Chapter 804
Hearing his son's sarcastic remarks, Qin Zixuan's nose turned out of anger. What does it mean that he is dishonest? Will anyone stop him if he wants to take a concubine?That's welcome with both hands and feet, okay?Need to go into debt?This bastard boy can't speak too much.

Hearing the sound of his father grinding his teeth, Dahai laughed even more happily. Qin Zixuan didn't attack his son, and prepared to rush up to kill a few enemies with his sword to vent his anger. It's so difficult ahead.

A series of graceful figures appeared in Qin Zixuan's sight. These figures fought with Li Han and Gu Yueru. It was really difficult to break through the blockade of the two and snatch Qin Zixuan away. They realized that they had underestimated the strength of Qin Zixuan's guards.

"Hey, beauty, why did you arrest me?" Qin Zixuan couldn't rush forward, and his mouth was not idle. He really wanted to know why these people arrested him, and asked himself that he didn't offend these women.

A long white silk rolled towards Qin Zixuan, Qin Zixuan raised his sword to cut off the flying cloth, but Wang Rui snatched him first, Qin Zixuan bared his teeth, and didn't give him a chance to show it, anyway, he is now practicing his internal energy Little master.

Bai Jing waved her hand and fired her bow and crossbow. The arrows rained down and shot the women who rushed up into a sieve. Anyone who dared to underestimate the strength of Qin Zixuan's guards would pay the price in blood.

A long howl sounded, and the women suddenly gave up the charge and quickly retreated into the forest. Qin Zixuan tilted his head to see, did they intend to retreat?Anyway, let me tell you, why did you want to capture him alive?

"Father, they want to snatch you back as a prisoner." Dahai answered Qin Zixuan's question for those people, causing a lot of snickers. Qin Zixuan lowered his head and bit Dahai, would he speak?

Li Han didn't chase after him, but wanted to interrogate the victim who was caught. Unexpectedly, the victim's head was crooked and his breath was wiped out, so he committed suicide!It was dead soldiers again, or a group of female dead soldiers, Li Han's brows were tightly furrowed, he didn't know where these people came from.

Gu Yueru looked back at Qin Zixuan and Dahai, and asked if he wanted to continue?Dahai shouted to continue, he finally came out and didn’t want to go, so he was not reconciled to going back to Dahai like this, if he could play for ten days and a half months, it would be better not to play.

Qin Zixuan also yelled to continue, the reason was the same as Hai Hai, both of them were afraid of being trapped in the mansion, and based on experience, Qin Zixuan knew that if someone assassinated him, his mother would trap him in the mansion and not allow him to go out!
Every time Qin Zixuan thought of this, Qin Zixuan felt a pain in his ass, why should he restrain himself when others assassinate him, this is adding injury to injury, no matter how Qin Zixuan reasoned, on this point, Concubine Cheng only accepted her own reasoning.

The corpses on the ground were moved to one side, and the large group of people continued to move forward and arrived at the lion's territory before dark. Just as Qin Zixuan guessed, the lions here do not live in groups, but only two.

Li Han and Gu Yueru had one head and one head, no one else had anything to do, they hunted lions and set up camp, set up a bonfire and started dinner, Qin Zixuan enjoyed as much as he could when he went out, and brought Du Kang with him on this trip, eating and drinking.

Dahai yelled to give him a sip, at least give him a taste, Qin Zixuan was so annoyed that he had to let Dahai take a sip, which satisfied Dahai for a long time, Qin Zixuan had a drink with a few people, looked up at the sky, and his poetry flourished .

Wen Chaogong's poetry was copied from him, enjoying the gazes from all around him, Qin Zixuan was in high spirits, and liked this world very much, Li Han took a dagger and sliced ​​the lion meat into thin pieces and sent it to Qin Zixuan's mouth, just watching Qin Zixuan eat the meat Can also laugh into flowers.

Under the same sky, a group of men in black were sitting together on the dark mountainside. Some were lowering their heads to treat their wounds, some were staring at the bonfire in the distance, and some were discussing important matters in low voices.

"Princess, the strength around Qin Zixuan is too strong, it's hard to find a breakthrough, and it's even more difficult to catch Qin Zixuan, we have to recruit." Lan Bing said in a low voice, with sadness on his face, grief for the dead sister.

"Oh, it's all my fault for being too careless. If only I had been an undercover agent in Chunfenglou, maybe I could have found a chance to secretly catch Qin Zixuan." The Smurf sighed and lowered his head.

"I don't blame you. Qin Zixuan is extremely vigilant. It is said that he is super sensitive to danger. As long as he shows a little bit of murderous intent, he can feel that we underestimated our opponent this time." Meng Ziqing cast his eyes into the distance. Frowning.

"Princess, the national teacher said that the king wins the world. Is this true? I don't think he has done much in Daqin." Lan Bing asked suddenly, obviously not so convinced by the national teacher's words, how could it be possible for a person? Linked to the world?

"The national teacher can't make a mistake. Qin Zixuan is indeed different from ordinary people. Don't mention such things in the future. It will be bad for you if it is heard by the national teacher." Meng Ziqing frowned even tighter. According to the investigation of Qin Zixuan, Meng Ziqing had already I felt that Qin Zixuan was different.

If Qin Zixuan can't be used by Yunmeng Kingdom, then Yunmeng will go to ruin. The national teacher will never talk nonsense like this, Qin Zixuan must be captured alive, even if he is tied, he must be tied to Yunmeng Kingdom's team.

Alas, but how to win Qin Zixuan?He is surrounded by masters all the time, even when he visits brothels, he brings his wife with him. This person is too careful, and it is really difficult to find a chance to use his mobile phone. This hunting out of the city is an opportunity. If you miss it, you don’t know when the next time will be.

As the night wind blew, these women in black leaned a little tighter. Some of them had already fallen asleep, and some were still staring at the campfire in the distance, or to be precise, at a certain tent next to the campfire.

Early the next morning, Qin Zixuan woke up to the singing of the birds, shook his head and took Dahai off his body, put on his shoes lightly, turned his head to meet Li Han's wide-eyed eyes, saw that Xianggong woke up, Li Han He stopped pretending to be asleep and got up.

Poor Dahai was thrown on the quilt by his parents and no one took care of him. The little guy was still sleeping with his butt curled up. He played too late yesterday and couldn’t wake up today. Qin Zixuan didn’t plan to wake Dahai up, so he let him sleep. Anyway, he didn’t need it today. Get up early to practice.

Qin Zixuan is very tolerant when it comes to practicing kung fu, not as strict as Li Han's requirements. Qin Zixuan feels that Dahai doesn't like to be tired every day, and he should be willing to be lazy when he has the opportunity. Qin Zixuan will cooperate with this kind of behavior.

It was a rare time to come out to play, and Li Han relaxed his requirements for the sea a little. As Qin Zixuan walked out of the tent, looking at the green mountains and green waters, enjoying the pleasure of the breeze caressing his face, the soldiers not far away had already started preparing breakfast.
Gu Yueru came out of the tent, rubbed her eyes and glanced behind Qin Zixuan, but didn't see the sea, so she shouted loudly, "Dahai, my son, get up soon."

Pfft, Qin Zixuan burst out laughing, praising Yuemeizi for being very human, this sound startled all the birds away.

(End of this chapter)

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