Chapter 805

This voice not only woke up the sea, but echoed to the mountainside in waves, and also woke up the sleeping man in black with his eyes closed. Meng Ziqing stood up from the ground, moved her body, and cast her eyes in Qin Zixuan's direction.

Bai Jing jumped down from the tree, came to Li Han and whispered in a low voice, Li Han's eyes turned towards Meng Ziqing's direction, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes, if he dared to snatch the young man, he was the enemy of life and death, this can be concluded without judgment .

Meng Ziqing was taken aback by Li Han's gaze. Knowing that the location of her group had been revealed, she led a group of subordinates away without saying a word, not daring to spy any more.

Dahai ran out on short legs, shouting that he wanted to kill the tiger, he wanted to eat tiger meat, saw Qin Zixuan standing there in a daze, and took Qin Zixuan to the woods, he had to liberate his nature in the morning, otherwise he would get sick.

Seeing this, Li Han quickly ran after him. After yesterday's attack, Li Han didn't dare to let the father and son out of his sight. Da Hai shouted that this was a man's business, so don't follow him. Li Han turned a deaf ear to it. , Where is the matter of men.

Dahai had no choice but to let Qin Zixuan block him, he had to release the water, Qin Zixuan shouted to compare with Dahai who could shoot farther, Dahai was good at showing his height, and directly gave up this tempting proposal.

"Son, you're not stupid." Qin Zixuan shook his head, put away the tools for doing bad things, Haihai followed suit, calling Dad the most stupid, but stupid is cute, Qin Zixuan laughed, telling Li Han to hurry up Liberation, he let the wind go.

Dahai's little face was slightly hot, his parents really didn't mean to shy away from him at all, which made Dahai very embarrassed, alas, it seems that there is no such thing as male and female defense here, or did they not treat him as a man?Dahai thought about this question silently.

"Next, let's go kill a deer." After breakfast, Li Han suggested to kill a deer, because venison is nutritious and can be used as a supplement for the husband. a location.

Qin Zixuan agreed, and the group got on the horses. Qin Zixuan took out his bow and prepared to shoot a few arrows. When he came out to hunt, he couldn't just watch and do nothing. He could still bully a deer when he met a deer.

Dahai was still sitting in Qin Zixuan's arms, and he also had a small bow in his hand. Qin Zixuan often laughed at this small bow.

"Sir, that group of people has left, and I think they will come to you later." Li Han received the letter and knew that the mysterious man in black who was monitoring his group had left.

"Come as soon as you come, anyway, I'm almost used to it, and I don't know where I got into trouble." Qin Zixuan was very wronged when he said this. He has always been kind to others, never fighting for power or profit, and those people always come to him because of Mao.

Li Han patted Qin Zixuan, feeling a little distressed for his husband. Being in the royal family, even the humble Chengwang Mansion would be targeted by others. For safety, Li Han felt that the children of Chengwang Mansion, regardless of gender, should practice martial arts, so as to protect themselves Ability.

"I saw the little deer." As the horse started to gallop, Da Hai pointed to the front and shouted. Qin Zixuan also regained his energy, and rushed out of the team with his horse. Li Han followed closely, and the strings in his heart tensed.

Behind Qin Zixuan were the howling guards. Qin Zixuan finally saw the hunting in this era, which was a toy for high-status people. Behind him was a group of booing, helping them escort and joining in the fun.

These personal guards didn't shoot, but they shouted extremely loudly. Qin Zixuan was so excited when he shouted, he put up his bow and shot at the deer, and the little bow and arrow from the sea shot at Qin Zixuan at the same time. Then Qin Zixuan was tragic, he found himself being compared to his son down.

"Do you want to be so accurate? If you continue like this, you will have no friends." Qin Zixuan screamed strangely on the horse, Dahai listened cheerfully, and continued to shoot arrows.Not to be outdone, Qin Zixuan shot another arrow, and the long arrow pierced the sky and fell into the grass, making Dahai's laughter even louder.

Li Han picked up the longbow and glanced at the sea. This brat was uneducated. Seeing that the gentleman shot another arrow, Li Han's arrow shot out afterward. It quickly caught up with Qin Zixuan's arrow, and saw that Li Han's arrow was fierce. It hit Qin Zixuan's arrow, and then the sharp arrow changed and shot at the neck of a deer.

Wow, Qin Zixuan exclaimed and gave Li Han a thumbs up. This girl is very capable, and she can help him in this way. It's amazing. After being praised by my husband, Li Han burst into embarrassment.

Dahai pursed his mouth, this unreliable pair of parents continued to abuse his little single dog.Gu Yueru roared a good arrow technique, and shot out three consecutive arrows, hitting three deer respectively, and saw that this group of people showed their skills and tortured Qin Zixuan into scum every minute.

Oh, I'll go, Qin Zixuan sighed while riding on the horse, there is no way to deal with these people, everyone is a great master, not only good at swordsmanship, but also has a skill in riding and archery, I don't know how this group of people practiced it.

A group of more than a dozen deer were extinct in the hands of Qin Zixuan and his party. The soldiers cleaned the battlefield and dragged back the war prizes. Qin Zixuan was still holding the bow and arrow in his hand, and the roar of wolves came from afar.

Liu Yi looked through the binoculars, and saw a hundred wild wolves rushing towards this side, and behind the wolves there were still a few black-clothed figures flickering, Liu Yi suddenly became angry, and scolded the black-clothed people for being shameless, they are not poor Chasing and killing people, those people are endless.

Li Han took out the binoculars, gritted his teeth secretly, and decided to arrest this group of people after returning to the city. No matter what forces are behind them, kill them all, so as not to dangle disgusting people in front of their eyes.

Qin Zixuan sighed, and wrapped Dahai up again. Dahai poked his head out of Qin Zixuan's arms, and watched his father who was about to shoot an arrow burst out. He was not as good as his arrow skills, but actually wrapped him up. Is there such a thing? ?
"Looks like I can't have fun anymore." Qin Zixuan sighed, Li Han nodded, Hai Hai objected, if he couldn't have fun, he had to play, and if he couldn't go back to the city early, don't even think about it, he hasn't had enough.

While coaxing the sea, Qin Zixuan draws his bow and releases his arrows, regardless of whether he can hit the target or not, he shoots first, the personal soldiers protect Qin Zixuan again, and now Li Han's personal soldiers are just like Qin Zixuan's personal soldiers, the key Don't protect the general at all times, but protect the prince.

Li Han watched the wolves coming, without blinking, took out three arrows and put them on the bow, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, watching the shadows of the flying people swaying the arrows, he actually gave up on the wolves and shot directly at the enemy, Qin Zixuan looked He raised his eyebrows, estimated the distance, and wanted to shoot an arrow.

"Father, you're thinking too much, so save it." Da Hai shot again, either to trick Qin Zixuan or to make fun of him.

"Save it, save it." Qin Zixuan was quite obedient, put away the bow, and put the arrow back into the quiver.

(End of this chapter)

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