Second-hand little prince

Chapter 801 Engaged!

Chapter 801 Engaged!
When Qin Zixuan returned to the palace, he fell asleep and slept until noon the next day before waking up. After waking up, he felt a headache. Seeing Qin Zixuan waking up, Li Han hurried over to serve her. He placed a pen, ink, paper and inkstone where she left .

Look carefully, there are still small inks on the paper, and there is a book of female rings next to it. It is the masterpiece of Li Han who was punished. She came back too late yesterday. Concubine Cheng did not train her. She ate after practicing in the morning Breakfast, punishment delivered to your door.

As for her mother-in-law wanting to punish herself, Li Han expressed no objection. Anyway, the punishment has become a habit, that is, it is a matter of copying a copy of the wrist. Anyway, this kind of thing happens often, and she really wants to know about Li Han's thick skin. .

"Sir, do you have a headache?"

Li Han sat behind Qin Zixuan, moved his hands to Qin Zixuan's temples, and massaged gently. Qin Zixuan squinted his eyes and enjoyed it for a while, then cursed: "The wine in that shit Chunfenglou is too bad."

"Yes, yes, his wine is too bad. Let's bring our own wine in the future." Li Han immediately agreed, and did not say no, but brought his own. He heard the Song family next to him with black lines. Do you want to persuade the prince to be good?

"Father, I want to go to heaven." Dahai ran in from the outside and made an inhuman request as soon as he opened his mouth. Qin Zixuan gave Dahai a sideways look. He also wanted to go to heaven, and there was no ladder to climb.

"Father, is your hot air balloon ready?" Dahai jumped in front of Qin Zixuan, looked at his father who hadn't woken up, grabbed Qin Zixuan's arm and shook it, Dahai couldn't wait any longer, he even wanted to go to the sky to see it in his dreams.

"Well, okay, I don't know." Qin Zixuan finally understood the meaning of the sea. It turned out that he was riding a hot air balloon and going to the sky. This word is quite good, but it is unrealistic. The sky is too high to climb.

"It's very windy today, the hot air balloon can't take off." Li Han fired his gun at the side, rolling his eyes in a big way, why is it his turn to sit in a hot air balloon and see all the problems?When others sit, it is sunny and sunny, but it is his turn that there is either strong wind or heavy rain, and the sea can't help but roll its eyes to the sky.

"Then don't sit down." Qin Zixuan yawned and finally became fully awake. He stretched out his arms to change his clothes, and watched the women circling around him bursting into laughter. This is the life of a human being.

"Father, can't you make a stable hot air balloon? Don't be afraid of the wind or the rain, you can sit whenever you want." Dahai sat cross-legged opposite Qin Zixuan, with hope on his face.

"Yes, it may appear in the future." Qin Zixuan didn't say anything dead, if the plane appeared, then the ordinary light wind and rain would no longer be scary, and he could fly whenever he wanted.

"Then get it out quickly." Dahai blinked his eyes wide, wanting to take his father's head off to see what's inside, and play with it all.

"It's not that easy, wait patiently." Qin Zixuan yawned again, got up from the bed and began to wash, Bai Jing came in to report the situation in Yujing City, and told Qin Zixuan that many of the new faces in Yujing City had disappeared, and they probably went to the North Pole.

Qin Zixuan pursed his lips and laughed, and went to the North Pole to freeze them to death!Dahai rolled his eyes, and it was still his father's clever move, he would beat the enemy to death without a single soldier, the people who are against his father are so pitiful.

Lin Xi walked in with the post and saw that Bai Jing was there, she was a little timid, hesitated for a while and handed over the post, and said: "My lord, Master Wang sent a post, saying that he will visit the door in three days."

"Oh, what's the matter?" Qin Zixuan snorted and looked at Bai Jing, "Shouldn't the matchmaker come to propose marriage first? Lao Wang can't do things well, he can compete with Wang Rui."

"The official media came this morning. You didn't wake up. It was the concubine who received her and talked about Sister Bai's affairs." Seeing Bai Jing turn around and leave, Lin Xi became very courageous and told Qin Zixuan that the concubine had accepted the Wang family. Qin Zixuan stared at the begging, his mother was really anxious, shouldn't Joe be taken down in this matter?
Seeing Qin Zixuan's stare, Lin Xi snickered, guessing that the concubine was worried that the prince would play badly on him and ruin a good marriage, so she hurriedly agreed to stop the prince from playing with the Wang family.

"Okay, let's accept it. When will the betrothal gift be given?" Qin Zixuan picked up the cup and took a sip of water. Lin Xi's voice came from his ear. The three media and six betrothals have been completed, just this morning when the prince fell asleep. , well, Lin Xi admitted that Concubine Toffee was really in a hurry.

What?Qin Zixuan stared. Is your mother worried that Bai Jing won't be able to get married?It's fine for the matchmaker to come to the door and accept the dowry in such a hurry, so what's the matter with him?How to play?
"Sister, my mother-in-law said that Bai Jing is not young anymore, and children as old as her will run away. Time is tight and tasks are heavy, so everything should be kept simple." Li Han explained from the side.

"Tch, it's not too late for a woman to have a baby at thirty, why is the time tight and the task heavy?" Qin Zixuan looked dissatisfied and looked at Liu Yi.

Liu Yi snorted, she didn't know what the prince was thinking, she turned and left, not wanting to talk to the prince, Qin Zixuan touched his nose, with a smirk on his lips, and called to visit the prince in the afternoon.

Li Han nodded in agreement, let him go if he wants to make a fuss, the left and right people can't escape there, the Wang family's betrothal gift is almost ruined, and they still haven't acted, they deserve to be punished, Li Han has no sympathy for the other party.

"Father, let's go together." Dahai finally found a chance to show his presence, afraid that Qin Zixuan would leave him and run away alone, Qin Zixuan hooked his fingers, and Dahai sent a sweet kiss. Lunch.

In Green Willow Villa, Wang Rui sneezed several times in succession, staring at a little confused, not knowing who was plotting against him, looking at Wang Rui, who was smiling stupidly, chasing women together, Wang Rui's side He was hired, but he hadn't done anything yet, so he felt anxious for a while.

Wang Tiequan was playing chess with Wang Mingzheng, and he said that Wang Mingzheng was not authentic, and he ran to propose marriage without saying hello, it was too rude, they should make an appointment together.

Wang Ming was listening with a smile, and after a while he asked Wang Tiequan mysteriously if he wanted to ask for a favor.The marriage was settled smoothly, Wang Tiequan widened his eyes, of course he thought about it, otherwise would he stay in Yujing forever?

Alas, it's not that the son is not strong enough. He hasn't asked the girl to nod until now. If the girl doesn't nod, he doesn't dare to act. He is worried that he will do bad things with good intentions and block the road.

"Brother, don't blame me for not reminding you. If you want to propose a marriage smoothly, you must pour Cheng Wang down first. It is best to let him sleep for a day, and go directly to find the concubine. The concubine is easy to talk and will definitely succeed." Wang Mingzheng understood. , King Cheng is very playful, and Concubine Cheng is very reliable in her work.

Oh, Wang Tiequan pointed at Wang Mingzheng and scolded the old fox, no wonder he was so eager to make a move. It turned out that this idea was due to the luck of the Wang family.

(End of this chapter)

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