Chapter 1681

It was another day of rushing, and finally walked out of the cliff before dark. There was a small hill in front of him, and there was a group of buildings in the distance. Qin Zixuan was immediately happy when he saw the buildings.

The presence of buildings means that there are people living here, and it is easy to solve it if there are people. It is impossible to say that there is no living person in such a large forest. It is still worth being happy that things have been confirmed now.

Mu Qingyi looked at the building, her eyes sparkled, and she had a bold guess in her mind, could the cliff be a shortcut?A shortcut to the temple?

Is it unlucky or lucky? I was worried that I would be late, but now it seems that worrying is unnecessary. I just don’t know where the sacred order is?
Mu Qingyi really wanted to act alone, but when she thought of the Ming tribe, Mu Qingyi raised her leg and then gently lowered it. If she encounters the Ming tribe, she has no ability to protect herself.

Those Mingzu people are all powerful, and they have the hope of winning if they fight alone. The problem is that they don't fight alone, but when they see the intruders, they fight in groups, which is embarrassing.

"Where are you going?" Mu Qingyi asked.

Qin Zixuan was pruning a branch, of course he would throw the branch wherever he went, and he could go wherever the pointed end pointed, Qin Zixuan guided the way very freely.

"We haven't decided yet, where are you going?" Bai Jing answered from the side, with a smile in her eyes, but there was inquiry in her eyes. The little girl didn't tell the truth, that's for sure.

They met by chance, and it doesn't matter if others don't tell the truth, but it's impossible to inquire about them. If they don't rob the little girl, they will be merciful.

"I, I don't know yet, can I go with you for a while? If I meet my sect brothers, I will say goodbye to you." Mu Qingyi looked at Bai Jing sincerely.

Bai Jing didn't answer, but swept towards the sea, Haihai nodded slightly, she was just a little girl, she took it with her, she was really not afraid that Mu Qingyi would cause big waves.

Qin Zixuan finally threw up the branch, pointing the tip to the northeast, so the way forward was decided hastily, and everyone followed the instructions and left the hill.

They had only walked more than ten meters away when a rain of arrows hit them. Qin Zixuan stopped, looked forward, and picked his nose to size up the attacker.

"My god, it's so ugly." Although Qin Zixuan was mentally prepared, he still cried because of the other party's ugliness. All of them had long nostrils turned out, eyes but no brows, and a mouth that was three times the size of a normal person.

Li Han raised his hand to cover Qin Zixuan's eyes, and said in a low voice, "Sir, don't look, it will be bad if you are ugly and blind."

Well, everyone was speechless after saying these words, as if they could really blind people's eyes, Gu Yue stood guarding Qin Zixuan's other side with a sword, nodded in agreement, and persuaded Qin Zixuan not to look.

The dinosaur smiled and said, "It really looks like an alien."

These words reminded Qin Zixuan, not to mention that he looked alike, but did the alien know that he was ugly?If I knew it, I would definitely not go to the earth.

Dahai rushed over first, he lazily listened to his father joking with the dinosaur, the two got together and there was no shape, the dinosaur saw Dahai rushing out, and then followed.

Dinosaurs knew the importance of the sea. This baby is an all-rounder in their team, and he is responsible for wisdom and is the backbone, while Qin Zixuan is responsible for luck.

The Mingzu people guarding here obviously didn't expect someone to touch here, they fought in a hurry, and were soon wiped out by the joint efforts of the dinosaur and the sea, and then moved towards the direction indicated by Qin Zixuan.

Mu Qingyi looked back at the building, a little suspicious that it was the temple, but she didn't dare to go there alone.

"My lord, do we want to go and see that building?" Mu Qingyi followed Qin Zixuan's footsteps and asked.

"No, that's the territory of the Mingzu people. We didn't have enough manpower to deliver the food, so let's leave it to you holy sky domain powerhouses."

What Qin Zixuan said was straightforward, but it sounded a little strange to Mu Qingyi. What does it mean to hand it over to a strong man in the Holy Sky? Does this master really not know the holy decree?Why does it feel like he is plotting against the strong in the Holy Sky?

Dahai glanced at Mu Qingyi, then followed Qin Zixuan's footsteps, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, not asking doesn't mean they are fools, so many people came all at once and entered the death forest, they must have a plan.

I don't know what the picture is about, but those who are destined for Tiancaidibao know that with their father, a god-given darling, no matter what their goals are, they may still fall on the father's head in the end.

That being the case, why rush in, let's look for Dihuang Grass first, that is what they need now, a good treasure to improve their strength.

Seeing the team leave, Mu Qingyi didn't dare to stay, so she had to turn around step by step to keep up with the team, and at the same time, she felt bitter that she was not as strong as others and could not leave.

Not long after Qin Zixuan and the others left, reinforcements from the Ming clan arrived, and they screamed in anger when they saw the corpses of their clansmen. Some suggested that they should catch up and attack the enemy now, while others suggested to stick to it.

They have too many enemies now. If the target of the other party is not the temple, they can suspend the deal. The most important thing now is to guard the temple and the holy order. That is their goal.

The holy decree is their sacred object, and it must not fall into the hands of outsiders. The Mingzu people are aware of the importance of this matter, so they decided to send someone to guard here after discussing it.

Qin Zixuan walked for a while, looked back, and saw that there were no pursuers, he couldn't help feeling suspicious, were those people really so talkative?The clansmen who killed them did not retaliate.

Looking at Mu Qingyi who was walking step by step, Qin Zixuan asked, "Are those Ming people really strong?"

"It's not strong for demigods, but it's very strong for us." Mu Qingyi replied, looking at the sea and the dinosaurs, and added: "If we meet the demigods of the Nadir, we humans will will suffer a little."

"Oh, it means that their physical fitness and attack power are stronger than humans." Qin Zixuan continued, turning his eyes around a few times, and asked again: "Don't you have any strong demigods coming?"

"There should be, but they didn't go with us." Mu Qingyi's tone was uncertain. Seeing Qin Zixuan staring at her, she continued: "Under normal circumstances, it should be half-god versus half-god. deal with."

Qin Zixuan understood what he said, it was soldiers against soldiers and generals, but they must have never thought that there would be generals among the soldiers, and in wars, the art of war has always been changeable, so they can't stick to the old rules.

Qin Zixuan didn't have any pressure in his heart. Since the other party's demigod didn't show up, they should move on. They felt that there was something good waiting ahead.

After driving all night, a big mountain blocked the way before dawn. Qin Zi played a game of guessing with both hands, then pointed to the big mountain in front of him and said, "Turn over."

Mu Qingyi was stunned, it was the first time she discovered that people can be self-willed to such a height.

(End of this chapter)

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