Chapter 1680
Space stones are rare in Sacred Sky Territory, but there is a place where space stones are produced. If you are lucky, you can indeed find them. This news makes Dahai happy.

The few space stones found in the Holy Mother Lake have been used up, but the origin of the space stone has not been found, so the sea is helpless if you want space magic weapons.

Now that he heard that the space stone could be found, Dahai decided to go to the Holy Sky Territory to see how the environment was. If it was really good, then the forces of Chengwang Mansion would have to move in a batch.

These days, the Three Caves of the Cunning Rabbit, and the forces of their Chengwang Mansion can't just stay in one place foolishly. If there is a better environment, they will naturally occupy a piece of land.

Qin Zixuan rubbed his chin and smiled like an old fox. Obviously he and Dahai thought the same thing. Qin Zixuan also knew the trajectory of a family's development. Prosperity and decline are natural laws.

Besides, Shengtianyu is not all strong people, there are ordinary people too, but ordinary people in Shengtianyu do not live freely, they are just low-class pariahs, serving the strong, and they are private goods.

Ordinary people can live. It's normal for these powerful people to enter the holy sky domain. It's really normal. Qin Zixuan laughed for a while, and started planning how to break into the holy sky domain.

Mu Qingyi was intimidated by Qin Zixuan's smile, she felt that the person in front of her was really not a good person, and her smile was too lewd.

Fortunately, Qin Zixuan was accompanied by two daughters-in-law, otherwise Mu Qingyi would have suspected that Qin Zixuan had bad intentions for her, and Mu Qingyi had to say that she was thinking too much.

Although Qin Zixuan is not a very good person, but since he crossed over, he has never forced a woman to serve him. Even if he went to the brothel, he only went to the theater to drink and never stayed overnight.

Li Han made the bed, looked at Qin Zixuan and said, "Sir, the bed is ready."

"Well, here we come." Qin Zixuan cheerfully ran towards Li Han, and even waved his hands behind him, calling him good night.

Mu Qingyi's eyes flickered, she was very curious how Qin Zixuan cultivated to such a high level, he was obviously an extremely lazy guy, yet he became a strong one, so strange.

Looking across the campsite, Qin Zixuan was the only one who brought a bed with him when he went out. No, that's not a bed, it's a small room, exquisitely crafted, all made of fine iron.

If an ordinary bed is placed in the mountains, it may blow down, but this small iron house obviously cannot be blown down. It is heavy enough and has fixed equipment. I have to say that the design is very humane, and all safety measures have been thought of.

Qin Zixuan got in, and Li Han and Gu Yueru also got in. The goal of these two was to protect Qin Zixuan personally. The others were not surprised, they sat cross-legged on the ground and practiced breathing.

Soon the night sky became quiet, and Mu Qingyi also slowly closed her eyes, feeling uneasy. Mu Qingyi did not expect such a force to appear in the Yanhuang Continent. Isn't the inheritance of martial arts in the Yanhuang Continent broken?

How did a broken martial arts inheritance rise up?They don't even have a complete division of realms, so how did they cultivate to the present?Mu Qingyi couldn't figure it out.

However, thinking of the legend of the Yanhuang Continent, Mu Qingyi very much agrees with one sentence: Crazy people come out of the Yanhuang Continent!This lunatic does not refer to a real lunatic, but some talented practitioners.

These people will try their best to leave the Yanhuang Continent after they have cultivated to the extreme. They really have a lot of tricks.

The Martial Arts Society of Yanhuang Avenue is inseparable from the actions of those lunatics. The Eastern Continent was almost extinct because of the tossing of lunatics, and it took thousands of years to recover.

The same is true for the Southern Continent because of the lunatics!There are thousands of miles of uninhabited land in the extreme north, and only a part of the land can be inhabited by humans. You must know that the land in the extreme north had a large population and strong people like forests.

Mu Qingyi recalled the introductions about the Yanhuang Continent that she had read, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart. While admiring the extraordinary talents of those lunatics, she also lamented their destructive power.

There was an ancestor's motto in Shengtianyu, that is, if there are lunatics, they will be destroyed. I don't know if the group of people in front of me are lunatics, and she is not sure if they will go crazy.

If they go crazy one day, hoping to only toss in the Yanhuang Continent, if they dare to toss in the Sacred Sky Domain, then the powerhouses in the Sacred Sky Domain will definitely be surrounded.

Mu Qingyi really didn't want to see that day. She had a good impression of this group of people along the way. They talked humorously, they were friendly and friendly, and they always showed care.

I don't know how long she thought about it, Mu Qingyi fell into cultivation, and the night wind roared like a group of demons roaring. If Mu Qingyi was the only one in the past, she would never dare to practice.

Qin Zixuan lay on the bed hugging left and right, sleeping very sweetly, when the first ray of light shot into the valley, someone opened his eyes and stopped practicing, moved his body, and stood up from the ground.

The day's activities started, they had to prepare breakfast, and then they were on their way. Mu Qingyi stopped practicing and watched these people take out the ingredients to make breakfast, and really couldn't figure out why these people enjoyed life so much.

Qin Zixuan came out of the room and greeted everyone with a smile. He didn't bring a cook or Lin Xi with him on this trip, and he had to prepare the food by himself. Qin Zixuan was still a little uncomfortable.

Li Han's second daughter then came out, Li Han put away the small iron house, ran up to Qin Zixuan and sat down beside Qin Zixuan, and said with a smile, "Sir, help me trim my eyebrows."

"Sir, help me with my makeup." Gu Yue ran over with a salivating face, sat in front of Qin Zixuan, and sat with Li Han waiting for Qin Zixuan's service.

"All right, there's no problem." With a movement of Qin Zixuan's consciousness, a set of cosmetics appeared in front of him, which contained neat makeup tools. Qin Zixuan took out the eyebrow trimmer and began to do it.

Mu Qingyi stared in a daze, she couldn't believe what she saw, the majestic man would paint red and powder, is he the head of the family?Mu Qingyi began to doubt.

Qin Zixuan didn't know that someone doubted his identity, so he happily served his eldest daughter-in-law. The eldest daughter-in-law was good at everything, but she was too lazy and hadn't learned how to put on makeup yet.

Dahai and the dinosaur chat together, and they can go out after another day of walking. They don't know where the outside world is, and they have to prepare their troops to avoid being stunned by others when they show up.

After Qin Zixuan put on his makeup, Li Han and Gu Yue seemed to be different people. Qin Zixuan was very satisfied and praised that he had a pair of magical hands.

Li Han walked around in front of Qin Zixuan, laughed happily, patted Gu Yueru on the shoulder and said, "How is it, do you feel that I have found a good husband?"

"That's right, our husband-in-law is the best." Gu Yueru praised vigorously, and the two cheeky women praised Qin Zixuan for not betraying others, their voices were still very loud.

Bai Jing and the others had long been used to hearing it, so they just pretended they hadn't heard it, but Mu Qingyi's expression was dull, astonished!

(End of this chapter)

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