Second-hand little prince

Chapter 802 A touch of sadness

Chapter 802 A touch of sadness

Qin Zixuan took the sea to the Green Willow Villa, accompanied by Li Han and Gu Yueru, Bai Jing and Liu Yi didn't follow anyone, and couldn't drag him. Qin Zixuan felt sore when he saw it. The illusion that the wolf has taken it away.

Along the way, Qin Zixuan gritted his teeth and wanted to teach those surnamed Wang and Wang a lesson, they are not good things!Li Han sat next to her and laughed. This is not marrying a daughter. If the Song family gave birth to a daughter in the future, I don't know how the husband will toss the man, whether he will break his leg and throw him into the ravine.

Dahai grinned and happily joined in the fun, brushing his sense of presence from time to time, and told Qin Zixuan that in the future he would have ten or eight little beauties come back to serve his parents. Qin Zixuan's eyes widened when he heard this, and Li Han even praised his son Well done.

Gu Yue was eager to ask if she was there, why didn't she serve her godmother, Dahai immediately dogged her, then brought ten or eight young daughters-in-law back to be filial to her godmother, in this regard, Dahai is very generous.

Li Han thought of Xianggong's theory about mother-in-law's gods, and thinking about it, it seemed that it was true. He hoped that his husband would favor him alone, but he also hoped that Dahai would have peach blossoms in his backyard and have many children and grandchildren. It really was a god theory.

Hearing that King Cheng was coming, Wang Tiequan found Wang Mingzheng. The two of them figured out how to get King Cheng drunk with the wine of King Cheng. , this will be there.

Qin Zixuan didn't know that someone was plotting against him, so he brought the man to the Green Willow Villa aggressively. Wang Tiequan led his wife to meet him all the way, his old face smiling like a flower.

Wang Tiequan knew this truth very well when he stretched out his hand and didn't hit the smiling person. In addition, Wang Ming was stirring up the trouble next to him, and the atmosphere was harmonious. Qin Zixuan was embarrassed to punish Wang Rui, but thinking of his sister being abducted by others, it was another burst of injustice. .

Wang Tiequan was very good at coming, seeing Dahai presenting a meeting gift, he hugged Dahai and praised for a while, Qin Zixuan's whole body was unobstructed, there is no parent who doesn't like others to praise their children, and Qin Zixuan is not far away.

He praised the sea and praised Qin Zixuan, praised Qin Zixuan for being smart and knowledgeable, he could actually make people fly into the air, it's amazing, a god, Qin Zixuan was so flattered by the praise, he forgot what he was doing here.

Wang Tiequan raised his eyebrows, and told Yi to drink three hundred cups with Qin Zixuan, full of pride and courage, Qin Zixuan certainly did not show weakness, the room was full of excitement, Jia Yan and Fu Qing accompanied Li Han and Gu Yueru.

Knowing that Gu Yueru and Li Han are both masters, they didn't talk about women's affairs. Instead, they talked about stories in Jianghu, which family seeks revenge, which family gains power, who's kung fu is high and who's kung fu is low. It's something they're interested in.

Dahai came down from Qin Zixuan's arms, hooked Wang Rui and Wang Rui aside with his fingers, and took out the dice to bet with them. Their heads were sweating profusely, and they looked up into the room from time to time, hoping that someone would speak out to save them.

Because of the arrival of Qin Zixuan and his party, the Green Willow Villa became completely lively. Of course, the crowd in Dahai was even more lively. They shouted and swayed away from time to time. Gambling a few times, it is really hard to hold back, but it can be regarded as finding a small partner.

The Seventh Fairy stands behind Dahai and watches Dahai's gamble, while being proud, she secretly complains that Qin Zixuan can't teach children, and that he has played gambling at a young age, and he can still do it when he grows up.

During the dinner, Hai Hai got over his hand addiction, sat in Li Han's arms and called out to come back after all his money was gone, and he would have to drink three hundred cups at a time.Seeing his posture, he wanted to drink too. Li Han pinched Hai Hai's small mouth and poured a glass of Ya Ya, what's the matter.

Of course, Dahai will not admit that he pours himself a glass. He is still young, and when he grows older, he will definitely be able to drink [-] cups without getting drunk. Qin Zixuan does not comment on this. Can't help myself.

Gu Yue Rulai said that if you are drunk, you will become a habit. Just drink if you have nothing to do. You will get used to it if you get drunk a few times. Everyone was speechless when he said this. There is nowhere to pay for it.

Dahai yelled for a long time, but he didn't see a cup in front of him. It was not easy to steal a drink in Li Han's arms. Have a good drink too.

Fu Qing and Jia Yan accompanied Li Han and Gu Yueru, let them do whatever they want, anyway, the matchmaker has been invited, so it doesn't matter if they all drink and lie down, Qin Zixuan's family doesn't know what the two families are thinking, they think they are hospitable Woolen cloth.

The group drank until the third watch, and Qin Zixuan passed out as promised, but Li Han was still as powerful as a dragon, causing Fu Qing to look sideways. It's the first time in many years that I've met my opponent in chess, so I had a great time drinking.

Qin Zixuan's family didn't follow the palace, and stayed directly in the Green Willow Villa. It's really that these people are too drunk to walk.

In the early morning of the next day, Li Han woke up early and took Hai Hai to practice. Fu Qing also woke up. The three of them looked at each other and smiled, and each moved their bodies to practice. Afterwards, Fu Qing did a few tricks with Li Han to test each other's martial arts. , As for the Seven Fairies and the others, they were all drunk and hadn't woken up yet.

None of Qin Zixuan, Wang Tiequan and the others got up. Yesterday Wang Tiequan risked his life to accompany the gentleman for his son's life-long event, and Wang Mingzheng also accompanied him, just hoping that the younger generation's marriage would go smoothly. None of them got up this time.

Concubine Cheng received the matchmaker in the mansion early in the morning, and she accepted the dowry without thinking too much about it. As for getting married, it needs to be considered a good day. Concubine Cheng has only one son and no daughter, so she decided to send her two When a person is married as a daughter, it is natural to count the good days together.

The matchmaker finished the task and walked away with a smile, still holding the money from the master's family in her arms. High rollers are fine.

It wasn't until Qin Zixuan sobered up and returned to the palace that he found out that another girl was engaged. Qin Zixuan was hit hard, and he didn't toss until someone put him in. He sat on the chair and felt faintly sad.

Li Han didn't think too much about it. Bai Jing and Liu Yi followed her through life and death. Now that she has a good home, Li Han only has happiness and blessings. Yesterday, she chatted with Fu Qing and Jia Yan all afternoon. You can tell what kind of character you are. Refreshing, not those who have many rules, and will not restrain the temperament of the two.

The happiest thing for the family is the sea. This trip not only got rid of the hand addiction, but also made a small amount of money.

"Mr. Song, don't do these things yourself in the future. Just leave it to the servants. You have to take good care of the baby." Li Han's voice interrupted Qin Zixuan's sadness. Qin Zixuan looked at Mrs. Song, there was still an unborn child. The child couldn't help being happy again.

(End of this chapter)

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