered his head and looked at his feet. To them, it was just a miasma, but to ordinary people, it was the deadly king of Hades. Just look at the corpses under his feet.

After walking for half an hour, they finally came out of the miasma zone. Qin Zixuan clenched his nose and lamented how powerful this miasma zone is. If there is no antidote pill, even a very strong expert will be trapped inside.

After passing the miasma area, the environment inside began to become more beautiful. There were mountains, water, flowers, and grass. The mountains and rivers complement each other, and the flowers and grass are overgrown. Occasionally, small animals poked their heads out of the flowers and plants, and quickly disappeared when they saw humans approaching.

For small animals, Qin Zixuan and his group are really terrifying existences. The best way to avoid being eaten is to hide so that these people can't find them.

It's a good thing Qin Zixuan isn't hungry, otherwise the poor little animal won't be able to escape, who would make Qin Zixuan a big eater?

Dahai's eyes fell on the ground, looking at the grass under his feet, picked up a few branches, found some bones, looked at Dahai for a while and said, "There was a big war here a month ago."

"Can you see it too?" Qin Zixuan leaned over, Dahai smiled slightly, and began to tell Qin Zixuan the inside story, it was indeed obvious.

Qin Zixuan grinned when he heard this, and felt that the eldest son was a bit perverted. He had nothing to do with studying bones, and he was not a detective, let alone a forensic doctor. It is really biased to study this kind of knowledge.

Dahai didn't know Qin Zixuan's thoughts, and was still showing off his talent to everyone. Following Dahai's explanation, someone found bones from the grass, and then studied the shape, color and other cold knowledge of bones like a pervert.

Dinosaur ignored this and walked around, trying to see if those people were all killed in battle or where they were fleeing to, but found nothing in the end.

Qin Zixuan didn't care about these perverted guys, he came to the dinosaur and said, "Brother, do you see anything?"

"No, I don't know who is fighting. Could it be those who entered the death forest fighting among themselves?" Qin Zixuan thought it was possible.

Infighting is the nature of human beings. In the struggle against nature, people fight among themselves. When fighting against wild animals, people fight among themselves. When fighting against hostile forces, human beings are still fighting among themselves.

However, human beings who are living in internal struggle at this moment have defeated their opponents time and time again, becoming the overlord of the natural world and a group of high IQs. I have to admit that this is also a skill.

The two guys stood together and talked poorly, belittled human beings like a middle-aged youth, then sighed, and finally concluded that human beings are the most intelligent and greatest animals in the world.

Li Han stood by and listened to the two talking poorly, four black lines slid across their foreheads, the mouths of these two people are really too poisonous.

When Dahai and the others finished their investigation and made a conclusion, it was that someone had died here. Well, this summary has nothing to do with the investigation, and it was obvious from the beginning that someone had died.

After summing up, Dahai asked Qin Zixuan where he was going. Qin Zixuan looked up, down, left, and right in the south, east, west, northwest, and finally chose finger-playing, or left-handed finger-playing.

If the left hand wins, go left, if the right hand wins, go right, if the tie is tied, go up!

As soon as this rule came out, a group of people collectively lost their voices. It was really scary when King Cheng was wayward. At this time, Dapeng was not around, and they were very worried that the left and right hands would be tied.

Fortunately, Qin Zixuan punched with his left and right hands, wrapped the hammer in cloth, and his right hand won. So everyone followed Qin Zixuan and walked to the right, walking and walking. After walking for about eight miles, they found the corpse again.

Calculating that the time was about the same as the death time of the corpses found last time, Qin Zixuan didn't want to study those corpses, and concluded that they were a group of people!

Well, this conclusion is very strong. Although there is no technical support, it has been recognized by everyone. What King Cheng said is right, so let’s move on.

After another incense stick of time, a cliff appeared in front of them. Qin Zixuan looked at the bottomless cliff with his head, and looked at the people around him, smiling a bit awkwardly.

"Father, shall we go down?" Dahai asked.There is no way to the sky, but there is a door to the earth. The cliff is a fatal danger to ordinary people, but it is acceptable to them.

If there is a treasure down there, Dahai expressed that he would jump off the cliff to look for it. A pair of big eyes fixed on Qin Zixuan, as if as long as Qin Zixuan nodded and said "jump", Dahai would jump down.

Faced with his son's question, Qin Zixuan was a little confused. He didn't expect this place to be a cliff, so what should he do now?Do you want to jump off?Qin Zixuan said that he also wanted to know.

Li Han suggested from the side: "Master, you can guess the front and back, jump on the front, and don't jump on the tail."

Speaking of which, Li Han took out a copper coin and handed it to Qin Zixuan. Qin Zixuan took the copper coin and asked, "Is this okay?"

"What do you think?" Li Han asked back.

Qin Zixuan couldn't think of a better way, so he nodded immediately and said, "Okay."

Relying on his good luck, Qin Zixuan once again entrusted his fate to the heavens. He shook the copper plate in his hand a few times, then threw it into the air, and saw the copper plate fall from the sky, and then!
Hehe, everyone was stunned. Seeing Qin Zixuan speechless, Qin Zixuan threw it while standing on the edge of the cliff. The copper plate fell in front of everyone's eyes, and then fell straight to the cliff. What kind of face should this be?

Qin Zixuan was stunned, touched the back of his head and smiled a little silly, this, it seems that there was a mistake, he couldn't help asking: "Who saw the face when it fell?"

Everyone lost their voices, they were shocked by King Cheng's methods, they didn't see anything, they just wanted to ask King Cheng if he wanted to be so capricious?
"Why don't we go down?" Someone asked weakly, everyone looked at him, and the person lowered his head, he felt that he should play dead dog, the responsibility was too great to bear.

Qin Zixuan gritted his teeth, took out the parachute from the space, and went down as soon as he went down. Who would be afraid? When everyone saw the parachute's eyes light up, they made the same movement one after another.

Everyone is also curious about whether there is a treasure under the cliff. It seems that legends start from the cliff. Will they create a legend?
(End of this chapter)

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