Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1685 Sneak Attack

Chapter 1685 Sneak Attack
The death forest roared continuously, animals fled in all directions, frightened birds flew into the air, and the battle between demigods made this beautiful place full of holes, and at the same time brought death threats to the intruders.

The intruding teams were chased into dogs by the Hades. In the end, these teams were forced to come together. Although they were not from the same force, they had to unite.

"Master Cheng, since everyone is united, shouldn't we formulate a joint agreement? Choose someone to talk about it." Young Master Sun asked, exuding the aura of a strong man.

Young Master Cheng smiled slightly when he heard the words, and he also exuded the aura of a strong man. He said lightly: "I am the strongest under the demigod. I recommend myself for this matter. Do you have any opinions?"

"Hehe, you are the strongest under the demigod, isn't that an exaggeration?" Young Master Sun's face changed, and he took a deep breath, "If you are so arrogant, you won't be afraid that the wind will flash your tongue."

"My tongue is as powerful as a thousand averages. I haven't paid attention to this small wind." Young Master Cheng sneered, "I am the strongest under the demigod. There are eighteen gates in the Holy Tianyu, and I rank first in the Shengtianmen. Do you have any objections?"

Young master Cheng is not a general trustee, but has the capital to support the master, the first gate of the Shengtianmen in the Shengtianyu, there is no one, if you don't admit it, just wait for the fist of the Shengtianmen.

Young Master Sun's face changed again and again when he heard the words, and his heart was full of anger. As the young master of Yutianmen and the second child of ten thousand years, Young Master Sun felt aggrieved. The most hateful thing was that he really couldn't beat Young Master Cheng.

Otherwise, how could we let Young Master Cheng take the lead, instead of setting up a territory to fight, but Young Master Sun was not happy to admit defeat like this.

Young Master Sun's eyes scanned for a week, and the people who made eye contact with Young Master Sun lowered their heads one after another, apparently not wanting to get involved in this matter, anyway, they couldn't choose them anyway.

"Young master Sun, if you are not convinced, you can fight, or you can leave here with your people." Young master Cheng had a confident smile on his face. Strength is the foundation of self-confidence, and young master Cheng has the capital of self-confidence.

Young Master Sun's face was ugly, looking at the forces behind him, he regretted joining forces with Young Master Cheng, and he was afraid that he would lose part of the younger brother he had taken in before he left.

But if you don't leave, you will lose more. If you arrange him to be the main force to attack the temple, then your brothers' lives will be lost. No, we can't just join forces like this.

After figuring it out, Young Master Sun cupped his hands, took a step back, and shouted loudly: "Whoever is willing to follow me, stand behind me now."

The disciples of Yutianmen stood behind Young Master Sun without any accident, and apart from Yutianmen, none of the disciples from other forces followed, even the disciples who were with Young Master Sun before.

What made Young Master Sun vomit blood the most was that he saved the lives of some of those disciples, and there was no other way than that, Young Master Sun was disappointed for a while.

That's all, that's all!That being the case, let's take the Yutianmen disciples and leave. Young Master Sun clearly thought that it would be difficult to stay, and it would be equally difficult to leave, but at least the autonomy is in his own hands.

Young Master Sun is a person who can pick up and let go, and he turned around and left with the Yutianmen disciples. Young Master Cheng watched them leave with murderous intent in his eyes.

However, Young Master Cheng did not dare to kill the disciples of Yutianmen openly, because there are a lot of people here and there are demigods coming in from Yutianmen.

After Young Master Sun led the team to leave, he quickly retreated. As for why he retreated, it was of course for the sake of safety. Now that the Ming people are concentrated at various gates, it is safest to retreat.

The spies sent by Young Master Cheng came back to report the news. Young Master Cheng snorted angrily and scolded Young Master Sun for being shameless and wanting to enjoy his own profits.

If he wanted to sit on the sidelines and see if they had that fate, Young Master Cheng raised his lips slightly, and then organized the team to prepare for the pass.

Mingliu was patrolling around the pass, his calm expression disappeared, and he became serious and serious, with a long scar hanging on his face.

The atmosphere before the battle was unprecedentedly tense. At this time, a team from the Dharma Protector Hall quietly arrived in the pass. Unfortunately, Ming Liu was not notified. He was still patrolling around and arranging manpower.

Outside the gate, on a towering ancient tree, sat a man in black robe, with a mask on his face, holding a ghost knife in his hand, leaning against the tree pole with his back, his eyes fixed on the gate.

In the middle of the night, Young Master Cheng led people to rush through the pass, the two sides fought together, the casualties were heavy, and the blood flowed like a river, at this moment the man in black moved and killed Ming Liu with the ghost head knife.

Ming Liu was locked by the qi mechanism, and the roots of his hair were about to stand on end. At this critical moment, the guardian team appeared, and they greeted the black-robed man with weapons.

Um?The man in black was stunned for a second, obviously he didn't expect that there was a guardian team here, but the guardian team is not a demigod after all, even if they have the strength of a demigod together, they are still not afraid.

After figuring it out, the black-robed man's offensive didn't slow down, and he charged at the guardians. Both sides fought back and forth, and the second elder clenched the sword in his hand, with a sneer on his face.

The black-robed man in the fight purposely sold an opening, hoping to lure members of the guardian team to attack, and then took the opportunity to destroy the enemy. He never thought that this opening would be caught by the second elder.

The sword light flashed past, the man in black robe screamed and flew far away, a sword mark across his chest, the frightened man in black robe turned his head and ran away, but before he ran three steps, another attack appeared in front of him.

The second elder moved his footsteps, and then appeared behind the black-robed man, flanking the black-robed man with the guardian elder who was blocking the black-robed man from the front. It was a tragedy for the already injured black-robed man.

During the fight, Young Master Cheng knew that something was wrong after the black-robed man was injured, he shouted and withdrew, and was the first to turn his head and run for his life. This action was known in advance by the enemy, and if he continued to fight, he would be looking for death.

Ming Liu saw that he was willing to let it go, and led his subordinates to hunt down, and members of the guardian team also joined in the hunt. They were like a harvester, harvesting the lives of these intruders.

After chasing for ten miles, Ming Liu called to stop. This time he didn't make a desperate move, because he was worried that he would fall into the trick of diverting the tiger away from the mountain. Chasing and killing the enemy is not the most important thing, but holding the pass is the most important thing.

Qin Zixuan didn't know about the battle outside, so he had a good night's sleep, got up early the next morning to eat, and then prepared to leave.

The big pirate Xixi came to Qin Zixuan and asked, "Father, there are enemies following behind, do you want to destroy them?"

"No, let them follow. As long as they don't take the initiative to attack, we will just sit back and watch." Qin Zixuan replied, his eyes slanted in Mu Qingyi's direction when he replied, wondering what this kid was guarding against.

Dahai has no objection, and he doesn't have any deep hatred with the Ming clan anyway, as long as they don't take the initiative to provoke, it's okay to let them go. The father and son smiled at God, and they had exactly the same expression.

(End of this chapter)

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