Chapter 1686
The third elder followed behind Qin Zixuan's group, his brows were furrowed, he wanted to kill them, but the problem was that the opponent's team had more than one demigod, so the chances of winning were not great.

As a result, the third elder was in a hurry and couldn't think of any moves, so he could only silently follow behind and monitor. At the same time, the third elder was very disturbed in his heart.

The birth of the holy decree is not only attractive to the strong in the holy sky, but also to him. Although he is now the third elder of the holy temple, he can be regarded as a master, but if he can go further, who wants to stay where he is?
The Third Elder also wanted to grab the Holy Order, and also wanted to become the Holy Master. Now the Third Elder really hoped that Qin Zixuan would go back and grab the Holy Order. Although it would make him face a big battle, he still had a chance to get the Holy Order.

Qin Zixuan didn't know that the enemy behind him was thinking so much. He was looking around with a telescope. Suddenly, Qin Zixuan raised his eyebrows, pointed to the southeast and said:

"There's Dihuang Grass over there, let's go there."

Dahai and the others were delighted when they heard that they came in with Dihuang Grass as their goal. Since they found it, of course they would not miss it, so the team ran to the southeast.

Seeing their excitement, Mu Qingyi and the third elder thought that they had found a great treasure, but after a hard climb to the mountainside, their faces turned dark.

The Dihuang Grass is indeed very useful, but sincerity is nothing compared to the Holy Order. Mu Qingyi really couldn't believe her ears. These people came to the Death Forest for the Dihuang Grass.

Ouch I go!Three words slipped through Mu Qingyi's mind: Dude!
The third elder rubbed his eyes, suspecting that his eyes were dazzled, they were actually looking for Dihuangcao, and they looked like a treasure, where did this bumpkin come from, do you know what a treasure is?
Qin Zixuan took out the medicine hoe and started digging the Emperor Grass, and the others scattered around to look for it. The Emperor Grass is a good thing, the more the better.

Mu Qingyi saw that the Dihuang Grass didn't move. She didn't need this kind of herb, and it was useless to bring it back. At the same time, she wondered if Qin Zixuan and his party had seen any good ones.

It's not right to think so, they even know Feng Lingguo, as if they have seen the world, why do they pick Dihuang Grass?Mu Qingyi couldn't figure it out. She asked others, but naturally she couldn't hear the truth.

This hillside is not bad, Qin Zixuan and his team found dozens of Dihuang Grass, each of them grinned like fools, and finally all these Dihuang Grass were registered and handed over to Dahai.

Donghuang Taiye approached Qin Zixuan and said: "That little beauty is going crazy, I don't know what she is anxious about."

"I'm in a hurry to get married." Qin Zixuan replied with a heck of a word, Donghuang Taiye was moved by what he heard, and actually took it seriously, Qin Zixuan was drunk.

"My lord, she is so anxious, let me introduce her to Mount Tai." Donghuang Taiye had a matchmaker in his heart, and wanted to draw a red line.

Qin Zixuan looked at Mu Qingyi, he was really good at such a young age, and matched Taishan, but he didn't know if Mu Qingyi would take a fancy to Taishan, Qin Zixuan would regret not bringing him in.

Alas, I missed a marriage, and I don't know if those two boys are serious about looking for a wife, Qin Zixuan is a little worried, those two guys will not be single.

Qin Zixuan's worry was not superfluous, because Huashan Taishan didn't find a partner at all, and they were driving around, and the two guys just turned the Dongfeng truck into an off-road vehicle.

In the end, the big truck crashed into a rock, and then the front of the truck crashed, and it went on strike completely. The two guys hurriedly circled around the big truck. This thing was bought with money, and it is worthless if it is destroyed.

The most important thing is that this thing is limited, and if you have money, you can't buy it. The two brothers, Huashan and Taishan, are shirking each other's responsibilities.

After picking the Dihuang Grass, Qin Zixuan and his group continued to drive southeast without changing direction. Da Hai looked up at the sky above the Death Forest, and finally looked ahead, wondering what he was thinking.

"Eldest son, what are you thinking?" Qin Zixuan asked with a smile.

"The environment here is very strange. Some stones are red, some are black, and some are red. Do you know why?" Dahai asked.

"I don't know." Qin Zixuan replied very simply. He is not an encyclopedia, and he really doesn't know some things. If it is a single red stone or black stone, it can be explained, but it is difficult to explain it all mixed together.

Dahai did not continue this question, but continued to meditate, but Mu Qingyi gave a big answer after hearing this question.

"I heard that the Forest of Death used to be an ancient battlefield, and the people who participated in the battle were all great gods, and the red stones were stained with the blood of the gods." Mu Qingyi said.

"Sister, your fairy tales are not good enough. If it were my fairy tales, you would definitely want to listen to them." Qin Zixuan groaned strangely, but he didn't believe a single word.

Mu Qingyi haha, she has heard about this too, but there is no evidence, since people don't believe it, then she won't talk about it.

As soon as Li Han heard that Qin Zixuan was going to tell a fairy tale, he called to tell it to listen to, Gu Yueru decided not to rush, and sat there to listen to the story, Qin Zixuan looked at the sky, he felt like he was hungry.

So, Qin Zixuan took out the tables and chairs, put on food, poured wine, took a sip, then took out the gavel, slapped the table and started telling stories.

Others also sat down one after another, waiting quietly for King Cheng to tell a story. This wave of manipulation was too sloppy, and Mu Qingyi looked dumbfounded. Why don't you be so willful.

Qin Zixuan slapped the gavel and told the story of the battle between gods and demons. The completeness and splendor of the story was beyond Mu Qingyi's comparison, and everyone listened enthralled.

This story is too substitutive, a group of strong people wish they could turn into gods, represent justice, and kill the evil devil with a big knife.

They are all extremely powerful, they can split mountains with one hand, and step on stars with one foot. His sword is not a sword, but the shape of Qi. With one sword, hundreds of flowers fade, and the blood of the devil stains the earth red.

Even Mu Qingyi was fascinated by what she heard. It was the first time she heard such a wonderful story even though she was in the holy sky, a godlike place.

With the sound of a gavel, Qin Zixuan said slowly: "If you want to know what will happen next, let's listen to the next chapter to break it down."

Everyone looked up with piercing eyes, and really wanted to ask where is the conscience?Is it interesting to whet their appetites like this?Is this interesting!

"Okay, let's eat and drink, we should hurry." Qin Zixuan said with a smile, he didn't feel that it was immoral to tease people's appetite.

"My lord, why don't you talk again?" Donghuang Taiye asked tentatively, feeling that he hadn't finished spilling his blood, how could he spare half and keep the other half.

"Forget it, forget it, it's important to hurry, since we've come to the forest of death, of course we need to find more treasures, right?" Qin Zixuan smiled unscrupulously.

(End of this chapter)

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