Chapter 800

Gu Yueru nodded, and whispered to Qin Zixuan: "Our Gu Yue family has divine swords, and there are more than one. I didn't pay attention to the divine sword and Yingluo. I just looked at it casually and grabbed it if I could. Can't be pulled down."

Qin Zixuan stretched out his thumb, and he had another understanding of Gu Yue's family in his heart. There is more than one divine sword. He is really rich and powerful. No wonder he dared to send Gu Yueru to appear alone. He really has the confidence.

This time Qin Zixuan completely gave up on the search of Zhaojia Village. There is nothing to search here. When Li Han asked which of the five major families was the strongest, Gu Yueru gave Li Han an idiot look. Is there any need to ask?
Li Han kept his mouth shut, and really asked more questions. A family with more than one divine sword must not be weak, or else it would not be able to keep the divine sword. This is a world where the weak prey on the strong, and if there is no strength, nothing can be preserved.

Qin Zixuan rolled his eyes, and asked Gu Yueru where he could buy the elixir. He needed medicinal materials for cultivation, which was a bit expensive, and it seemed that he was short of elixir. Gu Yueru asked Qin Zixuan if he had any money?It is not difficult to get the elixir, but you need money.

Mentioning Qian Qin Zixuan laughed, he really is not short of money, he has a lot of gold tickets, he is a professional accountant who robs gold tickets, if Gu Yue heard Qin Zixuan's robbery of gold tickets, he couldn't help but stick out his thumb, in that kind of There are not many people who can stare at the golden ticket on occasion. This kind of character is good, and he is a person who can do great things.

"The Shangguan family stands behind Da Chu, will Da Chu start a war against Da Qin?" Li Han suddenly thought of this question, and asked out of his mouth.

"If there are no conflicts of interest, it shouldn't be. Even if they really attack Daqin, don't be afraid, just fight back." Gu Yueru clenched her fists, thinking of the years at the border, her blood boiled.

"Yes, if they dare to provoke them, they will fight back. I feel that Uncle Huang has a lot of ambitions. He should want to unify the three kingdoms and dominate the world." Qin Zixuan looked around, and whispered, Qin Zixuan has a lot of confidence in his intuition, This should not be wrong.

Want to build an empire?Gu Yueru glanced at Qin Zixuan, the idea was good, but there were not many things that could be achieved. Only the Fengtian Empire was able to build an empire in history, and there were so many dynasties in later generations that failed to do so. Instead, they played themselves to death because of years of fighting up.

They chatted and rushed back. When they arrived at Yujing City, the Zhaojia Village incident had been forgotten by them. As for whether the person who snatched the paper would really go to the North Pole, that was beyond their control. .

Digging a hole for someone, Qin Zixuan was in a good mood, and asked a few people to go to Chisa, Gu Yueru hadn't gone to Huajie yet, and immediately proposed to drink flower wine, Qin Zixuan had no objection, and they went to Chunfenglou again.

Seeing Qin Zixuan's unnatural smile, the old lady felt guilty. Qin Zixuan stabbed the guilty heart again when she saw the old lady's guilty heart. She patted the table and called the Smurfs.

In order to appease Qin Zixuan's anger, the old lady brought all her treasures into the room.It's up to Qin Zixuan to choose, and she only asks for one thing, that is, don't demolish her Chunfeng Building, and she doesn't know that Smurf's identity is suspicious.

I don't know if this is true or not, no one is going to pursue it, Qin Zixuan is a kind of person who is not afraid of being bitten if there are too many lice, every day he thinks that there are too many people plotting against him, so it doesn't matter if there are more.

Li Han has already grasped the whereabouts of the Smurfs, there is no need to be imposing in front of Gu Yueru, they are here to play, not to find fault.

Gu Yueru stared at the green, skinny and fat woman in front of her with wide eyes. This is the rhythm of being picky, she looks beautiful in all of them, and praised Qin Zixuan for being lucky. She can play with beauties every day, but she can't.

Qin Zixuan's black face is praised, who would hug a beautiful woman, these women just look at it, Qin Zixuan can't do the bed thing, he is afraid of getting sick, and there are no condoms in this era, if he gets those dirty diseases, who can he turn to to justify go.

Li Han happily looked at the rows of flower girls in front of him, and discussed with Qin Zixuan which one was beautiful, which one had a beautiful waist and thin legs, and which one had a sexy collarbone. It was so logical that Gu Yueru was dumbfounded listening to it.

Being able to let his wife make such a fuss, I'm afraid that in this world there will be only the King of Kings. Qin Zixuan held Li Han's shoulders and taught Li Han the skills of looking at beautiful women. He has two breasts, three buttocks and four legs, and knows better than Li Han many.

The old lady accompanied the humble smile and listened to the couple's nonsense. I really felt that King Cheng had a big heart, and I could discuss this with the general. It seemed that there were many discussions in normal times. Is this a husband and wife or a brother who drank flower wine together?

Qin Zixuan finally finished his research, pointing to the row of flower girls, you ordered five of them in one go, and the five of them immediately came up to serve Qin Zixuan with a smile on his face. one, hugging one, and standing behind him pinching his shoulders and beating his back.

Gu Yueru looked at the couple, rubbed her nose, looked a little guilty, followed suit and ordered two, the old lady immediately asked the girls to take good care of these uncles, and at the same time heaved a sigh of relief, it seems that this A few are not looking for faults.

Soon, the private room was singing and dancing, the Smurfs were gone and the purple elves were coming. The most indispensable thing in the brothel was beauties. Several people were listening to ditties and drinking wine.

It's just that the news spread to some people's ears, and it didn't look so good. The emperor was so angry that he slapped the table after receiving King Cheng brought Gu Yueru into the brothel. This bastard really didn't dare to do anything, he was a living ancestor ah.

Concubine Cheng also received the news, Hai Hai stomped her feet angrily at the side, and neither took him, nor took him. A burst of thoughts in her mouth made Concubine Cheng anxious to get angry, this child is only as old as he is right The brothel is always obsessed with, and I will get it when I grow up.

If it wasn't for Gu Yueru's special status, Concubine Cheng really wanted to send someone to bring them back. Can these careless guys go to the brothel casually?
Qin Zixuan didn't know this, he toasted frequently, and when he got drunk, he would slap the table and sing a song. Qin Zixuan's song was different from the one here, it was a popular song, with a bright rhythm and clear words, with a special artistic conception.

Gu Yue held a cup and praised Cheng Wang Youcai, she was so amazing, she came as soon as she opened her mouth, there was a tune, it was very pleasant to hear.Qin Zixuan was used to being praised by others, so he accepted the compliment with the cheek to continue drinking, the flower girl who served him raised her eyebrows frequently, and secretly memorized the song of Prince Cheng, so that she could learn how to eat in the future.

They drank until midnight in the Chunfeng Building. Qin Zixuan, who was drinking, walked crookedly, pointed at the ground and yelled to stop, don't move, he wanted to walk over. Li Han supported Qin Zixuan and watched happily as the husband became drunk and the ground didn't move. More powerful, very fun.

Gu Yueru was holding a sword and yelling to hit Huiying Mountain, but no one knew where Huiying Mountain was.

(End of this chapter)

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